Kingdom Death: Monster - Super models struggle to survive the (NSFW) grimdark

MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
edited February 2019 in Critical Failures

Kingdom Death: Monster

Kingdom Death is a grimdark fantasy campaign that mixes the setting of Dark Souls with the strategic base building of XCOM with the tactical arena combat of...?

Each player controls one of four characters that will journey through a campaign of surviving in this strange black metal album cover world. Waking up in a nightmare world with nothing but a loincloth and a rock, players go through an intro tutorial fight against a monster. Players will harvest the beast's body parts as crafting material to develop their settlement, begin a hunt for a new monster, fight a new monster, and repeat. As time passes, who knows what strange challenges will pop up? The goal is to survive to the campaign's end without your settlement's population falling to zero.

Disclaimer: this campaign will contain saucy artwork from the book. Steer clear if that's a deal breaker.


Basic combat rules
All die rolls are d10 (except for player damage body location hit dice which are d6: head, arms, waist, legs, torso x2)

By default, the monster goes first.

Movement: The number of (non-diagonal)spaces you can move.
Speed: The number of attacks you get.
Accuracy: What you need to roll to hit.
Strength: (players only) Bonus to rolls to see if your hits penetrate the monster's toughness to wound it.
Damage: (monster only) How much damage each hit inflicts (player attacks will almost always only inflict one wound each)

Unless otherwise stated, all attacks have a range of 1 space.

Monster vs Players
Monster's turn draws a card from its AI deck to determine what it will do that turn.

A monster can move through players. Any player moved through will be knocked down. Ending movement on a player will inflict knockback 5 (move 5 spaces away, get knocked down).

Monster attacking players
1. Roll each attack to hit (accuracy or higher)
2. Roll location die for each hit.
3. Apply points of damage one at a time to each location.
4. Any players who was knocked down in a previous turn now stands up.

Damage to players
Order of applying damage at a location goes:
Armor -> light wound -> heavy wound -> severe injury

Each point of damage goes down the line. Deduct any armor points at the location until 0. Then inflict a light wound (no effect) at that location. Then a heavy wound, which knocks the player down (cannot act until the end of the next monster turn). Once those are gone, each attack at that location forces you to roll once (regardless of damage) on the severe injury table. Severe injuries are where you can get permanent injuries or death. Most will cause bleeding points. Death occurs at 5 bleeding points. Bleeding points are only healed by cards that specifically say so; they are not healed automatically between battles.

(note: the head has no light injury box. The first damage goes straight to heavy wound)

Ex. A monster hits with a 2 damage attack against a player location with 1 armor.

The first hit inflicts 2 damage. The first damage reduces the armor to 0, then the second damage inflicts a light injury.
The next hit's 2 damage points would inflict a heavy injury (knocking the player down) then force them to roll on the severe injury table.
Further hits would force a severe injury roll (one roll each attack, regardless of damage)

Brain Damage

Players have a separate "Brain Damage" to reflect psychological state. Some monster have Intimidate attacks which will inflict brain damage. The first damage inflicts a light injury to no effect. After that, each brain damage forces the player to roll on the Brain Trauma table, essentially severe injuries for your mental state.

Players can accumulate points of Insanity which act exactly like armor points against Brain Damage. At 3 or more insanity points, the player is considered Insane which can affect some later story events.

Players vs Monster
On their turn, the players each get one movement action (move spaces up to your movement) and one activation action (usually attack). These are marked by an arrow and lightning bolt. Players cannot move through the monster or other players.

Players attacking monster
1. Roll to hit (accuracy or higher)
2. Draw 1 "Hit Location" card per hit.
3. Choose the order of locations you will roll to wound.
4. Roll the monster's toughness or higher to wound (apply any strength bonus to this roll (a 10 inflicts a critical hit).
5. Remove 1 monster AI card per wound inflicted.
6. (Critical hits) Follow the critical hit text on the hit location card.

Survival points
Points which allow survivors to perform special actions. Each survivor starts with 1 (and a max of 1). At first, the only special action is dodge, which you can spend to cause any monster attack to miss (after it rolls to hit). Survival points are only recovered when instructed.

First battle notes:
-The White Lion's toughness is 6+ (player hits must roll 6 or more to wound)
-7 cards in the AI deck
-Players are equipped with only a loincloth (1 armor on the waist) and a "Founding stone" (rock) for a weapon.

Founding stone:
2 Speed (# of attacks)
7+ accuracy (roll 7 or more to hit)
1 strength (+1 to wound rolls)
Special: May sling it at monster at any range to inflict 1 automatic critical hit. Discard after.

All player have access to "Fist & Tooth" (bare handed) attack.
2 Speed
8+ accuracy
0 strength (no bonus to wound rolls)
+1 Luck (critical hit on 9+ when rolling to wound)

Sample picture of player sheet to give a better idea.

There's a lot of stats, but all the ones I didn't mention start out at zero and don't come into play to start.


MrBody on


  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    Signups below. Would like to get at least 4 players. If more, we'll see how we handle reserves. Possibly switching off and rotating as characters die (and they will die). Post your character's name and gender.

    Don't worry about long term commitment for the whole campaign. You can drop in and out, leaving your character in reserve back in the settlement while other players can take out their own (new or not) character from the population out on hunts.

    MrBody on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    Uh, yeah.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    jdarksun wrote: »
    Uh, yeah.

    38thDoE on steam
  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Base building you say? Saucy artwork you say?

  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    You'll probably want to put a NSFW tag in the thread title if you're posting some of that art.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Signups post your character name and gender.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    @Phyphor @DarkPrimus @38thDoe

    We can get started as soon as those are in. It will just be the intro battle. I'll post the combat rules then. They really aren't hard to start off. Most of it is bookkeeping with the card decks that I'll take care of.

    If we don't have 4, I can jump in as the 4th. This will be my first campaign too and I'm not going to be looking forward to any spoilers. Anyone is welcome to jump in at any point and you can pick a character out of the settlement population. It's a bit like XCOM where you want to send out totally new characters every now and then to build up a reserve of experienced dudes.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    @MrBody I signed up too! :D

    Caleb / Male

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Oops. I just saw Primus' name. Guess he didn't actually sign up.

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Davin / Male

  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    Put me in reserve please.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Put me in reserve please.

    You can be the 4th if you want. If you want to be in the first battle, post your character name and gender.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    I thought you were saving a slot for yourself!

    Random internet name generator says...

    Male, Vance La-Croix

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Updated the OP with basic combat rules. There will be more to combat later on, but for the first battle those are the only rules you have to worry about.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    Once upon a time, there was a place of carved stone faces. A man with a lantern lay sleeping a dreamless sleep. The man knew nothing.

    One day, the man woke up. He rubbed the dried ink caked over his eyes and opened them. Around him, he saw other people stirring, and beyond, a horizon of unbroken darkness.

    A woman approached the man with the lantern. Her soft hand reached out for him. They had no words. They were a mystery to each other.

    Suddenly, a monster emerged from the darkness, its eyes wild with hunger. It attacked.

    The people were no match for the monster. It tore their flesh and crushed their bones between its teeth. Some, it devoured whole.

    Overcome with terror and grief, the man with the lantern collapsed to the ground. Cold stone noses pushed into his side. There was no escape.

    But the man did not want to die. Desperately grasping at the cold stone faces, he felt a crack, and tore at it with all his might. A piece of stone came free. It was sharp and deadly.

    The man with the lantern scrambled to his feed, his weapon clenched in his fist. He took a deep breath and roared into the darkness.

    Somewhere in the place of stone faces, nameless survivors stand together. They have nothing but a need to survive and a lantern to light in their struggle.

    MrBody on
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    38th Doe
    Jam Warrior

    MrBody on
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular know I can't tell if @38thDoe actually signed up or not. I can play until he responds and takes over.

    But I'm making the character a woman! Doe

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019

    Everyone choose a starting spot exactly 6 spaces away from the lion.

    (Player movement is 5. Lion movement is 6)

    The 2 spaces directly behind the lion are its "blind spot". All attacks within a monster's blind spot have a +1 accuracy bonus. Additionally, survivors in the blind spot will rarely be targeted normally (usually as part of a monster's reaction to being hit by them).

    "Threat" = any survivor standing up (default, some text may change this later)

    Monster's target priority will usually go: threats it's facing (180 degrees in front), then any threat in its field of view (any space but blind spot)

    Every turn, one player will be the "monster controller". They control the monster according to its AI card, usually picking which survivor it attacks out of the eligible targets. If the monster controller chooses to target his own character, that character gains +1 insanity (brain damage armor).

    Keep in mind for positioning: many monster attacks will knockback a player, sending them flying back a certain number of spaces and inflicting knocked down (lose a turn). If a knockback moves them into another player, both players will be hit and knocked down.

    MrBody on
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I’m in sorry. I suppose our civilization will need a woman can we compromise the name to Flonne?

    I can’t tell if you are sarcastic or not but insanity Is good?

    38thDoE on steam
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I'm flexible if you want more female characters, happy to play one named Ophelia.

    Starting spot:

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    So we need 7? hits, have a 40% chance of hitting, 60% chance of damaging and have 2 attacks/round for an EV of 0.48 wounds/person/round so ~4 rounds if we can all attack every round

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    So we need 7? hits, have a 40% chance of hitting, 60% chance of damaging and have 2 attacks/round for an EV of 0.48 wounds/person/round so ~4 rounds if we can all attack every round

    8. You need one more wound after the AI deck is empty. (the monster is flailing around blindly on instinct at that point)

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I’m in sorry. I suppose our civilization will need a woman can we compromise the name to Flonne?

    I can’t tell if you are sarcastic or not but insanity Is good?

    As mental armor, yes. Having 3 or more at once though classifies your character as "insane", which has an effect in certain events down the road. I have no idea what though!

    You get a reserve of people right after the first fight and you can choose whatever sex for all of them. You don't need a mix for your starting 4.

    Stat-wise, there's no difference between men and women. For everything else, birthing new children at the settlement requires nominating a man/woman couple, and I think there are a couple events that affect men or women only.

    MrBody on
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    If we throw the rock can we pick it up again during or after the battle?

    38thDoE on steam
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    If we throw the rock can we pick it up again during or after the battle?


  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    I will go in one of the two spots, six squares directly behind the lion please.

    Jam Warrior on
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Also keep in mind the lion goes first, and will most likely move to attack a player he's facing. If no one is in that direction, he'll move to and attack another.

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Should we clump together so that we can all beat on it on our turn?

    38thDoE on steam
  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Should we clump together so that we can all beat on it on our turn?

    This is a lesson best learn the hard way.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Should we clump together so that we can all beat on it on our turn?

    This is a lesson best learn the hard way.


  • Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    IIRC the lion isn’t particularly dangerous for multi attacks. But one or two squares spacing is probably prudent. We certainly don’t want to spread too far apart as a turn spent running after the monster without being able to reach it to attack is a turn wasted.

    Jam Warrior on
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    38thDoe wrote: »
    Should we clump together so that we can all beat on it on our turn?

    Take form: Pillar of Meat

  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Let me start between jdark and Jam Warrior.

    38thDoE on steam
  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    I'll start a knights move from jam, 1 in and 2 up

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    (Yellow dude should be 4 spaces down)

    Lion basic action
    Target: Closest survivor, in field of view
    No target: Sniff (until end of next round, all survivors are threats, despite any effects that say otherwise)
    Move & Attack target:
    Speed- 2
    Accuracy- 2+
    Damage- 1

    (my mistake; there are 8 AI cards in the deck)

    Jdarksun (monster controller)
    38th Doe
    Jam Warrior

    MrBody on
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    Monster turn

    Pick target:
    -Closest threat, facing, in range
    -Closest threat, in field of view
    -No target: Sniff

    Move & Attack target
    Speed- 2
    Accuracy- 2+
    Damage- 1

    @jdarksun to pick target. All players are equal distance and eligible targets. +1 insanity if you pick yourself (although this will put the lion out of range of yellow and green this turn). Lion takes most direct path to target. Choose exactly where you want it to end up.

    MrBody on
  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    Yellow dude appears to be at distance 7...

  • discriderdiscrider Registered User regular
    @Phyphor I don't think you're at 6

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited January 2019
    Yellow dude should be 4 down

    MrBody on
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