Soon I will be in Iceland. Now we will see what those clever vikings have been trying to hide all these years.
ArbitraryDescriptor on
MrMisterJesus dying on the cross in pain? Morally better than us. One has to go "all in".Registered Userregular
edited May 2007
Oh also: struggle.
So I was going back and forth on ordering these two hoodies, and immediately after I finally did the weather here goes batshit hot. Furthermore, though I like them both, the sleeves on one are about a half-inch short. Goddamn.
MrMister on
MrMisterJesus dying on the cross in pain? Morally better than us. One has to go "all in".Registered Userregular
edited May 2007
Oh yeah, and I slept through dinner.
So I'm going to go get that at latenite now. Mmm chicken tenders!
The user and all related content has been deleted.
[Deleted User] on
VariableMouth CongressStroke Me Lady FameRegistered Userregular
edited May 2007
fuck I listened to 30 seconds to mars because it's the first thing in my itunes and I was testing something... now it looks like I really listen to them... need to quickly listen to a few other tracks.
also, a shame that it doesn't track my foobar listening.
Dude, mcc got killed because he allowed ONE fucking thread that was against the bullshit rules that the Admin had in place (who later resigned anyway). When mcc deleted it to hide the evidence and stop the posters in that thread from being banned, he himself was essentially demoted. Sacrificed his mod status to save those posters. A hero.
Dude, mcc got killed because he allowed ONE fucking thread that was against the bullshit rules that the Admin had in place (who later resigned anyway). When mcc deleted it to hide the evidence and stop the posters in that thread from being banned, he himself was essentially demoted. Sacrificed his mod status to save those posters. A hero.
Dude, mcc got killed because he allowed ONE fucking thread that was against the bullshit rules that the Admin had in place (who later resigned anyway). When mcc deleted it to hide the evidence and stop the posters in that thread from being banned, he himself was essentially demoted. Sacrificed his mod status to save those posters. A hero.
Honestly, those things are like a mythical monster to me.
I mean, I've seen them. I've heard tales.
But I am afraid to experience them.
I'm pretty sure I have passed by a few. I'll look into it next time I'm in the area.
I'll have to ask Hacks and Doc. I know they live in the area, too.
That reminds me of the moderator application thread in the monkey den way back. Did anyone ever get picked from that?
I live a about a half a mile north of Walingford in Greenlake.
Hmm... motels. All I can say is if the address is on "Aurora" keep looking.
Ah, so that's how some of these trolls managed to become mods. Explains a lot.
Man, what's wrong with you?
What, like, you want a list?
So I was going back and forth on ordering these two hoodies, and immediately after I finally did the weather here goes batshit hot. Furthermore, though I like them both, the sleeves on one are about a half-inch short. Goddamn.
So I'm going to go get that at latenite now. Mmm chicken tenders!
You don't believe that some mods, like PHEEZER FD or ViolentChemistry, are just glorified trolls sitting behind a badge?
Meanwhile, perfectly GOOD mods like mcc are killed off by the mod community?
I should be Mod. Things would be different.
and while that may be true, if they can keep order it doesn't make much of a difference. a lot of people here are glorified trolls.
Thanks for the laugh!
I like VC and Pheezer. I am glad you are not a mod.
also, a shame that it doesn't track my foobar listening.
Whatever misgivings I have against PA pale in comparison with how terrible you are.
What exactly do you like about them? Personally I can't stand either one when they start getting on someone's case.
can we please not do this? it's petty, stupid, and will 100% definitely lead to an argument.
Yeah, fight the man!
You would be a terrible mod.
Knut says: let's talk about something else.
Who moderates the mods?
I share Mary J. Blige's opinion.
If you don't like it, go somewhere else.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Mod Almighty
I actually said that. you trying to fuck me over mr^2? ARE YOU? cause that's what it feels like.
eh, maybe it feels more like it doesn't matter.