eh. silence is not much use when next turn they get it back off gul'dan
i've been running double hexes, double devolves and double earth shocks. still get rolled by the steadiness of the stream. it's such a turgid deck to try to beat and so rarely does it even place any meaningful pressure. it's basically a meta-defining concedelock
I was motoring along quite fine, having it cast Free from Amber every turn.
I drew my second copy of Mind Control and at the end of the turn it didn't cast any spell even though there were still two copies of Free from Amber in my deck.
I don't like it either and I haven't been playing much druid. It seems pretty terrible for everybody except a few classes.
I think the decks that are good are doing things that are so far over the power curve, that if you're trying to play fair decks or experiment, you get heavily punished.
The cheating on mana costs across multiple classes really hurts anyone trying to simply cast their cards.
At the same time, they've massively pushed the powerlevel of buffs and deathrattles, while weakening silence effects and counters. It's just not a metagame that I enjoy. You can't even run weapon destruction, which you desperately need, because all the weapons are so good that killing them doesn't even slow down the classes that use them. So you're forced into playing Spellbreaker since it's the best of the bad options.
Just on the whole metagame discussion, from my games today it definitely doesn't seem to suit me.
However that may just be the consequence of my lack of playtime since the expac hit due to the fact Destiny's DLC landed at more or less the same time.
Just having some voidlords slapped down in front of me feels really depressing because it severely limits what I can do, and there isn't any answer to that other than Polymorph/Hex due to the fact Gul'dan will just bring them back if you silence.
I had similar frustrations when Taunt Warrior was a thing. You needed to play super aggressive to get them down because if you played slow it'd be hard to get the lethal in because they'd be hero-power killing your minions when played as well as placing an impregnable wall of taunt in front of their face.
I may just have to join the dark side and give some of the more bullshit decks a go, but none of them are really what I want to play.
Big crafting session tomorrow though, I've calculated myself to be able to craft what I want while still having 2400 dust (plus another 3200 tied up in golden beast and anomalus) should any need for crafting to adapt to the meta arise.
Watching Asmo play Dragon Priest; the number of times he plays a dragon and then does 28+ damage next turn is kind of dumb. Reminds me a lot of Force+Roar. Maybe I should just do that.
Watching Asmo play Dragon Priest; the number of times he plays a dragon and then does 28+ damage next turn is kind of dumb. Reminds me a lot of Force+Roar. Maybe I should just do that.
I stopped approving of inner fire the literal second people realized it was a 'real' deck :P
Humongous Razorleaf was also a big boon in the same expac.
VariableMouth CongressStroke Me Lady FameRegistered Userregular
who was the streamer who only ever played priest? I can't remember his name and I'm not sure if he streams anymore, I'm never home at the time he used to stream
he spoke english with an accent, not sure where he was from. always had good music. always always played priest, I feel like he invented undertaker priest but I may be wrong.
This is my least favourite part of an expansion. The “yay new cards” factor has faded, but I don’t yet have enough to make all the decks that I want. Given another month or so I’ll be fine, but for now I’m just grumpy.
Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
BeastehTHAT WOULD NOTKILL DRACULARegistered Userregular
I'm just sticking with big priest on ladder right now since it tends to win games and I enjoy winning games
lwt1973King of ThievesSyndicationRegistered Userregular
Admirable went from Rank 3 to 1 by going 16-0 with:
Sticky 3/9 taunts are no bueno for druid.
Wow what a goosey thing to say. I'm not even playing Druid this expansion.
Pity for the class, dood. That post wasn't directed at you.
I don't like it either and I haven't been playing much druid. It seems pretty terrible for everybody except a few classes.
i've been running double hexes, double devolves and double earth shocks. still get rolled by the steadiness of the stream. it's such a turgid deck to try to beat and so rarely does it even place any meaningful pressure. it's basically a meta-defining concedelock
Only the silly Priests that weren't running Mind Blasts and Holy Fire!
perhaps the secret is that there is no good metagame
I was motoring along quite fine, having it cast Free from Amber every turn.
I drew my second copy of Mind Control and at the end of the turn it didn't cast any spell even though there were still two copies of Free from Amber in my deck.
What the fuck?
Am dumbass.
Yeah... it does. I'm probably too tired to be playing Hearthstone right now.
I think the decks that are good are doing things that are so far over the power curve, that if you're trying to play fair decks or experiment, you get heavily punished.
The cheating on mana costs across multiple classes really hurts anyone trying to simply cast their cards.
At the same time, they've massively pushed the powerlevel of buffs and deathrattles, while weakening silence effects and counters. It's just not a metagame that I enjoy. You can't even run weapon destruction, which you desperately need, because all the weapons are so good that killing them doesn't even slow down the classes that use them. So you're forced into playing Spellbreaker since it's the best of the bad options.
Sure, every metagame is it's own monster. Some metagames will appeal to certain players and not others. This metagame isn't my cup of tea.
aha i got it, warlock just needs to run jaraxxus again!!! then those darned priests won't have an answer for the army of 6/6s!!!!!! Tag: Dibby#1582
Spiteful summoner getting 8 and 10 mana minions on turn 6 is just not fun to play against, at all.
However that may just be the consequence of my lack of playtime since the expac hit due to the fact Destiny's DLC landed at more or less the same time.
Just having some voidlords slapped down in front of me feels really depressing because it severely limits what I can do, and there isn't any answer to that other than Polymorph/Hex due to the fact Gul'dan will just bring them back if you silence.
I had similar frustrations when Taunt Warrior was a thing. You needed to play super aggressive to get them down because if you played slow it'd be hard to get the lethal in because they'd be hero-power killing your minions when played as well as placing an impregnable wall of taunt in front of their face.
I may just have to join the dark side and give some of the more bullshit decks a go, but none of them are really what I want to play.
Big crafting session tomorrow though, I've calculated myself to be able to craft what I want while still having 2400 dust (plus another 3200 tied up in golden beast and anomalus) should any need for crafting to adapt to the meta arise.
Added an ooze to my deck.
I've destroyed a skull on curve, paladin dk lifesteal weapon, etc.
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Play Big Spell Mage. You can generally wreck them
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
*frantically feeds more money into the slot machine*
I stopped approving of inner fire the literal second people realized it was a 'real' deck :P
Humongous Razorleaf was also a big boon in the same expac.
he spoke english with an accent, not sure where he was from. always had good music. always always played priest, I feel like he invented undertaker priest but I may be wrong.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
That went out of the window a loooooong time ago. Like I think even before BRM was out.
no i mean hearthstone is bad
He still plays a lot, mostly arena, and other games.
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Yep, Anduin Priest with just Shadow Visions out and Psychic Scream in.
so many games he's won by just playing a giant then cubing + pacting/facelessing it over and over and doming for 8 each turn
Do you have a decklist?
I assume it cuts the lifedrain crystals, and maaaaybe the mistresses, one hellfire?
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