ÖrdaelWhat is this?
A gothic horror adventure for 3 to 5 people. Think Van Helsing, the videogame Bloodborne and Dark Souls, any number of novels, from Bram Stoker’s Dracula to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
In essence: Humanity was too late to muster a united front against the creatures of the night. Now it is up to you to venture beyond the walls of your home to put an end to this evil before mankind is no more. You must go to the Crimson Citadel. You must kill Zuevollos.
What system are we using?
A wafer thin one, to be perfectly honest, to speed up proceedings as much as we can. It’s called World of Dungeons. It’ll take you a few minutes to make a character for the game, and from there I’ll simply have you roll 2d6 + a relevant stat to determine the outcome. You can attempt anything, for when there are no hard rules for what you can do, as long as it’s fair to the fiction (like you can’t sprout wings), you can try to do it. In this sense you likely have more “moves” and abilities than a character from a more complex system. Watch an episode of Netflix’s Castlevania for an idea how you can traverse and attack—you’re tougher than a regular joe, to be sure.
World of Dungeons:
What is reality, man?
Woah. Good question, me, who is writing this. Throughout the game I’ll be asking you questions, and your answers will become fact,
canon, something that immediately exists somewhere in the world. You’ll have the chance to create your own horrors, your own locations, your own historical facts, and so on.
Are there post requirements?
I’d like you to. Once a day would be nice, more if you’re in the mood. I’m going to try to keep things quick on my end, as I plan to include you all in my posts, meaning you can respond in any order most of the time. You’ll see as we begin play. Other than that nothing special is needed, posts can be long or very short as you wish.
The Night Plague grasps at this world with a relentless hunger.
These walls are failing. The great bells are failing. Soon we’ll have no army left to defend that which remains.
You alone must venture into the heart of horror itself and cut out the malicious will that summons these evils upon us.
Ördael then, to the east, beyond the mountains, within the Crimson Citadel—The architect of our despair, Zuevollos, the Smiling Devil, the Sovereign Triumphant.
You must do what none have dared, for I fear soon we will be nought but ash… remembered perhaps only... by the Heavens…
I will pray for you, go now, by dawn’s light… Godspeed...
Jacyth, Witch — @Albino Bunny
Sir Emory & Argyle, Ratcatchers — @Glazius
Bennu the Wanderer, Cleric — @Kirindal
Ephraim, Exorcist — @Auralynx
Solvan Sant, Hunter — @Matev
Corvus, Knight — @SuperRuper
Things of Note
A flying creature escaped your blades.
Fallen Heroes
Brother Aquila, Monk
Jacyth Smithson:
STR: 0 DEX: 1 CON: 2 INT: 3 WIS: 3 CHA: 2
Skills: Lore, Heal
Abilities: Tinker, Ritual
Hit Dice: 3
HP: 5
XP: 120
Magic: Sanctuary (Ritual), Deconstruct (Ritual)
Equipment: Pistol (d6), Ritual Supplies x 1, tent, caltrops, bandages, travel rations x 3, lockpicks, 3 silver, Gilded Music Box, Ivollung’s Wand — An ivory wand used by heretic practitioners — Can hold a ritual inside it, to be cast later as a potent spell.
Custom Class: Witch, student of old secrets and practical application of technology and magical theory
Class skill: Lore,
Class Abilities: Volley, Tinker, Ritual, Bless
Add these to your equipment:
Anguish Candle — A black candle in effigy of a woman. — Remove a condition. (1 use)
Gilded Music-box — Charming remnant of better times. — Plays a twinkling melody.
Geth, roll 4#1d6 for possible hit dice left to right.
"Argyle" (The Ratcatcher)
Str +1 Dex +1 Con +0 Int +2 Wis +0 Cha +0
Hit dice: 1 (HP: 1)
Skills: Awareness, Survival
Abilities: Pet ("Sir Emory", a battle-scarred little terrier), Wild
Equipment: Handaxe (1d6), light armor, hatchet and animal trap, flint and steel, 4x torches, bandages, rations, wineskin
Class: Ranger
Ahaha, glorious. Okay, planning my next character...
Add these to your equipment:
Blood Lantern — A foul, but ingenious contraption. — Lose 1 HP to shed an eerie blue light that reveals secrets.
Owl Amulet — Symbol of nobility from a fallen kingdom. — A fine memento, surely nothing more.
And yeah, having CON 0 seems like a death sentence at level 1 in this system. Though certainly fitting for gothic horror/action.
Geth, roll 4#1d6 for HP going from left to right.
Bennu the Wanderer
STR: 0, DEX: 0: CON: 0, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: +1
Hit Dice / HP: 1 / 2
Skills: Decipher, Heal
Abilities: Bless, Vision
Equipment: Small sword (d6), bandages, flint & steel, hatchet, vial of holy water x3, travel rations x3, waterskin
Class: Cleric
Hmm, not too bad.
Add these to your equipment:
Cleansing Bracelets — From a fallen kingdom, a genuine divine artefact. — Halve damage from poison.
Lokinalund Warpaint — A pot of various hues. — Deal +3 damage for a short time. (2 uses)
Geth roll 4#1d6 for HP L to R
Ephraim, the Exorcist:
Str 0, Dex 0, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha 0
HD: 1, HP 6/6
Skills: Decipher, Leadership
Abilities: Skirmish, Turn
Exorcist Class Abilities not yet taken: Command, Hardy, Ritual, Wild
Equipment: Dagger (d6, +1 for Skirmish), Ardent Buckler (+1 Dex vs human-like opponents), Light Armor, 2x Chalk, Parchment x3, Waterskin, Travel Rations x5, Navigation Kit (Fine compass and such), 2 Torches, empty purse
Add these to your equipment:
Ardent Buckler — Parrying shield of Medusean duellists. — +1 DEX when you face a human-like opponent.
Navigation Kit — A fine compass and other such gear. — Use to find your bearings.
I’ll wait for one more player to join this evening, but after 8pm (in England that is) we will begin.
If anyone contacts me after we’ve started I’ll work them into the game as we play, nice and easy.
Geth, roll 6#2d6
Geth, roll 2d6
Str: +1 Dex: 0 Con: +1 Int: +1 Wis: +2 Cha: 0
HP: 11/11
Skills: Athletics, Awareness
Abilities: Skirmish (+1 Damage, armor is one type lighter), Hardy (+6 HP)
Equipment: 1 silvered dagger, 1 flail with hawthorn stake pommel (light weapons), light armor, Old hunter’s Cloak (single use, ignore 1 roll of damage), 3 Huan Needles, (single use, temporarily negates a creature’s abilities) adventuring gear and tools.
Geth roll 4#1d6 for HP L to R
Corvus, Knight of a Fallen Kingdom:
Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha 0
HD: 2, HP 5
Skills: Athletics, Survival
Abilities: Tough, Command
Class Abilities not yet taken: Slay, Ritual
Equipment: Longsword (d6+1), Travel Rations x5, Rope, Torches (4), Tent, Bandages, Waterskin, Vial of Holy Water
(not sure if I did the Hit Dice/HP right? 2d6 hit dice, I just took the higest from below) Please advise.
(Also I can be reserve since Matev posted first.)
Geth, roll 2#1d6
Now Hit Dice is somewhat ambiguous in this system. I was going to address it now anyway @SuperRuper because I noticed they’re all incorrect by my interpretation of the rules. I apologise for not going through it with you all.
“You have 1 Hit Die (d6) + extra hit dice equal to your CON. Roll all your hit dice and keep a number equal to your level to determine your hp. When you rest and consume a ration/ waterskin/wineskin, you may re-roll your hp. If you are attended by a healer, roll an extra hit die.”
So if I have +1 CON, I have two Hit Dice.
I roll two separate dice. I am level 1, so I keep just one of those dice to be my HP.
I keep the highest score for obvious reasons.
At level 2, I gain one more Hit Dice. I roll three separate dice, and keep two results. You are able to keep a number of dice equal to your level.
When I rest I will roll again and keep my new best score, even if it is lower than before. My max might have been 5/5, after resting it may be 3/3.
For now EVERYONE KEEP YOUR HP as is, it’s better to move on than dwell on mistakes.
Solvan, add these to your equipment:
Old Hunter’s Cloak — A heavy leather mantle treated with special oils. — Ignore damage. (1 use)
Huan Needles — Terrible barbed black needles. — Remove a creature’s abilities for a time. (3 uses)
Corvus, add these to your equipment:
Niru Dust — Glittering grains of niru, gives off a gentle warmth. — Apply to weapon for fire damage. (3 uses)
Country Charm — Pagan trinket, fairly common. — Said to ward against sickness.
Yes, that's why I did it, since dice don't roll on edit.
Both figuratively and perhaps literally.
Wolves or men once, now they are neither, now they are an expression of rage, the rot that has spread across the land.
A guttural scream rings out! Bennu, a shrieking lopsided thing gallops towards you, a furred mass of teeth and claw!
Roll+DEX to dodge the charging beast.
Argyle, as you heft your axe from a dead thing, covered head to toe in its wretched blood, you are finally able to manoeuvre.
You gain 50 experience.
What do you do?
The shadow cast by the jutting rock grows longer. The largest of the beasts looms above you Jacyth, gaping mouth drooling with a hunger it cannot sate. It has no eyes, just bloody sockets. It knows you are near, but it has yet to act. Perhaps it is waiting for something, you think, as its ears flick this way and that.
What do you do?
A beast has you in its grip, Ephraim! Wolfen jaws clamped on your buckler as it thrashes wildly from side to side. You cannot strike true as you are jostled, barely able to keep your stance.
Roll+STR to tear yourself free.
Back to back as you so often find yourselves, Solvan, Corvus, you have wounded the creatures before you, gouts of blood flowing from their stunted faces as they continue to circle you. They’re clumsy beasts, joints bent as a wolf, but walking on strange elongated fingers that might charitably be said to be like a man’s.
Both of you, roll+STR to attack, and roll your damage too.
Firstly, for those that have never used this system or the ones it is derived from (Apocalypse World, Dungeon World etc.), there is no turn order. It’s just chaos. It’s an action scene in a movie. Tell me what you intend to do, rolling if it would have a success or fail state (such as attacking an enemy) or just do it if nothing is stopping you (like making camp, or killing someone tied up).
After your posts, or just a couple of you, I’ll determine your results and describe the outcome, often weaving together multiple actions into one swift moment.
Key for my awful map.
J = Jacyth
A = Argyle
e = Sir Emory
B = Bennu
E = Ephraim
C = Corvus
S = Solvan
W = slavering wolf-men
X = this will always mean a dead body
Green = forest clearing
Grey = high ground
Blue = lake
Dark green = denser forest
I’ll be using this simple map style as it’s moddable on the fly and I’m just on my phone. Don’t worry about the squares, it’s not the scale, it’s just to give you an idea.
Unable to use his buckler for its usual purpose, Ephraim settles for battering the wolfman about the face with it, backing the creature off a bit from the impact but...
(FITB, I guess, Serpents!)
Her other hand held her pistol, a single chambered item that most men couldn't begin to comprehend. Assembled from collective knowledge of time long past, forged of a swordsman's steel and with a muzzle ringed in silver melted from a relic of Saint Chosnas herself. With a flick of her wrist the device spun in her hand, folding in two to reveal the loading device.
"Scio igitur habent," she breathed out. Feeding the vial into the chamber, hands trembling as the beast caught wind of the sound of her music box.
"Scio igitur habent," the refrain came again, her fingers fumbling with the pinch of flarepowder, some of it falling harmlessly to the sodden ground. The spark cap going in last. A deep breath as she looked the wolfman in where he should have eyes before raising her arms and clasping the pistol back together. The clap of the spark cap igniting causing moisture to shake free from the trees as the muzzle gave way to fire, molten glass and metal in a gout designed to put her foe down.
Geth, roll 2d6 for action (add attribute you find appropriate)
Geth, roll 1d6+1 for potential damage
Solvan bares his teeth with a guttural snarl of his own, cloak flapping briefly as he lashed out at the creature’s throat with his dagger.
Geth, roll 2#2d6+1 skirmishing style damage
You deal 1 damage.
You have the condition: prone
What do you do?
The huge blind beast is knocked flying, falling from the rock with a leaden thud. The noise of the gun rings out throughout the forest. It doesn’t get up, but it’s legs drag for purchase. Part of its skull is exposed, but little blood trickles from the obvious wound. It begins to scream—it’s like nothing you’ve ever heard from man nor beast.
Jacyth, you deal 5 damage.
The lanky creature’s growl is cut short, as is its life, but as it dies it makes a final dash towards you. It’s claws tear into your shoulder even as it slumps to the ground, the weight pulling you forward.
You take 1 damage.
You gain 50 experience.
You’ll have to spend a moment pulling it off Solvan.
Geth roll 1d6 for damage
"Vile wretches", Corvus mutters under his breath.
A gunshot rings out from behind him, just as one of the creatures digs its claws into his ally. The sight of the wound brings Corvus's thoughts to the charm buried under his leathers.
"Come Solvan! These beasts are eager for steel."
Corvus grits his teeth and lashes out at the horror before him. Torch in one hand and blade in the other. (STR attack vs W5)
Geth, roll 1d6+1 for Longsword damage
Dipping low beneath your swing, the emaciated half-wolf bats at your side, sending you reeling, your sword thrown from your hand. It lands blade first in the soft earth.
You manage to tumble to your feet and turn.
Corvus, what do you do?
A quick note:
"Face out, then, and be mindful. They're pack hunters, opportunists. In your own time."
Argyle backs slowly toward the central melee, watchful for a further ambush. Sir Emory's going to alert to that, or to an opening he can use, and then they'll both be after it.
Believe this is going to be with my +0 wis, but I am skilled in awareness.
Geth, roll 2d6 for ambush awareness.
Geth roll 2d6+3 for Gun Witch
Solvan lets out a restrained grunt as the claw rips at him. With a heave, he shoves the carcass aside, his cloak smeared with gore as he tips his hat back to see again. Corvus was bellowing him next to him, Ephraim was on the ground, and Jacyth had used her contraption to fell. The large one. He considered who would best benefit from his expertise as he freed himself from his entanglement.
So tall, you think, as it rears onto its hind legs, so near yet so distant from the shape of man. It is moments from striking Corvus with its crooked claws.
Now is the time to act.
Jacyth, the blind beast continues to scream, stopping only to cough blood and drink deep breaths in between. It reeks of decay.
Should you need to fire, just roll your damage, that’ll have a consequence, but it’ll be minor.
Solvan, the closest beast is the one that knocked Corvus aside.
'What the....' Bennu stared wide-eyed at the thing full of slavering speed and threw himself gracelessly to the side hoping that She smiled on him a bit more this day.
Geth, roll 2d6 for Dodge the Thing
"Right then. Around!"
Argyle and Sir Emory split, running opposite directions around the central melee, trying to flank the beast towering over Corvus.
With any luck, it would serve to distract the beast so Solvan could strike true. With any luck.
This would be an aid roll for Solvan, but since there's no Hx I'm thinking dex?
Geth, roll 2d6+1 for a timely distraction.
Ephraim scrambles backwards and gets on his feet, buckler at the ready and held before him, dagger gripped in his main hand and ready to strike back. The gunshots reassure him somewhat, but he's still too close to the creature to leave the others a clear shot.
He braces for its next attack, trying to read its intention.
(Nothing risky here, so nothing to roll, I guess, unless you'd like me to roll an attack to counter its charge or something.)
Roaring to draw it’s attention away from his compatriot for a crucial second, Solvan tackles the wolf-man looming over Corvus, battering at it’s twisted visage with his flail (blessed in it’s making 7 times by the Clementine Monks of Tripazia) and giving the beast no quarter.
Geth, roll 2#2d6+1 flailing damage
Bennu is in serious danger!
Oh yes, you destract it Argyle.
The beast snarls at you, then swings around and thrashes your stalwart dog. Sir Emory darts away, one of his legs limp; they’ll need healing after this battle.
Sir Emory is out of the fight.
As the beast turns back its head is flung further round by Corvus’ flail, snapping its neck. Its legs give way, dropping it to the ground.
Argyle and Corvus both gain 50 experience.
The bloody canine thing closes the gap!
Ephraim, roll+DEX to counter its next attack, and roll your damage too.