Eh, I think this particular subject wasn't really for D&D, so I'm exposing you guys to the horror that is the Eurovision Song Contest!
So us crazy Europeans have this long-standing tradition where we once a year make some crappy song and then have a contest with other European countries to see who can make the crappiest song.
Then everybody votes for their neighboring countries instead of for actual quality, as illustrated:
Sweden had big hopes and sent our "greatest band ever", The Ark. Which then got trounced real good and ended up on 18th place out of 24. Ola Salo, singer, left in a hurry and got all angsty and angry about what a shitty contest it was.
The UK dug up some boring eurodisco from the early 90s as their contribution, and stayed at zero points for more than half of the voting part.
Ireland still hasn't discovered electricity.
Ukraine took second place with a
chromed christmas tree.
Finland and
Moldova had decent contributions that I actually liked.
And the French were just plain
(i'm scared)
Greece, 2002
they out-fagged them all
Serbia won.
The singer is lesbian.
repressed memories returning
Jägermeister worked too.
thats like his gig
he dresses up like an old lady and sings
kinda like eddie izzard
he's funny
I watched it in a bar with the loudest Latvian you will ever know.
look, there's queer, and then there's this
Why are they wearing power armour? And who the fuck thought this song was a good idea?
it's the only song with actual production values
the political fighting is scary sometimes. Its like parts of europe that this so seriously they tactically vote to get friendly neighbors to win.
us in the UK, we really dont give a flying fuck, we lose everytime and I dont think anyone cares.
I didnt even know it was on until halfway through the show when I was channel flicking.
No shit. I was all "Hah, no way will Turkey get any points from Cyprus" and "WTF, the Baltic states gave points to Russia?"
I think they had zero points from 20 countries in a row, and then a 10 or 12 from someone. :P
but i know it's not
I'll be damned if I can figure it out though.
eurovision is my new favorite thing
we need one for the states