I'm looking for some PS4 game recommendations that a bunch of friends can play together online -- something that AT LEAST FOUR people can play (if it supports even more than four, great!). We range in age from 28 - 48. The genre isn't that important, but we all like fantasy (no sports). Something that we can all hop on, and either blow stuff up, or complete quests together, etc. Open to persistent/non-persistent worlds. I think co-op would be better for us than versus, but open to suggestions. And voice chat is preferred.
Sorry for all the details, but do any existing OR upcoming titles jump out as something we should look into?
Monster Hunter World for serious business playing a harder game together and something that's relatively recent.
7 Days to Die if you want something you can sink a bunch of hours into that feels like Minecraft but more serious.
Rocketleague for lighthearted competitive fun where 4 of you can play against others.
Player Unknown Battlegrounds for 4 of you playing serious business pvp against others.
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It's about blowing shit up (or taking it from those other factions) and it has scalability. If you want to have fun as a 4 man team? Great, there is stuff to do. If you want to have fun as a 24 man team? Form a platoon and roll out.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
For my 2 cents:
PUBG is not available on PS4, but Fortnite Battle Royale is and is also F2P.
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