I've come across a very strange and stubborn PDF file on my PC recently, and the problem is weird enough that the Internets aren't helping.
I have an encrypted external hard drive that I use for backups. This last time I attempted a backup of ~50 gigs, the process ground to a halt when it reached this file, maybe 5 gigs or so into the operation. I've tried a few times and it always stops with this file. When this file pops up, transfer speed gradually trickles down to zero. The operation doesn't stop or give me an error, it just slows to 0 bytes per second and sits there forever.
The PDF itself is unremarkable. It's a capture of a webpage and it's around 700k.
It got weirder when I tried fixing it. Rather, it's weird that there doesn't seem to be anything to fix. I can open and view it, no problem. I can copy it and rename it. If I do so, the new file still refuses to be copied, on its own or as part of a batch. I opened it with Adobe, made an edit and saved a new file, and the
new file still refuses to be copied.
All that said, this thing isn't even that important. I can delete it.
But... WTF?
Edit: Oh, I also tried copying it to a different thumb drive, just in case my backup drive is the problem. Nope, same issue. So I can copy it all over the C: drive but cannot copy it to another drive.
You may try and simply rename the file to something ordinary and see if it makes a difference.
I've found that multiple files are affected, all in a folder that I had moved from my last PC during the upgrade to this one.
I've messed around with the file names and none of that seems to make a difference.
@zepherin might be on to something. When I try to print to PDF, it gets about 80% through a completion bar before freezing and eventually crashing. Any other ideas?
I'm not sure this is going to be worth fixing. I've got thousands of files in this folder, who knows how many broken. If there's no mass fix or workaround for it I might just call it a loss.
I mean you can try to restore the drive and use partition magic and pray. You could always just skip this file transfer the rest and work on this one later.
I've done a little more experimenting and have found that I can move the files to networked drives no problem - the hitching point seems to be when trying to copy to an external drive. I don't get it.
Was the folder from the old system ever under disk encryption? I wonder if there's some artifact of it embedded in the files.
Edit: Oh; check the permissions, does your user account have full control? Are you the owner? (Try to take ownership if not)
Thanks, I do understand that. That's why I was surprised that I didn't see the problem moving the files over the network to offsite servers. The only thing I can't do, seemingly, is move / copy them to external media.
I'm trying to avoid having to go in and individually modify or re-save the files, as it's literally thousands of files. This is an archive of four years of work product.
The previous PC and the one I'm using now both use full disk encryption.
As far as permissions go, I am the owner.
Because that's kinda the stage these files may be at now.