THIS IS FOR: PC, Mac, iPad, Android and iPhone!
Add yourself to our ever growing friends list here!Hearthstone New Player Guide:1. Install Game
2. Play through intro stuff (Mage training)
3. Unlock every class by defeating them
4. Choose a class and level it up to 10 in any mode (You earn less XP against the AI, but will almost always win)
5. Do this with all the other classes (100 free gold!)
6. Go back and defeat all 9 Expert AI classes (100 free gold!)
7. Choose a class and level it up to 20 in any mode
8. Play an Arena run (it's free so don't worry about going 0-3)
9. Disenchant a card (typically a common 5 dust card) (95 free dust!)
10. Add some PA folks to your friends list and observe them winning a game (free pack!)
11. Find friends or relatives and play one game on an iPhone/iPad and Samsung phone/Tablet (1 free pack per system!)
12. **OPTIONAL: Spend $5 for the Welcome Pack (10 packs + 1 Legendary)
13. Complete daily quests, and win any 3 games, to earn gold (in Casual or Constructed)
14. Try and reach as high a rank as possible each season, but at least aim for ranks 20, 15, 10, or 5. (Free cards/dust - see below)
15. Enter and win one Tavern Brawl each week (Free pack, but Wed-Sun only!)
16. Either spend Gold on packs of cards (100/pack - Classic for a long time) or Arena (150/run)
17. Repeat steps 13-16
Arena can earn more cards and Gold once you get good at playing it. You always get a pack of cards in Arena regardless of your record. Rewards increase as you get more wins. Therefore, earning 50 Gold will have you break even since you get a 100 Gold pack of cards automatically. 50 Gold is about 3-4 wins depending on your rewards luck. Anything more than that is pure profit. Remember, Arena rewards the newest expansion packs.
A special word from MncDover:Hearthstone is a fantastic and addicting game to play. The learning curve isn't overly steep, but remembering all the cards is tough to do.
BE PREPARED TO LOSE A LOT AT FIRST! If you're new to the game, there are people that have been playing for over a year and have most, if not every, card in the game. It sucks getting smashed by what seems like a legion of Legendary minions, but keep going. Eventually you'll have your own Epic and Legendary cards and can hang with anyone. Besides, Legendary cards don't always mean instant wins. In many cases, you can sub out other common/basic cards in their place.
One last note, never EVER feel bad about asking for help or netdecking popular decks. Everyone does it (I know I certainly do!) and there's no shame in it. Creating decks by yourself can be fun and inventive, but there are people out there that play professionally and spend months creating optimal decks. Not only will netdecking help you create optimal decks, but you'll start to understand why certain cards are good and find interactions you may not have previously thought of. Finally, netdecking will help you know what your opponent is playing too. When everyone is netdecking, you can much more easily predict what they have have left in their deck/hand.
So yeah, ask for help here often and netdeck popular decks.
Daily Quests and Gold earning:You can earn gold by completing a daily quest or by winning 3 games against a human opponent in either Casual or Ranked modes. Ironically, Casual mode is more difficult than Ranked because you aren't as readily matched up to someone of your rank. Other notes about earning gold:
1. When you win 3 games, you earn 10 gold. You can earn up to 100 gold/day this way.
2. If you get a quest you don't like, you can "reroll" it by hitting the blue arrow button in the upper right corner of the quest.
3. You can only reroll one quest per day.
4. You can reroll a previously rerolled quest.
5. Try to not have more than 3 active quests or you'll lose out on a new daily quest.
6. The "Win 7 games in any mode" quest is worth 100 gold. In addition, wins against the AI count.
7. The "Spectate" quest allows you to earn a free pack of Classic cards just by watching another person win. FREE CARDS WOOO!
8. You can complete multiple quests at the same time (ie. Win 2 games with Paladin/Rogue and Win 2 games with Paladin/Warrior both get credit if you win with Paladin)
Card rarity, identification, and dust values:1. Look at the center of the card for a gem.
2. If the card has no gem, it is a "soulbound" card and cannot be crafted or dusted. Basically, it's a starting card.
3. If the gem is white, the card is common. These cards can be crafted for 40 dust or dusted for 5.
4. If the gem is blue, the card is rare. These cards can be crafted for 100 dust or dusted for 20.
5. If the gem is purple, the card is epic. These cards can be crafted for 400 dust or dusted for 100.
6. If the gem is orange, the card is legendary. These cards can be crafted for 1600 dust or dusted for 400.
7. Dusting a golden version of a card earns you the creation value. Example: A golden rare dusts for 100 instead of 20.
8. It's highly recommended you dust golden cards unless you don't have two copies of it already.
Supplemental Card Creation Guide:1. Do not dust cards until you have more than 2 copies of a card
2. Unless you're committed to a class, it's better to craft neutral minions first (Ysera, Bloodmage Thalnos, etc)
3. Dusting Gold cards earn lots more dust (unless you care about that bling look)
4. Try to only create Epic or Legendary (commons and rares will come via packs)
5. Ask us here before dusting something like a Legendary (see Legendary crafting link below)
Ranked RewardsEach season lasts one month. At the end of the season, you'll earn a reward based on your highest rank you earned during the season. The rewards come in the form of golden cards and extra dust. For newer players, the golden cards can be dusted for a lot of dust (see dust list above) allowing you to create better cards. For pros, it's an opportunity to bling out the cards they want or stockpile dust for the next expansion. Because of this reward system, you should always try and get as high as possible each season. And don't worry about losing ranks, you still get the reward based on your best result and not your ending rank. The rewards by rank are:
Rank 20 - 1 golden common card, 5 dust
Rank 19 - 1 golden common card, 10 dust
Rank 18 - 1 golden common card, 15 dust
Rank 17 - 1 golden common card, 20 dust
Rank 16 - 1 golden common card, 25 dust
Rank 15 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 14 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 13 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 12 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 11 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 10 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 9 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 8 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 7 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 6 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 5 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 5 dust
Rank 4 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 10 dust
Rank 3 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 15 dust
Rank 2 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 20 dust
Rank 1 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 25 dust
Legendary - 3 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card
Useful links:
Email stats:
You can get monthly recaps of your last ranked season directly from Blizzard. Follow these steps:
BNet Account Management... Settings > Communications Preferences > Check off News and Special Offers from Blizzard
To get something like this:
Adventure Modes and New Cards:
Saviors of Uldum[/spoiler]General Game Information:The game has FOUR play modes:
- Play - Build a 30-card deck and fight people in ranked or unranked matches in Standard or Wild formats.
- Solo Adventures - Practice against the AI or enter the Single Player themed adventures like The Curse of Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain.
- Arena - Pay 150g, then pick a hero from a random selection of 3 heroes and draft a deck from a random pool of cards presented to you three at a time. Then battle other people who went through the same process to receive treasures!
- Tavern Brawl - Free to enter after level 20. Rules change each week. Rewards a free Classic pack after first victory.
Grobian's list of less intuitive facts:
- Max handsize is 10 cards. Any card over that is drawn then immediately destroyed.
- You can't have more than 7 minions on the board.
- If you draw from an empty deck, each "card" you draw instead damages you, beginning at 1 damage and increasing by 1 damage each draw.
- If multiple things happen at the same time (e.g. trigger at the end of the turn) they happen in the order their respective cards have been played.
- There are hidden quests/achievements that award gold, notably: 100g for beating all Expert AIs, 100g for playing every class to level 10 and 300g for 100 wins total.
- The Shaman hero power always calls one of the 4 totems that isn't out yet. If you get a totem bounced to your hand, you can play a second one, though.
- The hunter spell Animal Companion just calls a random of the 3 possible minions.
- The Warlock spell Sense Demons gives you 1/1 imps for 1 mana if you don't have (any more) demons in your deck.
- Stealth overrides Taunt, not the other way around.
- Stealth is only for the enemy, you can buff your stealthed minions.
- Priest: Shadowform refreshes your hero power, so you can use it twice in a turn.
- Druid: Wild Growth at 10 mana crystals awards you a spell "Excess Mana" which draws a card for 0.
- More comprehensive list of oddities here
Hearthstone strategy and resource links
Links to competitive deckslists and analysis
Here's a visual deck sharing program made by our own Muffintron:
How to use:
[img][DECKSTRING HERE].png[/img]
So for example, using this deckstring: AAECAf0ECnHAAcMB7gLmBJKsAumsAoK0AqO2Aum6Agq7ApUDqwSWBewFgbIC17YCh70CwcECmMQCAA==
Would be:
Resulting in:
I'd appreciate it if you guys didn't use it outside PA Forums. My hosting can't stand up to any ridiculous amount of traffic, but it's a nice little tool just for us.
Decent streamers/youtube clips to watch, to learn!
Here's a list of PA people who don't mind if you spectate while they play.
*PM me to get added to the list*
**This is not a friends list. That is located at the top of this post!**
mnc dover/mncdover#1994
Webber/Webber #1330
The Escape Goat/EscapeGoat#1913
Grunt's Ghosts/GruntsGhosts#1652
Yilias/Yilias #1224
Edgler Vess/EdglerVess#1439
Need a voice actor? Hire me at
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam IDTwitch Page
I'll also add:
- Albatross either eats a mana nerf (4 mana? 5 mana??) or a stat nerf to a 2/2 or something.
- Kael'thas mana nerf for sure. They could change the stats if they wanted, but I don't think Kael's stats actually matter. That card could be a 1/1 and it'd still see play.
or, maybe, i'll eat crow again
that's certainly possible too
edit: Also on the topic of DH, they certainly seem to have underestimated that the aggro decks would just straight up use cards """meant""" for control decks instead. Aldrachi and Blade Dance initially. Eyebeam because it was a 3 attack Backstab with lifesteal (nerfed to 1 mana Outcast now but still fucking good). Altruis, because he doubledips as both face damage AND board clear. I bet FOR SURE they thought Skull was going to be "too expnsive" or "too slow" for an aggro deck as well but completely underestimated that shit. It still sees play at 6! It's still busted as fuck at 6! Warglaives of Azzinoth, which I think they designed with the intent of being like Fool's Bane, just meant for clearing a board. But surprise! As soon as Aldrachi was nerfed Warglaives became the new hot because it's just straight up a fuckin' 3 attack weapon with 4 charges and can get pretty silly with Satyr. And DH has all those easy weapon buff cards.... Tag: Dibby#1582
did they, like... bother to test DH cards? At all?
The cynical part of me says no....
The really cynical part of me says they wanted the new class broken at start to sell packs.
Maybe "for your first two turns you can only buy one minion"? Tag: Dibby#1582
Kael is still good. He'll just be good one more turn in as Druid has the free spells.
Bad Luck is still good to hurt HL or no minion decks.
DH will still be good at aggro.
Lock will be hurt by the pact being only friendly against DH.
The Millhouse nerf is good.
- Battlefiend I got right.
- I have no fucking clue why they think Altruis being able to hit face is a Good Idea!! I could've sworn that was the one they were gonna hit! Completely wrong on this one.
- I was off with Glaivebound by 1 attack. Glaivebound becoming a 5 mana 6/4 battlecry deal 4 damage is still an ABSURDLY undercosted (or would it be overcosted? ehh, you know what I mean) body:stats:effect ratio!! Like holy shit. Just make it a 5/4, ohhh my god.
- I was 1 attack off with Felwing. Hmmm. I dunno, if they were gonna cut one stat off, I'd rather it have been attack rather than health! That's still a very aggressive body to be developing!
- I was right with Albatross. I was pretty sure they were gonna dunk it to 4. I listed 5 just in case they felt like being SUPER aggressive with it, but hey.
- Correct on Kael'thas!
So mostly right. Other thoughts:
- Sac Pact: Pretty good nerf? I think about what all of us were expecting, yeah? They didn't even touch the healing, so, I guess that's fine.
- Bloodbloom: This is to slow down Darkest Hour Warlock, yeah? Seems smart.
- Waygate: Same as Bloodbloom, just to slow it down. I don't play Wild so I have no idea how these two decks actually fit into the Wild meta, but.
- Libram of Justice: I mean, buffs are always a welcome change! That's cool.
Honestly? DH comes out on top, here. Battlefiend was slowed down, though, and that does matter quite a bit. Their early game was ridiculous. I'm not convinced the Glaivebound nerf will matter. I'm not convinced the Altruis nerf will really matter since you can just chain him with Twin Slices and shit still. Might matter a little. Felwing won't really matter too much, I think.
Yeah, I mean, guess we'll wait and see what happens. I thought they were going to be a slight bit more aggressive with some of these nerfs, some of them seem a bit too ginger. Galakrond Warlock will still probably be extremely good, but also MUCH weaker vs DH now because they lose 0 mana kill any enemy minion.
Hmmm. Welp. Looks like I'm sticking with Zoolock for the time being. It pounds THE SHIT out of Aggro DH, wins vs Hunters and Rogues. Galakrond Warlock is a REALLY tough matchup though. You need Scrap Imp or you just lose straight up. Need to just jam stats and have more health than Dark Skies will clear for. I don't like VS's list at all. It's running some pretty awful jank-ass cards like Shieldbearer and Stonetusk Boar. Like, why. I mean I know why, it's cause Scrap Imp, but the cards you run in your deck should be good on their own merit. The list I've been running feels pretty good; It's a variant of this list:
And I removed Kanrethad (don't have him, don't wanna craft him, plays horribly with Nightshade/Merchant) and Darkglares for 2nd Magic Carpet and 2 EVIL Geniuses. The Suicide Package just feels good, honestly. It's literally just double Vultures and Thrashers, that's it. Nothing special, no other commitments beyond just those four cards. You don't even have to go off, even just a few activations is good. Plus getting buffed by Scrap Imp makes Vulture even more sticky and more likely to keep producing board.
Gotta hand it to Hand of Gul'dan (EHHHH?? ), I did not think that card was gonna see play and I was happily proven wrong. Zoolock is fast fast FAST now. You have a RIDICULOUSLY stronger early game than DH, you run Magic Carpet which singlehandedly lets you destroy any board they build up, and you've got Scrap Imp. My boy fuckin' SCRAP IMP. That card's a beast. If there's one card I'm not particularly sold on though, it might be Fiendish Servant... I suppose it's pretty dece with Scrap Imp buffs, but, hmm. I just wonder if there's a better 1 drop option out there. Tag: Dibby#1582
As a broke-ass ftp player, I understand they may not care about me, but I want to like and play their games. I just can't afford to any more.
As a brief explanation, I would say that due to lack of excessive time and or money, I can only really get about 3500 gold per set.
This means it USED to be that I could do an adventure OR get cards. And on very rare occasion, I could do the adventure AND get cards.
Then BG came out and initially, I COULD DO BOTH! It was glorious, I could do BG AND get cards. Sure I only played the cards against the innkeeper, but it was nice to get them!
Now I'm back to an either or situation, and not a single one of them feels worth sticking around for on its own.
Blizzard's idea of helping out f2p players is the free deck of choice for returning players and patting themselves on the back for a job well done giving themselves a round of applause as they trot away on their magnificent steed all like
So yeah they haven't improved the f2p experience at all I am very sorry to say. That should be one of their priorities but instead they put out platitudes like "We're giving returning players a free deck!! We did it, we solved the problem!" Tag: Dibby#1582
because there are no bad demon hunter cards
"Infidels" Tag: Dibby#1582
If people who spend $TEXAS are whales, people who spend $RHODEISLAND are minnows. People who spend nothing are some kind of water-borne bacteria.
Parasites. Bottom feeders. Scum.
That way it can still be used offensively, but there’s a drawback.
And then fix Jaraxxus so he’s a real hero card.
Has that interaction been possible in the past? I can't think of many ways to give non-mechs lifesteal.
Thats exactly how I discovered it.
Just so you know, it works on Standard Pyros as well. :biggrin:
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Blistering Rot combos well with all the buffs. Its a decent early and late game target for buffs that requires answering or else it just poops out minions every turn.
Questing Adventurer is also another good card that is a decent wincon both early and late. If he sticks, then all the free librams just buff him up to crazy levels.
Exotic Mountseller works in Druid for the same reason this works here. She pumps out tons of bodies. All of which can be targets for librams.
Pyromancer/Consecration work well with Justice/Equality, which adds up to 4 complete board clears. 2 of which are really only one sided. Pyro has been especially great with lightforged blessing acting as a incredible heal against wide boards.
Crusader is there for control mirrors and add value towards the end of the game. I don't love that its a dead draw until then but it hasn't been a problem yet.
Overall, this deck has actually worked. It has lots of healing to survive any aggro or mid-range deck. I've survived DH consistently and its beating many of the meta decks. It can board clear over and over and over. I can't quite figure out how to make it even more tight. The construction feels all over the place so any advice would be great:
### Alexandria
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 2x (2) Air Raid
# 2x (2) Aldor Attendant
# 1x (2) Hand of A'dal
# 2x (2) Libram of Wisdom
# 1x (2) Lightforged Blessing
# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 1x (3) Blistering Rot
# 2x (3) Bronze Explorer
# 1x (3) Questing Adventurer
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 2x (4) Equality
# 2x (5) Aldor Truthseeker
# 1x (5) Amber Watcher
# 2x (6) Libram of Justice
# 1x (7) Exotic Mountseller
# 1x (7) Lady Liadrin
# 1x (7) Lightforged Crusader
# 1x (8) Lay on Hands
# 2x (9) Libram of Hope
# 1x (10) Nozari
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I think if you're using that many non-class cards, lightforged crusader would only come into play as an extremely late game value generator. In which case might as well use something better at that, like Elisiana or Dragon Queen.
Hand of A’dal is crazy good and should be a x2 in every Paladin deck. Probably drop an Air Raid or Consecrate.
Double up on either the Blistering Rot or Questing and get rid of the lesser performing one (I’d go with x2 Rot).
Finally, I’d add in Tirion and a second Amber Watcher and cut Nozari and Lay on Hands. Unless you feel like the LoH and Noz healing have been indispensable, they both feel too slow. Tirion is a serious threat and Watcher gives you a mid game body plus faster healing vs Aggro.
-1 Air Raid
-1 Questing Avenger
-1 Lay on Hands
-1 Nozari
+1 Hand of A’dal
+1 Blistering Rot
+1 Amber Watcher
+1 Tirion
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
I think you definitely want to add in Truesilvers, they're just good. It's just a good weapon. I'd consider Aldor Peacekeepers, maybe even Subdue. You need something to handle big fatties or a surprise VanCleef and you don't really have that. I'm also not really sold on Equality at the moment, I think you can just cut that wholesale considering you have Libram of Justice. Sanctuary is a good card, toss that in for sure. Pharaoh's Blessing is a nice defensive buff card, I'd think about adding that in. If you want a better midgame (you've got no 4 drops) you can add in Ancestral Guardian or Bone Wraiths. Tag: Dibby#1582
Noz and LoH have won me games. I can get behind dropping an Air Raid, though and slotting in Tirion.
Yeah, the idea behind both blistering rot and mountseller and Questing adventurer is that they work really well with a hand full of libram of wisdoms. Which I always get from Liadrin. After outlasting, and outhealing everything they throw at me, those three cards are what finish the game off.
Equality is necessary. This deck is all about outlasting the opponent. And equality is needed to combo with the pyro or consecrates that don't get used with Justice.
That's a good note about the 4 drops and it fits with wanting to add in Truesilver. I do really need to find a place for those
you should not be able to remove my fat minion AND HEAL 5 for absolutely free
that is not fair