2 weeks until the Super Bowl and we get to see The Patriots... Again go against The Eagles, that nobody likes.
It's Elite QB Nick Foles vs Tom Brady
Let's take a look at how they got this far
Nick Foles was content collecting his paycheck while Carson Wentz shredded the league. When his knee died, Foles took the field and has performed admirably. They had a bye in the first round, then squeaked by the Falcons in the divisional round. They had a bye in the Conference round since their opponent, The Minnesota Vikings, couldn't make it to the stadium due to weather conditions.
The Patriots are the fucking Patriots. They won a bunch of regular season games then got to play the Titans in the divisional round. They actually lost to the Jaguars in the conference round but due to the refs not wanting to hurt Tom Brady's feelings they gave them the win anyway.
So that's brings us up to date.
The NFL is terrible and the Super Bowl will not be played this year.
Pitchers and Catchers report in a few weeks
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
On the other hand, I love big drunken celebrations and people's excitement here is legitimately infectious.
Gonna be an interesting two weeks.
Was listening to The Ringer GM Street podcast earlier today, and Michael Lombardi was saying that it seemed that the Jaguars just ran out of plays. Which, in retrospect, seems actually kinda correct. I had been wondering during the game where all the creativity on offense and defense went, and his explanation that the Jaguars put in new plays this week to deal with the Patriots, but then just didn't have time to put in enough made a lot of sense to me.
the risk isn't worth it.
Monster attack during the game
I'm two hours away and there is no way in fuck I'm going anywhere within an hour of Minneapolis that weekend.
But then again, I'm a grumpy old man, so take that opinion with a grain of salt.
I live 30 mins north of the city and I'm not traveling outside a couple minute radius. I'm not interested in dealing with whatever massive crowd/traffic/etc.. that will be everywhere around downtown that weekend.
Like honestly, I think the only way I'd be able to want to go to one of these things is to have to full all out, have a car with a driver so I don't care how long it takes, drop off at stadium, picked up at stadium, etc... Having to actually think or plan any part of getting to the game on top of paying the insane prices would be too much.
I 100% trust the outcome of this investigation. The NFL would not ever cover up something related to brain injury, no sir.
Turns out the entire thing was just viral advertising for Pacific Rim 2.
I do not get the joke here.
I'm guessing super bowl-cuts.
But I'm not a huge follower of the sports ball games, so I could be wrong.
Oh durr.
Those things are not funny but they are unintentionally funny. Sometimes they are literally ramblings of an insane person
Like what the hell even is this
maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
I want to get off Mr. Bones's Wild Ride.
Despite my exhaustion with NE, I absolutely love Belichick. I think he's the reason I can't bring myself to hate the Patriots.
If Patricia is, at worst, just Beli-lite, I will be happy.
Just saying.
“The decision was mutually agreeable, and not only do I not have a problem with it, I am actually happy about it,” he told THE DAILY via email. “I have long had ambivalent feelings about football, so at this point, it’s better to leave the hosting to those who are more enthusiastic about it.” [...]
Costas: “I have been making the same points for several years, often on NBC. In halftime commentaries, interviews with Roger Goodell and other prominent NFL figures, appearances on CNN and elsewhere, I have addressed the issue of football and its undeniable connection to brain trauma many times. Why? Because the evidence is overwhelming and the effects are often devastating. It’s the elephant in the stadium at every game whether others choose to acknowledge it or not. And it’s not going away. So the idea that I am only now finding my voice on this, or that NBC was taken aback by what I said at Maryland is just wrong. It’s all simple and straightforward.”
Don't worry, with just a little more time, I'm sure Tom's snake oil salesman can find something to fix him.
3DS Code: 5043-2172-1361
Xbone Tag: Salal al Din
I mean that's what he's doing
The only thing the XFL can do now is fail even harder than before.
It's going to be xtreme seeing people forced to stand for the anthem
so maybe the XFL can fix a lot of things
who knows
What the hell
maybe i'm streaming terrible dj right now if i am its here
The XFL as NFL's (even unofficial) AAA farm league makes a lot of sense