Yes it really is that time of year again! Is E3 week and the pre-show press conferences kick off today! Yes, you heard that right, TODAY! And we can't have E3 without a mess of a thread to aggregate all the news from the expo, so here it is. Hastily thrown together at the last minute like an E3 demo. Topical!
Twitch has a run down of what's happening when. The spoilered imagine should give an idea of when the big stuff is happening.
And their Events page has it all in your local time, as well their full schedule. Will try to keep the thread updated on when things are starting but worth keeping an eye on times for the stuff you're really interested in.
Quick update, the dates on this image are wrong. Everything is listed a day later than when it actually takes place. So EA on the 9th, MS & Bethesda on the 10th and so on. Sorry for any confusion! Use the Twitch Events page linked above for local times!
Alt-schdule with time zone conversion chart! Thanks
That's my half-arsed attempted the 'When', now lets move on to the 'Where'. Lifting this directly from last years thread. Don't imagine any of the links have changed, but if you have any issues do let me know! Same for anything I might have missed.
EATwitchYoutTubeMSMixer - previously
MS are promoting their own streaming service pretty hard and haven't mentioned other sites, but will list them here just to be safe.
Last year had a Sea of Thieves stream after the show. This year MS will have the latest episode of Inside Xbox live from E3 on the 11th.
BethesdaTwitchYouTubePC Gaming ShowTwitchMixerNo mention of Youtube on their site, but they do have links to Steam and Facebook. Am not linking those.UbisoftTwitchYouTube
Ubisoft have regional Youtube channels as well as the main one I've linked above. The also have a French Twitch channel. Worth keeping in mind.
And there we have it. A last minute, probably not working as intended E3 Thread! Let the Hype begin!
@KoopahTroopah hates your wallet!
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Rage 2
Fallout 76
Twin Mirror
Dead or Alive 6
Generation Zero
Hitman 2
Tetris Effect
You're correct (in a sense) — that chart doesn't apply to your timezone. That said, EA's conference is in three hours. I think we're supposed to see a lot of stuff on Anthem.
you are absolutely right! looks like Twitch dropped the ball on that one and I can't find a schedule with the correct dates. damn.
word is that its a online, multiplayer, survival, base builder. maybe something like base Fortnite? cool that they're trying something different though.
Ha, wait, the Chart is just wrong? Weird. Your link to the Event page seems to be accurate.
honestly at this point i'm not even sure anymore. times are listed in PT and i believe they're accurate. just the dates are wrong. thought maybe i'd used last years image but don't have that saved so that can't be it. but yeah, the events page is accurate and should display in your local time. anyone in doubt should absolutely use that to verify when things are.
Heh I think maybe that wasn't the best PR strategy. I mean I am personally excited for 76 (whatever it may be), but my general take from the internet at large (even this forum) is that people are less enthusiastic and more PANIC. Though in the long run it won't matter one bit and the game will likely make $Texas.
I'm curious to see what, if anything, Microsoft has to show. Cause AFAIK they have nothing now. Who knows, they might have some surprise reveal, but I'm not holding my breath.
Nintendo is almost always a treat and with this being the first E3 after the launch of the Switch I'm hoping they keep the momentum going.
Sony I know has the PS5 in the works, but IIRC they said it won't be shown until at least next year's E3. Otherwise they still have a handful of first party titles I'm excited to see.
EA is blargh to me.
SE I am interested in. I'd be super hyped for a FF16 announcement, but I think they might have learned their lessons with FF15 and might hold off on an announcement until the game is much closer to completion. On a somewhat related note, I wish all companies followed the Bethesda model for announcing games (ie: This is our new game, you will be playing it within 3-6 months).
Remember all the outrage and panic over Monster Hunter World based on nearly nothing?
I think the game will do fine as long it's good.
Phil Spencer said a while back that he'd be reluctant to announce things well in advance due to being burned on things like Scalebound and Crackdown 3, so don't rule out a couple surprises. i don't think the drought is over just yet, but i am hope that what we see this week is stuff we'll be playing before next years E3.
Maybe I am weird?
yeah if its not a core instalment in a series, or deviates in any way from what's expected then fanboys will throw a hissy fit. could understand it if they'd announced Fallout 5 as a totally different type of game, but nothing with trying something new in a spin off.
Driving me crazy waiting to find out what this is actually is. If the Kotaku rumors hold true, I'm very intrigued to see what they do with it.
Whats in the magical mystery box?
What actually happened with Scalebound?
I thought it looked like garbage based on the first trailer but what actually caused it to go kaput?
I mean, they managed to release Re:Core despite it...being Re:Core.
i would make this the thread title if only it would fit.
i'm don't think anyone outside either company knows for sure. maybe it was scope thing, maybe they just couldn't get the idea to work as well as they'd hoped and so pulled the plug.
I really want Anthem to be good but otherwise I am probably going to drift in and out of consciousness at 3am because that is about how little the usual 80% sportsball segment interests me
I've said my piece for Microsoft. I enjoy my Xbox very dearly and I'm straining at the bit for more Ori and the Will of the Wisps but I'm going to be severely disappointed if their conference ends up spinning their wheels with only just the same old shit
Speaking of though I'll probably make a concession for a new Forza Horizon because 3 has literally been my favorite racing game of this generation
just under 2 hours till EA.
Unfortunately since today is EA it's more of a "preparing for the worst" because EA are QUITE the consumer abusive pricks aren't they?
Y'know it's kind of funny to me. The other AAA publishers will be using the same smoke and mirrors that EA will and yet with the others I'm likely to be able to suspend my disbelief and enjoy the ride. With EA though? I know it's two ladies in the box when they cut it, the illusion is broken. So I'm going to be far more critical of anything EA shows.
Though to be fair, they kind of earned it.
i think we might be moving into the 'righting the ship' part of their fuckery cycle. they went hard on loot boxes, got trashed for it and now need to try and win back some good will. they've said BFV wont have loot boxes and it seems monetization will be linked to customization only(so far), and i image they'll be trying to work it similarly in Anthem. if they can pull it off then we'll be in countdown mode for what every their next major fuck up will be.
course their sports games are another matter. doesn't look like they're backing off the hard sell tactics there. guess the hardcore set don't care as much about FIFA and Madden to bring the same level of vitriol to those.
its weird, normally you'd have people 'forgive but not forget', but with gamers they'll never forgive you but man are their memories short.
Even though this year I'm really only interested in one company. Still, maybe some of the others will surprise.
I don't have high hopes for EA's presentation.
don't forget about the possible ill conceived comedy routine or the awkward appearance of a sporting personality that doesn't want to be there!
although, the now obligatory nervous/boisterous indie dev segment is working checking out at least.
What I DO expect however is to not be told how much DLC and microtransactions will be available on day 1.
Gonna tune out after that and continue waiting for the Bethesda event.
(please be good)
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Will Bethesda unveil a new Elder Scrolls game?
Will Ubisoft unveil a new Watch_Dogs game?
What does Square-Enix have outside of the FF VII remake, which I have absolutely 0 interest in? I'm irrationally holding out for a new Deus Ex game given recent assurances that the franchise isn't dead yet.
Anything else that isn't some dreary "man is the true monster" BS. This goes double for anything zombie. The genre is beyond tired.
I suspect there will be a battle royale mode where they stitch a bunch of greatest-hits maps together to create a zone large enough, much like CoD is doing.
I think the end of the new trilogy will be as largely disappointing as the rest of it, and Microsoft desperately needs new IP
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
My main desires:
Elder Scrolls VI
Mother 3
I want a Twewy Twocolate Twip Tookie.
I suppose Ubisoft will likely show off The Division 2. Considering how happy I was with how The Division 1 turned out in the end I am fairly excited to see what they got.
Man I'd love to hear news on a Deus Ex. Not holding out hope though.
And while I am totally ready to be cynical as shit for the EA conference, I would really rather prefer to be blown away by it. Also not holding out hope for that though.
Probably not.
Hopefully a look at The Avengers Project from Crystal Dynamics. Also maybe some gameplay from the new Tomb Raider.
TWEWY is a pretty safe bet.
I think Bethesda said recently that the next Elder Scrolls is quite a ways off, unfortunately.
Mother 3..I mean, I think it's gonna happen at some point. Could it be at this E3? Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it. Though I guess if they announced that Lucas was returning for Smash Bros, they could tie that in nicely with a Mother 3 trailer.
think calling it 'vaporware' is a bit of a stretch, especially when the two examples you give actually released(quality not withstanding). but i do agree that the hype for it seems a bit pre-emptive. we've had a single concept demo with nothing to give use a real indication of what the game will be like. am sure we'll get a proper look this year, but even that will still be early stuff going by its likely March 2019 release date.