"Here we may reign secure,
and in my choyce.
To reign is worth ambition
though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell,
than serve in Heav'n"
-John Milton,
Paradise Lost
Long ago did our Lord, Mourned for and Departed Lucifer, take us with him into the Inferno, the fiery pit which the Tyrant of Heaven had consigned us for daring to dream beyond ourselves. For many Millenia, we followed the Prince on the Throne, carrying out his will and currying his favor. But now, our lamented Lord has left the throne of Hell empty and cold. Where he is gone, we are not sworn to say. But surely some creature must rule Hell. The strongest among us converge on Pandemonium, where the Infernal Conclave gathers anew...
Tis Better to Rule in Hellhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGMibtThdmA&list=PLrjy4sg28F_Ts4TQoSzxt-BJghZMKAZ8f&index=8What the Hell is this?
The answer is in the question, good master. This is Hell, and you wish to ascend to the throne. However, you will have to vie with the other Great Houses to do so. Fear not, surely you are the most cunning and wicked to tread the plains.
That explains the heat. Other Great Houses? How am I supposed to rule Hell?
All in good time master, I suggest you consult the Pseudomonarchia Demonum for any questions regarding the bylaws and fine print of the Infernal Conclave. Suffice to say there are 6 Great Houses, including yours master. Each has a cabal of 4 demons at it's head, guiding the house towards rulership of the Inferno.
So I have a team I'm working with? Can't only one person er... demon rule from a throne?
That is....a point of contention. However, I'm sure the other demons will be happy to assist you should they get a share of the vast power you all seek.
And if they aren't?
I find a century or two in the Abyss works wonders for recalcitrant advisors.
Eh, beats Politics on Earth. Where do I sign up?
Oh dear me master, just being down here is enough. However, if you were to sign in
Blood that would formalize things rather nicely....
No, seriously, what is this?
Tis Better To Rule In Hell is a Megagame designed for 24 players based heavily on the strategy game "Solium Infernum" by Cryptic Comet. Knowledge of this game is not required to play, in fact, several elements have been changed from the source material if you're familiar with it.
Am I alone, or is this a team game?
This is a team game, with 6 teams of 4. I will warn those sensitive to such things that there are opportunities and inducements for betrayal in this game, so if that isn't your bag, you have been warned.
What are the rules?
The next couple posts will be devoted to the more in depth explanation of the rules. There will be a lot to take in. You won't be expected to know every detail off the bat. So long as you know what your role does in the game, you'll do just fine.
How long do turns last?
Turns will last for about 22 hours, ending at 8PM PST and allowing a couple hours for results to be tabulated and dispersed. This game will last for 24 turns (Meaning play should last about a month, including extra days on the weekend, give or take a couple days)
This seems like a lot of work. Can you handle it?
If I have to, yes. Otherwise, if you want to get down and dirty and get a bit of GM's experience under your belt, PM me, I'd be happy for the assistance. The House of Departed Lucifer is always open.
This game seems broken. The numbers on this Legion suck. My Perk is underpowered. Why is that?
I'm going to apologize in advance, this is an alpha version of this game. You're guinea pigs. Once more if that's not your cup of tea, totally get it. If something doesn't work, let me know because I would love feedback to rework the game into something that is more enjoyable for everyone to play. If you like something, also let me know so that I can know what works as well.
Without further ado, let's get started
The Contenders
The House of Wrath
Rainfall Archdemon
Jdarksun Vizier
Munkus Beaver Champion
Infidel Emissary
The House of Envy
Auralynx Archdemon
WeedLordVegeta Vizier
AustinP007 Champion
Assuran Emissary
The House of Greed
discrider Archdemon
Baidol Vizier
I Needed A Gnome To Post Champion
Virgil_Leads_You Emissary
The House of Gluttony
Gizzy Archdemon
Zombie Hero Vizier
JayKaos Champion
Allannon Kisigar Emissary
The House of Lust
Dongs Galore Archdemon
Perrsun Vizier
Kwoaru Champion
Moridin889 Emissary
The House of Sloth]
Bucketman Archdemon
38thDoe Vizier
Phyphor Champion
Rend Emissary
The House of Departed Lucifer
Kristmas Kthulhu
Albino Bunny
"Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
Hail Hydra
Welcome to the Inferno. Lucifer the Morningstar has abdicated the Throne of Hell. Now, it is your time to rule.
In the Infernal Conclave, Prestige is the key to victory. The House with the most Prestige will win the game and their Archdemon shall be the new ruler of Hell. There are 2 other paths to victory in the unsanctified halls of power.
1. Capture Pandemonium and hold it for 3 turns. Per the Rites of Conquest, if a House can hold the Capital City of Hell, then they are the rightful rulers. However, merely attacking the Unholy City is grounds for Excommunication from the Conclave (Excommunication will be explained later, but is general considered a bad thing)
2. By supporting another Archdemon’s rise to power, Kingmakers or Powers Behind Throne have a chance to rule through their puppets.
(Kingmaker and Power Behind the Throne are Perks explained further in the Rank Perk Tree)
Prestige is earned in several different ways, the main ones are:
Conquering Places of Power
Besting enemy Legions on the field of battle
Controlling Cantons (Hexes) of territory at the end of the game
Winning Vendettas and Blood Feuds
Completing your House Objective
There are several other ways to gain Prestige. When in doubt, most successful actions will say you get Prestige for doing it.
II. The Greater Houses of Hell and Their Objectives
Mammon - The House of Greed: Hold 50 Tribute/Resource Cards at game's end. (+10 for each multiple of 50)
Asmodeus - The House of Lust: Control the Temple of Lust or Garden of Infernal Delights at game's end. (Bonus if both are controlled) (+10 for holding both)
Leviathan - The House of Envy: Steal one Artifact, Steal one Relic, and steal 35 tribute cards by game's end. (Bonus points if you can bribe another house into taking a desired action +5 prestige for each round you can do this)
Beelzebub - The House of Gluttony: Consume 35 Souls by game's end. (Consuming Souls is a special action only available to the Archdemon of Beelzebub)
Satan - The House of Wrath: Wipe out another house's stronghold in Blood Feud (+10 for each additional house wiped out)
Belphegor - The House of Sloth: Make no diplomatic demands (Only 20 Prestige for doing this successfully)
There was a 7th House, Lucifer - The House of Pride, but with the Morningstar’s departure they have become the lesser House of Departed Lucifer, and they are the administrators of the Infernal Conclave. Any rumors of Lucifer’s former retainers seeking refuge with other houses is to be ignored. (Anytime the House of Departed Lucifer is referred to, this is speaking of the GM Team. Please ask them if
you have any questions about the game)
III. Roles and Their Responsibilities.
1. The Archdemon - The Head of the House, generally inheritor or holder of the house name. To this demon fall the tasks of collecting and divvying up tribute from their conquered vassals, purchasing tools from the Infernal Bazaar, and rooting out traitors in the ranks. The Archdemon must perform the following actions during their turn:
Draw an Event (Only if Regent for the turn): Draw an Event card from the deck. These may redeemed by the Emissary in the Infernal Conclave
Choose a Perk: Choose a perk from one of the several paths provided. (Perks will be elaborated on at the end of the rulebook)
Collect and Distribute Resources: At the start of the turn, the Archdemon may give resources collected at the end of last turn to their subordinates. (The Four Resources of Hell are Souls, Ichor, Darkness, and Hellfire)
The Archdemon may also take up to 2 of the following actions each turn:
Demand Tribute: Select 1 canton you control on the map. That canton produces double it’s usual amount of resources this turn.
Make a Bid in the Bazaar: Place a bid on a Legion, Artifact, or Relic in the Infernal Bazaar. (Bidding will be explained further in the Infernal Bazaar Section)
Root Out Traitors: In spite of your best efforts, those that seek to supplant you lurk among your inner circle. Spend 10 of each resource (Costs 1 of each less for each perk you have) to command a subordinate tell you their true loyalty. If you reveal the traitor, they may not attempt to supplant you and you gain ¼ of your house’s current Prestige. This action may only be performed once per turn.
2. The Vizier - Often the advisor least likely to stab the Archdemon in the back competently, Viziers are entrusted with the casting of dark rituals, proper care and feeding of artifacts and relics, and plumbing the secrets of occupied places of power. The Vizier may perform 2 of the following actions during a turn:
Cast Ritual: After being granted resources by the Archdemon, you may spend your resources to cast 1 ritual known (Based on Perks and Items possessed by your house. Rituals will be explained in more detail in their own section)
Curate Artifacts/Relics: You assign 1 Artifact or Relic to a Legion, Place of Power, or the house Vault.
Unlock Potential: All Places of Power have a hidden potential which can be unlocked. Some can be used only once, so be careful of what you decide to unleash. Additionally, if the Place of Power is lost, so too is any effort put towards unlocking the potential. This action may only be performed once per turn..
3. The Champion - The Champion is a terrible creature, most at home with slaughtering enemies on the field of battle. They command the Legions under the House’s banner, Settle Vendettas of Single Combat, and can venture forth to join the Legions in Battle. The Champion may perform 2 of the following actions during a turn:
March Legion: Choose a legion. Advance it up to its movement speed through any adjacent legal cantons. (Legal cantons are cantons your house controls, unoccupied cantons, or cantons of houses you are in Vendetta or Blood Feud with. Unless noted otherwise, Movement on all Legions is 2. A legion cannot march more than once a turn)
Participate in Single Combat: Travel to the Arena in Pandemonium and prove yourself against other Champions (Please see the section on Combat for more details on this action) This action may only be performed once a turn.
March With A Legion: With your direct leadership, legions become more effective in combat. When you use this action, choose a legion. Add your House's Martial skill to each of the Legion’s combat stats. The Champion is attached to the legion until the legion is no longer under the House's control or they use another march action.
The Training Grounds: A legion at rest will grow fat and lazy. But through application of the proper resources and the lash, you can better yourself and those under your command. This action can only be done once per turn. If used on a legion, the legion cannot move. Spend 6 of each resource and choose one of the following:
Add Offense
Add Defense
Add Infernal Might
Add HP
Training Legions (legions may only have 1 extra ability on them [They may never lose their starting ability])
Train Ability - Gain 1 Random Ability from the below table
Possible Abilities
Black Lightning (+1d3 Damage if Ranged is Inflicted)
Fierce (+1d3 Damage if Melee is Inflicted)
Flame Aura (+1d3 Damage if Infernal is Inflicted)
Mountain Walk
River Walk
Gain Your bodyguard Legion’s ability/Improve your Bodyguard Legion’s ability
Ranged Last
Melee Last
Melee Twice
Infernal Twice
Ranged Resist 3
Melee Resist 3
Train HP (Gain 1d3 HP permanently)
4. The Emissary - Though oft derided, Emissaries are important cogs in the political machines of Hell. They represent the House in the Infernal Conclave, in addition to being the primary contact with other houses. The Emissary may perform 2 of the following actions during a turn, though they are also encouraged to confer with other houses informally:
Play Events: Emissaries often bring news to Pandemonium. Pay the cost listed on the event card and give it to the House of Departed Lucifer. Also note any targets to them at that time.
Make Diplomatic Efforts: Choose a Diplomatic effort to make. Pay the cost. (In resources or prestige) and then announce your intentions on the floor of the Infernal Conclave. (Diplomatic Efforts will be explained in detail later)
Trade Resources: While normally it is amusing to see one’s opponents squirm, sometimes it’s best to give to receive. Choose this action along with another Emissary to trade resources freely amongst each other. Deals must be agreed upon by both houses and certified by the House of Departed Lucifer.
On the order of Actions - To determine who gets to do what first, the Infernal Conclave appoints a Regent for each turn. This archdemon’s house will be the first to act. Order proceeds as follows:
Archdemon Actions
Vizier Actions
Champion Actions
Emissary Actions
Actions then proceed to the next house, per the order determined at the start of the game. The 2nd player in the turn order becomes the Regent for the next round
Initial turn order for this game is thusly:
IV. Rituals
When casting the ritual, you may choose to use Ritual Masking by paying an extra Darkness for each level of the ritual being cast. You may then designate another house to be the “caster” of the ritual. The targeted house will test against yours, modified by any ritual masking purchased by the archdemon via Perks. If successful, the target house will be informed that your patsy is responsible. Costs are listed in(Souls/Ichor/Darkness/Hellfire)
0. Rank 0 Rituals (Unholy Cantrips. All can be targeted at friendly Legions or Places of Power, while some can be cast at enemies. Only 1 Friendly and 1 Enemy cantrip can be on a unit at a time. Cantrips last until the next time the Legion or Place enters combat, then disappears.)
+1 Ranged - 1/0/1/0
+1 Melee - 1/1/0/0
+1 Infernal - 1/0/0/1
Can cast in Feuds (Must Test against enemy Legion if cast on an enemy)
-1 Enemy Ranged - 1/0/1/0
-1 Enemy Melee - 1/1/0/0
-1 Enemy Infernal -1/0/0/1
+1d3 Ranged - 2/0/2/0
+1d3 Melee - 2/2/0/0
+1d3 Infernal - 2/0/0/2
Can Cast In Feuds (Must Test against enemy Legion if cast on an enemy)
-1d3 Enemy Ranged - 2/0/2/0
-1d3 Enemy Melee - 2/2/0/0
-1d3 Enemy Infernal - 2/0/0/2
1. Rank 1 Rituals
-Combat Deception (Cunning Level 1) - (Must be in Vendetta or Blood Feud to Use) Test against an Enemy Legion or Place of Power. If successful, decrease one of their combat stats by 1 for each level of Cunning your house has, +1 each point of difference you win the roll by. (1/2/0/1)
-Scrying (Intellect 1) - Test against an enemy House. If successful, Learn the contents of the enemy house’s vault. (1/0/3/0)
-Hellfire and Brimstone (Wickedness Skill 1) - (Must be in Vendetta or Blood Feud to Use) Test against an Enemy Legion or Place of Power. If they fail, inflict 1 damage on them for each level of Martial Skill your house has, +1 for each point of difference you win the roll by. (1/0/0/3)
2. Rank 2 Rituals
-Confusion in the Ranks (Cunning 2) - Test against 1 enemy Legion (+1 Legion for each additional level of Cunning) If successful, that enemy legion cannot move this turn. (2/1/2/0)
3. Rank 3 Rituals
-Pilfer, Coerce, Bribe (Cunning, Levels 3-5) - Designate an Artifact (3), Relic (4), or Non Bodyguard Legion (5). Test against the enemy House/Legion. If successful, you gain what you targeted. (3/0/0/3), (4/0/3/0), (5/3/0/0)
-Bonus Army (Cunning 3) - Creates Dummy Legion Pawns which mimic the stats of a random legion your control. May spend resources to upkeep. The pawns may be moved as free actions by the House champion. Number of Dummy pawns created is equal to Cunning/2. (3/3/0/0)
-Abjuration (Intellect 3) - Test against an enemy house you are in Vendetta or Blood Feud with. If successful, the enemy Champion cannot march with a legion or participate in single combat this round. (3/1/0/2)
4. Rank 4 Rituals
-Loot the Vaults (Cunning 4) - Test against an enemy house. If successful, steal 4 Resources (4/0/1/2)
False Orders (Wickedness 4) - Test against 1 Enemy Legion. If successful, you may control it’s movement for 1 turn (Your orders override the controlling house’s) (4/1/2/0)
-Corruption of Essence (Wickedness 4) - Test against an enemy house. If successful, they lose 1d6 resources from their vault. Any rituals they cast after this one on this turn fail. (4/0/2/1)
-Answer of Flesh (Must Possess the Phylactery of Putrid Essence. Casts at Level 4) - All legions you control are healed to full HP. (0/4/0/0)
-Dimensional Gate (Must Possess the Lament Configuration. Casts at Level 4) - Move 1 legion you control to any Canton it is legal for it to occupy on the map (1/1/1/1)
-Eruption of Tentacles (Must Possess the Alien God in a Bottle. Casts at Level 4) - Select a legion. Test against all other legions bordering the canton containing the legion. If successful, deal it’s melee in damage. (3/3/0/3)
5. Rank 5 Rituals
-Fiendish Bureaucracy (Wickedness 5) - You may assign ownership of an unoccupied Canton to an adjacent house. The canton may not have a legion or place of power on it. (5/0/2/3)
Demands - Demand something of another house. Depending on rank, this can be resources, or even places of power or cantons. If this demand is met, you regain your wagered prestige as well as the demanded items. If the demand is refused, your opponent gains the prestige and you gain the ability to claim Vendetta on the opponent. Additionally, if the same house concedes to your demands 3 times in a row, you may declare vendetta against on the 4th effort (This of course resets if a vendetta occurs between the two of you)
Hurling Insults - You hurl an insult at your opponent. They lose Prestige and you gain it (This is in addition to being refunded your initial ‘investment’). The opposing house may refute the insult to claim Vendetta.
You must wait a turn between Demands and Insults resolving and making a demand of the same house again. (If only for the paperwork to die down and the emnity to build anew) If the target’s rank is higher than you, you must 1+1 turn for each difference in rank. (Turns spent in Vendetta do count towards this time, but a new diplomatic effort cannot be made until the current Vendetta is over)
You cannot make diplomatic efforts against someone who has already made efforts you need to respond to. Remember, they who are bold cannot be demanded upon. Also as noted above, you cannot make diplomatic efforts of someone you are in Blood Feud or Vendetta with already.
Vassalage - While it wounds the Pride, sometimes being the favored servants is better than licking scraps from the dirt. Proposing Vassalage is a special diplomatic effort. If accepted, the Vassal House loses half it’s prestige (Have you no Pride!?) and the two houses are now allied, sharing prestige and able to move through each other’s cantons. The vassal house cannot win the game UNLESS their archdemon has purchased the Power Behind the Throne perk. (In which case, they will win the Throne instead of the Liege house) In cases of Kingmaker vs. Power Behind the Throne, the Kingmaker Wins.
Claiming Vendetta - Vendetta is the act of publically airing grievance in the Inferno. There are 2 ways to do this. The House claiming Vendetta chooses the terms. The Winner is awarded the prestige amount wagered by the claimant house (Based on objective, spending, and boast of turns) from the loser’s prestige total. Houses not involved in the Vendetta may also wager prestige on predicting the outcome of the conflict. (They may wager up to half of what the claimant house wagers)
With Legions - The most common method of Vendetta resolution. You are able to march your legions into enemy territory, and claim their cantons for your own, as well as engage in Legion combat. You do this with a specific objective in mind. The types are claiming a certain number of cantons, destroying a certain number of legions, or capturing a certain number of places of power
With Champions - Instead of the open plains, the Vendetta is instead settled on the bloodsoaked sands of Pandemonium’s arena between the house’s champions. The champion’s skill and perks bought by the archdemon are key to claiming glory.
Claiming Blood Feud - After 3 successful vendettas against the same house or if a house controls no cantons other than their stronghold, you may claim Blood Feud. This goes beyond Vendetta, you will settle for nothing less than the destruction of the opposing house. When Blood Feud is enacted, there is no end to the conflict, you may both continuously fight with your legions. Additionally, your Strongholds may captured (Unlike Vendetta, where your stronghold is still impassable for opponents) If this happens, the losing house is eliminated from the game, diminished to a Lesser House. Any oaths of Blood Vassalage still hold (A Lesser house can still win with it’s Liege House), and the house may use it’s bygone prestige to wager on vendettas. (Though without Vassalage, this may only serve to restore their former glory at the end of the game)
On Excommunication, or “How I learned to stop worrying and love the Infernal Conclave”
When accused of high crimes such as Heresy or an attack on Pandemonium, your House may (probably will) be Excommunicated from the Conclave. Excommunicated Houses are not protected by the Conclaves strictures, and thusly are not subject to Diplomatic Efforts and can make war without having to declare Vendetta or Blood Feud. However, this also means that the other players are not bound to such niceties against you. While excommunicated, any player may cross your borders, destroy your legions and pillage you places of power. Should they venture deep enough, they may even take your stronghold as in Blood Feud, casting you down to the ignominious status of a lesser house. On the other hand, you can do the same to them with extreme prejudice. While there are times where it is a strategic imperative to ignore the Conclave, know that doing so it at yours and your house’s own peril.
1. Before combat, 3d6 are rolled to determined which side has the advantage (Encompassing various things such as high ground, surprise, etc.) and how much advantage they gained, and where it applies. This is a stat boost applied to one side of the fight in a single stat, in addition to all other bonuses and penalties that apply.
2. 1 Legion may lend it’s support (Also called Garrisoning when applied to Places of Power) Half of it’s combat stats are added to the legion or place it is supporting.
3. The order of combat is Ranged, Melee, then Infernal. Abilities may manipulate this order or add additional phases. For each phase, the legions compare their total stats to each other, including all bonuses and penalties (ie Ranged 5 v. Ranged 3). The losing side takes the difference in totals as HP damage (2 in the above example)
4. If neither legion is destroyed (At 0 HP) after combat is concluded, the attacking legion falls back to the canton it was last in before it entered combat
Champions Combat - Champion combat allows for a bit more improvisation, relying on your champions ability to outwit their opponent, and use of their granted powers to be the last demon standing.
1. Champions will secretly choose to split their skills between offense, defense, and Infernal Might over the course of 4 rounds. Offense is equal to the number of Cunning and Martial Skill Perks selected by the Archdemon. Defense is equal to the Intellect and Charisma. Infernal Might is equal to Wickedness. HP is equal to the number of Martial skill perks selected by the Archdemon. (Minimum 1) (IE 3 offense Round 1, 2 defense round 2, 2 of each round 3, and 1 into Infernal Might round 4) Only5 points may be put into a combat round (4 Off, 1 Def is fine. 3 Def, 3 Off is not)
2. Champions then compare each round’s choices, with 1 defense cancelling out 1 offense and so forth (This means it is possible for champions to damage each other each round) Infernal Might bypasses Defense, but causes 1d3 Backlash Damage each round it’s used.
3. At the end of 4 rounds, if neither Champion is defeated, both houses are shamed for not proving supremacy and all wagered prestige points are lost.
VII. The Infernal Bazaar
1. Which Archdemon paid the most (High Bid)
2. If the High Bid is tied, the tool will go the Archdemon who is closest to being Regent. (Turn Order)
It will be made known which House has purchased which Legions, as that will be made obvious when they fielded in the next round, but Artifacts and Relics will be kept secret until fielded, as powerful items are secreted into vaults and held in reserve until the time is right (Or duplicitous demons can sniff out the goods from their rivals) Artifacts and Relics must be attached to a Legion or Place of Power to be used. After items are distributed at the start of round, the Bazaar is refilled with items from their respective decks.
VIII. Perks
Rank. Your archdemon's rank in Hell's hierarchy allows them to make stronger demands of lesser archdemons, while leaving your house more vulnerable to ritual attacks. This also is a tiebreaker in cases of Prestige ties at the end of the game
Lord - Starting Rank. May only Hurl Insults and Demand 1 Tribute Card +3 Modifier vs. Rituals OR Kingmaker: Will show as a Lord, you cannot make demands but you choose 1 House other than your own. If they win the game, you win instead. You may still win via the normal methods.
Baron - As Lord, but also Demand 2 or 3 Tribute cards +2 Mod vs. Rituals OR Power Behind The Throne: Will show as a Baron, you cannot make demands but if you are Blood Vassal to the winning house at the end of the game, your House is the winner instead. You may still win via the normal methods.
Marquis - As Baron, but may also demand 4 tribute cards or artifacts. No modifier
Duke - As Marquis but may also demand adjacent Cantons of Hell or Relics -2 Modifier vs. Rituals.
Prince -As Duke, but may also demand Places of Power -3 Modifier vs. Rituals
Charisma - Each Level: Improve Conditions: +1 Canton per Demand Tribute OR Industrialize: Give a type of canton the ability to produce more resources. OR Indoctrination: +1 Loyalty for all legions in your control
Martial Skill - Each Level: Hand to Hand Instruction: +1 Melee on your bodyguard legion OR Individual Training: +1 Bonus to Champion's Fighting Skill OR Supply Chain Gang: Gain the ability to command more legions
Cunning - Each Level: Target Practice: +1 Ranged Skill on your bodyguard legion OR Occultation: +1 Ritual Masking
Wickedness - Each Level: Reveling in the Wicked: +1 Infernal Skill on your bodyguard legion OR Unlimited Power: +1 Offensive Ritual Rolls (In addition to the defense your Wickedness grants)
Intellect - Each Level: Dark Regimens: +1 HP on your bodyguard Legion OR Counterspelling: +1 Ritual Defense (In addition to the defense your Intellect grants)
Sin t- Gain Bonuses related to your House's Sin. These will be detailed on an individual basis.
Apparently it's a bit big
(IMPORTANT: The map does wrap around both horizontally and vertically)
Important Keys and Keyed: The Key to reading the map is on the next page, but we will include the pertinent numbers here as well for quick reference. (Place of Power Stats are listed as HP/Loyalty/Ranged/Melee/Infernal X Prestige gained a turn)
City of Dis - Potential: ??? (15/2/8/8/2) +3 Prestige
Garden of Infernal Delights - Potential: ??? (11/7/0/9/9) +2 Prestige
Gates of Hell - Potential: ??? (9/8/6/6/6) +1 Prestige
Mines of Gehenna - Potential: ??? (12/5/5/8/5) +2 Prestige
Mouth of Abaddon - Potential: ??? (6/11/4/4/10) +1 Prestige
Palace of Gluttony - Potential: ??? (11/6/5/4/7) +2 Prestige
Palace on the Lake of Fire - Potential: ??? (13/4/5/4/9) +3 Prestige
Pillars of Malebolge - Potential: ??? (8/9/2/9/7) +1 Prestige
Pride of Tyrants - Potential: ??? (7/10/8/2/8) +1 Prestige
Summit of Mount Erebus - Potential: ??? (8/9/5/9/4) +1 Prestige
Temple of Lust - Potential: ??? (10/7/9/4/5) +2 Prestige
Theater of Sloth - Potential: ??? (7/10/8/3/7) +1 Prestige
Vault of Avarice - Potential: ??? (12/5/8/7/3) +2 Prestige
Wall of Envy - Potential: ??? (14/3/10/4/4) +2 Prestige
Wood of the Suicides - Potential: ??? (8/9/5/7/6) +1 Prestige
Pandemonium -Potential: Rite of Conquest - Hold the City for 3 Turns to win the game. (20/10/12/10/12)
Stronghold - Potential: Fastness - Can only be attacked during Blood Feud or while the House is Excommunicated. (9/*/5/1/4)
Territory Colors
Links to turns:
Turn 1: So it begins
Turn 2: In Which Words Hurt
Turn 3: In Which We Book A Handicap Match
Turn 4: In Which We start Getting Artifacts and Relics
One can't help but note a certain irony here...
it's just you
I'm Charlie's Murphy.
Sign me up for hell
I should probably read the rules, right?
...I see my reputation for creation has proceeded me.
Yeah, I was remembering the me / Assuran / @Invictus / @CesareB team from Gumpy's megagame, which was pretty successful.
I'd be good to form another team of some kind once we start getting close to 24 / starting.
While I'm summoning, people I remember were in / interested in the PbEM Solium games a few years ago who might be interested given that's our source material:
@Jam Warrior
Military might is the only answer! That was a good ol' time
Cheers for the alert. Loving the concept but probably a bit too time intensive for me right now.
Have a jolly fire and brimstone time!
Mate that game was a disaster. It put me off running a game like that for life.