So I've been a "professional" for ten years now, and I've done it. I've found the dumbest thing.
I disabled debug logging in an application last night at the suggestion of the vendor. I had previously noted that this was turned on, and was somewhat problematic because it cluttered the logs to the point that they were kind of useless.
This morning the application has major performance issues. It wasn't able to query its database, among other things. After an hour or so, I mention to the vendor about the timing of disabling the debug logging. I flip it back on again, and everything is peaches and cream.
This application reads something out of its own log files to do core functions.
Having people today telling me how hard it is to find work in Washington and that it's best to have a job before we move.
Which is fine except... our move is kind of set in stone and beyond our control, and with 2 kids at home I can't really afford either the time or money to fly up for interviews, and many companies won't even consider you if you're out of state if you're not a specialist in your field.
Not to mention the same fucking person mentioning repeatedly how the areas we want to live are in the danger zone for Rainier exploding and holy shit how does this help us at all
3cl1ps3I will build a labyrinth to house the cheeseRegistered Userregular
So I've been a "professional" for ten years now, and I've done it. I've found the dumbest thing.
I disabled debug logging in an application last night at the suggestion of the vendor. I had previously noted that this was turned on, and was somewhat problematic because it cluttered the logs to the point that they were kind of useless.
This morning the application has major performance issues. It wasn't able to query its database, among other things. After an hour or so, I mention to the vendor about the timing of disabling the debug logging. I flip it back on again, and everything is peaches and cream.
This application reads something out of its own log files to do core functions.
that's...holy shit
I've heard of spaghetti code but this is like pasta carbonara with garlic bread and a full salad bar on the side...code.
Interview is scheduled for real. Tomorrow, 1:30 PM. This is the first second interview that I've done since unemployment. If it goes well, I have a job managing a convenience store.
I really want it to go well. I need a dang job, and the first interview sold me on the company being a good place to work.
Wish me luck!
Those log files I mentioned? They archive themselves at 4mb. This is roughly five minutes of data. This is hard coded. They are currently developing a customization for me so I can actually change the damned log file size to something not useless.
So we've had the "people listening to music without headphones in the office" debate before. I've got a new one. It's "people listening to music with sound-cancelling headphones and they start singing along to the music outloud, ignorant that everyone else can hear them but not the music".
The only answer I keep coming back to is drawing and quartering, really.
It'd be great if people could just chill when it came to mold
But no, every time it's gotta be a call thirty minutes before closing about how mold is everywhere in their apartment and it's killing their dog and ruining their life, and we need to address this immediately
but also they demand they be home for any entry and they're only available for thirty two minutes in the morning
Just, like, be 20% more reasonable and we can get through this with a minimum of fuss
It'd be great if people could just chill when it came to mold
But no, every time it's gotta be a call thirty minutes before closing about how mold is everywhere in their apartment and it's killing their dog and ruining their life, and we need to address this immediately
but also they demand they be home for any entry and they're only available for thirty two minutes in the morning
Just, like, be 20% more reasonable and we can get through this with a minimum of fuss
what state is this because if it's the American southeast bad news 80% of the matter there is black mold and you're not going to get rid of it
otherwise like, these people have heard of bleach right
i'm all for it being on the landlord to fix actual problems but i think part of the unspoken landlord/tenant contract is that as a tenant you at least try to fix the problem before raising it as an issue
webguy20I spend too much time on the InternetRegistered Userregular
It'd be great if people could just chill when it came to mold
But no, every time it's gotta be a call thirty minutes before closing about how mold is everywhere in their apartment and it's killing their dog and ruining their life, and we need to address this immediately
but also they demand they be home for any entry and they're only available for thirty two minutes in the morning
Just, like, be 20% more reasonable and we can get through this with a minimum of fuss
what state is this because if it's the American southeast bad news 80% of the matter there is black mold and you're not going to get rid of it
otherwise like, these people have heard of bleach right
i'm all for it being on the landlord to fix actual problems but i think part of the unspoken landlord/tenant contract is that as a tenant you at least try to fix the problem before raising it as an issue
Soap and water is probably better.
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
3cl1ps3I will build a labyrinth to house the cheeseRegistered Userregular
It'd be great if people could just chill when it came to mold
But no, every time it's gotta be a call thirty minutes before closing about how mold is everywhere in their apartment and it's killing their dog and ruining their life, and we need to address this immediately
but also they demand they be home for any entry and they're only available for thirty two minutes in the morning
Just, like, be 20% more reasonable and we can get through this with a minimum of fuss
what state is this because if it's the American southeast bad news 80% of the matter there is black mold and you're not going to get rid of it
otherwise like, these people have heard of bleach right
i'm all for it being on the landlord to fix actual problems but i think part of the unspoken landlord/tenant contract is that as a tenant you at least try to fix the problem before raising it as an issue
Soap and water is probably better.
I like bleach for black mold because it's obnoxiously resilient. Baking soda and vinegar will also do it, works well for cleaning out drains.
I think the idea is that you want a surfactant to penetrate the surface and remove the roots whereas bleach with water will just kind of chill out on the surface and not really fix the problem (treating the appearance of mold).
This becomes worse with wood too because the water will just soak into the wood and worsen the mold when it comes back again. Something something ion channels too? I don't remember. Baking soda and vinegar might be a good alternative to just soap and water.
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
It'd be great if people could just chill when it came to mold
But no, every time it's gotta be a call thirty minutes before closing about how mold is everywhere in their apartment and it's killing their dog and ruining their life, and we need to address this immediately
but also they demand they be home for any entry and they're only available for thirty two minutes in the morning
Just, like, be 20% more reasonable and we can get through this with a minimum of fuss
what state is this because if it's the American southeast bad news 80% of the matter there is black mold and you're not going to get rid of it
otherwise like, these people have heard of bleach right
i'm all for it being on the landlord to fix actual problems but i think part of the unspoken landlord/tenant contract is that as a tenant you at least try to fix the problem before raising it as an issue
Oregon, so mold is sort of inevitable. I'm happy to send someone out to do cleaning, even if it's a nominal amount that would normally be a resident's responsibility! But it really puts me in a bad mood when they're calling in without even attempting to clean it up, and nine times out of ten the root cause is like, their couch is shoved up against the wall in their living room that they keep unheated to save on electricity.
I think we're usually recommending mold-specific cleaning compounds now, water doesn't kill the spores and bleach tends to just irritate it.
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
Y'all will be fine. Don't let them get you down. I know a lot of my friends almost immediately lost touch with what it was like as soon as the big paychecks started coming in.
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
Y'all will be fine. Don't let them get you down. I know a lot of my friends almost immediately lost touch with what it was like as soon as the big paychecks started coming in.
Thank you!
I just needed a few words of encouragement and not all doomsaying for once.
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
Y'all will be fine. Don't let them get you down. I know a lot of my friends almost immediately lost touch with what it was like as soon as the big paychecks started coming in.
Thank you!
I just needed a few words of encouragement and not all doomsaying for once.
I think you'll do great Janson. Having realistic expectations is important, but realistic doesn't mean bad, and often means better than you at first think! With your experience, history and attitude I am sure you'll find something great for you
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
I don't think that's necessarily it. I do these with biotech people moving Boston sometimes too. It has nothing to do with their capabilities, it's just a really saturated market, and you want people to go in prepared for a slog so that they don't get demoralized.
I'm sure that's true! It doesn't help that Mori and I can be pretty pessimistic and feed off each other's paranoia, so we're already constantly oscillating between 'we'll be unemployed foreeever' and 'let's resign ourselves to dying' as it is, haha.
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
Y'all will be fine. Don't let them get you down. I know a lot of my friends almost immediately lost touch with what it was like as soon as the big paychecks started coming in.
Thank you!
I just needed a few words of encouragement and not all doomsaying for once.
I think you'll do great Janson. Having realistic expectations is important, but realistic doesn't mean bad, and often means better than you at first think! With your experience, history and attitude I am sure you'll find something great for you
Yup. Worst case, blue states tend to have an assload of assistance programs for people if things get bad. Last I knew Washington was mostly blue.
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
I moved out here with almost zero plan and found a better paying job in my field about two weeks after I started looking. You'll be ok.
I was called out for being out of uniform because I use the old three color badge {long ago they used the red white and blue badge I use that one for my id}
THe manger said it was unacceptable that I have that badge.
Why do I want to use my badge of shame when I have the equally as bad badge of shame? {the badge of shame is the 10 year badge yes I have been at the hell known to men for over 10 years]
When I got my 5 year one I was asked to stay after the meeting and I was handed my plaque, pin and badge by the manager.
I got my 10 year one when I was telling people how to unload the truck while in the trailer
Everyone else got group reconstitution I got more of tossed to me like a bone
So we've had the "people listening to music without headphones in the office" debate before. I've got a new one. It's "people listening to music with sound-cancelling headphones and they start singing along to the music outloud, ignorant that everyone else can hear them but not the music".
The only answer I keep coming back to is drawing and quartering, really.
Record them and as soon as they take the headphones off, play it back to them.
So last year my job moved to unlimited pto, with the only caveats being that it had to be approved by manager first and that there had to be coverage on the floor (a lot of our business is customer support).
Today they sent out an email saying that the max time we should be taking is 15 days, ie 3 weeks.
Granted, I know that's still more than some people may get, but still bs as its not really unlimited anymore. Worse is that we lost a bunch of smaller holidays we used to get off, with the explanation that since we had unlimited pto we could take them off if we really wanted it. And of course, we no longer get pto paid off if we get fired.
So last year my job moved to unlimited pto, with the only caveats being that it had to be approved by manager first and that there had to be coverage on the floor (a lot of our business is customer support).
Today they sent out an email saying that the max time we should be taking is 15 days, ie 3 weeks.
Granted, I know that's still more than some people may get, but still bs as its not really unlimited anymore. Worse is that we lost a bunch of smaller holidays we used to get off, with the explanation that since we had unlimited pto we could take them off if we really wanted it. And of course, we no longer get pto paid off if we get fired.
Super annoyed.
Do they mean 3 weeks at one batch? Because we have that with the unlimited.
So last year my job moved to unlimited pto, with the only caveats being that it had to be approved by manager first and that there had to be coverage on the floor (a lot of our business is customer support).
Today they sent out an email saying that the max time we should be taking is 15 days, ie 3 weeks.
Granted, I know that's still more than some people may get, but still bs as its not really unlimited anymore. Worse is that we lost a bunch of smaller holidays we used to get off, with the explanation that since we had unlimited pto we could take them off if we really wanted it. And of course, we no longer get pto paid off if we get fired.
Super annoyed.
Do they mean 3 weeks at one batch? Because we have that with the unlimited.
So last year my job moved to unlimited pto, with the only caveats being that it had to be approved by manager first and that there had to be coverage on the floor (a lot of our business is customer support).
Today they sent out an email saying that the max time we should be taking is 15 days, ie 3 weeks.
Granted, I know that's still more than some people may get, but still bs as its not really unlimited anymore. Worse is that we lost a bunch of smaller holidays we used to get off, with the explanation that since we had unlimited pto we could take them off if we really wanted it. And of course, we no longer get pto paid off if we get fired.
Super annoyed.
Do they mean 3 weeks at one batch? Because we have that with the unlimited.
No, 3 weeks total.
Then it's not unlimited?
They've literally gone back on what they said they'd do
So last year my job moved to unlimited pto, with the only caveats being that it had to be approved by manager first and that there had to be coverage on the floor (a lot of our business is customer support).
Today they sent out an email saying that the max time we should be taking is 15 days, ie 3 weeks.
Granted, I know that's still more than some people may get, but still bs as its not really unlimited anymore. Worse is that we lost a bunch of smaller holidays we used to get off, with the explanation that since we had unlimited pto we could take them off if we really wanted it. And of course, we no longer get pto paid off if we get fired.
Super annoyed.
Do they mean 3 weeks at one batch? Because we have that with the unlimited.
No, 3 weeks total.
Then it's not unlimited?
They've literally gone back on what they said they'd do
Yep! Pretty sure its just their way to get out of having to pay out pto.
I'm in a weird multi-directional job limbo. At my current job, I've been told I'm probably going to Japan and probably soon, as in the next couple days, but I haven't been told which day and I haven't received approval to buy tickets. I don't want to go buy groceries or make any plans more than a day or two ahead because I may be leaving, but I just don't know when, so that's frustrating.
There's also this potential job where I've been informed I was referred to the hiring manager, but I don't know how long their process is for getting in touch. The job is still up on the site so I'm pretty sure they're still conducting interviews, but I may be out of the country for several consecutive weeks which would make getting in touch difficult.
I just want some answers! Definitive answers in any direction would be great, even if they're not the ideal direction.
*Make reservation for one rate, then guest tells me info that changes the rate*
"So you'll receive two emails. The first was an automatic confirmation email that was sent after the reservation was made, and a second will have your updated room rates. You can ignore the confirmation with the higher rates."
*Phone rings 30 minutes later*
"Yeah, I just made a reservation and I received two confirmations but at two different rates. What's going on?"
*bashes head against desk*
because of the way our system cascades through programs, clients will sometimes get a notice that they aren't eligible for program A, which pays all their expenses, and immediately under it it says they are eligible for program B, which pays like 95%. we tell them about this before we finish talking to them at the interview
ask how many times a day someone comes in carrying a notice like this freaking the fuck out. "my worker said I was approved for something! why did I get a denial??"
I have people who earn twice as much as me telling me not to set my expectations too high for the move to Washington. Heck, I even have people telling me finding any job is going to be difficult.
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
Y'all will be fine. Don't let them get you down. I know a lot of my friends almost immediately lost touch with what it was like as soon as the big paychecks started coming in.
Thank you!
I just needed a few words of encouragement and not all doomsaying for once.
I think you'll do great Janson. Having realistic expectations is important, but realistic doesn't mean bad, and often means better than you at first think! With your experience, history and attitude I am sure you'll find something great for you
Yup. Worst case, blue states tend to have an assload of assistance programs for people if things get bad. Last I knew Washington was mostly blue.
agreed! and if it takes that time, don't be dumb like I was and wait until you're literally hopeless about being able to continue to avoid homelessness before applying
plus there's always things like the stupid 'gig economy', dog walking/Uber/grocery delivery that can bring in a little money if it gets that desperate. and internet begging, because there is no shame in my game when it comes to not ending up on the street. and we had a few friends and family loan or give us some cash throughout the five months that I didn't have a job that we are now paying back. I don't promise you'll be comfortable, but you'd be surprised how long you can keep your family safe and fed even on no fuckin income
also if you're both jobless when you move you'll qualify for TANF almost certainly, and some states offer emergency/one time TANF where you get a lump payment
Elephant grape sine theta
I disabled debug logging in an application last night at the suggestion of the vendor. I had previously noted that this was turned on, and was somewhat problematic because it cluttered the logs to the point that they were kind of useless.
This morning the application has major performance issues. It wasn't able to query its database, among other things. After an hour or so, I mention to the vendor about the timing of disabling the debug logging. I flip it back on again, and everything is peaches and cream.
This application reads something out of its own log files to do core functions.
Not to mention the same fucking person mentioning repeatedly how the areas we want to live are in the danger zone for Rainier exploding and holy shit how does this help us at all
that's...holy shit
I've heard of spaghetti code but this is like pasta carbonara with garlic bread and a full salad bar on the side...code.
Interview is scheduled for real. Tomorrow, 1:30 PM. This is the first second interview that I've done since unemployment. If it goes well, I have a job managing a convenience store.
I really want it to go well. I need a dang job, and the first interview sold me on the company being a good place to work.
Wish me luck!
The only answer I keep coming back to is drawing and quartering, really.
But no, every time it's gotta be a call thirty minutes before closing about how mold is everywhere in their apartment and it's killing their dog and ruining their life, and we need to address this immediately
but also they demand they be home for any entry and they're only available for thirty two minutes in the morning
Just, like, be 20% more reasonable and we can get through this with a minimum of fuss
My Steam
what state is this because if it's the American southeast bad news 80% of the matter there is black mold and you're not going to get rid of it
otherwise like, these people have heard of bleach right
i'm all for it being on the landlord to fix actual problems but i think part of the unspoken landlord/tenant contract is that as a tenant you at least try to fix the problem before raising it as an issue
Origin ID: Discgolfer27
Untappd ID: Discgolfer1981
Soap and water is probably better.
I like bleach for black mold because it's obnoxiously resilient. Baking soda and vinegar will also do it, works well for cleaning out drains.
This becomes worse with wood too because the water will just soak into the wood and worsen the mold when it comes back again. Something something ion channels too? I don't remember. Baking soda and vinegar might be a good alternative to just soap and water.
Oregon, so mold is sort of inevitable. I'm happy to send someone out to do cleaning, even if it's a nominal amount that would normally be a resident's responsibility! But it really puts me in a bad mood when they're calling in without even attempting to clean it up, and nine times out of ten the root cause is like, their couch is shoved up against the wall in their living room that they keep unheated to save on electricity.
I think we're usually recommending mold-specific cleaning compounds now, water doesn't kill the spores and bleach tends to just irritate it.
My Steam
I know it's not going to be a walk in the park and I don't think my expectations are super high. I've browsed jobs and have a feel for salary expectations in various locations.
I do have a lot of experience and a solid job history.
It's both panicking me and hurting my feelings a little that all these high-flying career people are suggesting I'm not capable. Blah.
Y'all will be fine. Don't let them get you down. I know a lot of my friends almost immediately lost touch with what it was like as soon as the big paychecks started coming in.
Thank you!
I just needed a few words of encouragement and not all doomsaying for once.
I think you'll do great Janson. Having realistic expectations is important, but realistic doesn't mean bad, and often means better than you at first think! With your experience, history and attitude I am sure you'll find something great for you
I have a loooot of questions for them but i strongly suspect I won't get back many polite answers.
Maybe that account was itself replaced by robots, and they look up to you.
I don't think that's necessarily it. I do these with biotech people moving Boston sometimes too. It has nothing to do with their capabilities, it's just a really saturated market, and you want people to go in prepared for a slog so that they don't get demoralized.
Yup. Worst case, blue states tend to have an assload of assistance programs for people if things get bad. Last I knew Washington was mostly blue.
I moved out here with almost zero plan and found a better paying job in my field about two weeks after I started looking. You'll be ok.
I was called out for being out of uniform because I use the old three color badge {long ago they used the red white and blue badge I use that one for my id}
THe manger said it was unacceptable that I have that badge.
Why do I want to use my badge of shame when I have the equally as bad badge of shame? {the badge of shame is the 10 year badge yes I have been at the hell known to men for over 10 years]
When I got my 5 year one I was asked to stay after the meeting and I was handed my plaque, pin and badge by the manager.
I got my 10 year one when I was telling people how to unload the truck while in the trailer
Everyone else got group reconstitution I got more of tossed to me like a bone
I will listen to all the podcasts
I know it's nothing but other retail and service jobs as far as the mountains here.
Record them and as soon as they take the headphones off, play it back to them.
Today they sent out an email saying that the max time we should be taking is 15 days, ie 3 weeks.
Granted, I know that's still more than some people may get, but still bs as its not really unlimited anymore. Worse is that we lost a bunch of smaller holidays we used to get off, with the explanation that since we had unlimited pto we could take them off if we really wanted it. And of course, we no longer get pto paid off if we get fired.
Super annoyed.
Do they mean 3 weeks at one batch? Because we have that with the unlimited.
No, 3 weeks total.
Then it's not unlimited?
They've literally gone back on what they said they'd do
Yep! Pretty sure its just their way to get out of having to pay out pto.
There's also this potential job where I've been informed I was referred to the hiring manager, but I don't know how long their process is for getting in touch. The job is still up on the site so I'm pretty sure they're still conducting interviews, but I may be out of the country for several consecutive weeks which would make getting in touch difficult.
I just want some answers! Definitive answers in any direction would be great, even if they're not the ideal direction.
because of the way our system cascades through programs, clients will sometimes get a notice that they aren't eligible for program A, which pays all their expenses, and immediately under it it says they are eligible for program B, which pays like 95%. we tell them about this before we finish talking to them at the interview
ask how many times a day someone comes in carrying a notice like this freaking the fuck out. "my worker said I was approved for something! why did I get a denial??"
agreed! and if it takes that time, don't be dumb like I was and wait until you're literally hopeless about being able to continue to avoid homelessness before applying
plus there's always things like the stupid 'gig economy', dog walking/Uber/grocery delivery that can bring in a little money if it gets that desperate. and internet begging, because there is no shame in my game when it comes to not ending up on the street. and we had a few friends and family loan or give us some cash throughout the five months that I didn't have a job that we are now paying back. I don't promise you'll be comfortable, but you'd be surprised how long you can keep your family safe and fed even on no fuckin income
also if you're both jobless when you move you'll qualify for TANF almost certainly, and some states offer emergency/one time TANF where you get a lump payment