Alright, so back in march, my car payment was completed (6 months early, woot!). I moved in the same timeframe, as well, so new apartment, car in my name, life is good.
Except, it seems that according to Ford, the title was sent to the old apartment. The old landlord insists that it has not been received (according to them, the only mail received for us was a magazine). Ford insists that it was sent, and that I have to go to the landlord to get the title.
Where do I go from here? Ford's being difficult, and the landlord is either being honest, or just more of a dick like before. Who do I contact?
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Ditto. I had the same problem with my bank when the car was paid off, but I made them go get the duplicate. >.> Whatever's easiest really, it shouldn't be hard to get a duplicate title from the DMV.
ALSO! Make sure that you let your insurance company know that your vehicle is no longer being paid for. As in, you own it now. Otherwise, if something happens, and you need to make a claim, they could be difficult and end up sending the money to your lienholder to pay for damages. Then things get all sorts of messy.
Duplicate title FTW.