Speaking of McCrees, had one today who decided it was fair to badmouth the opposing team pharah for getting POTG calling them "No brain no aim" and what not.
The irony being the POTG was the pharah getting behind us all, killing the two healers while everyone else stands there oblivious, and then killing the s76 and McCree. All with just primary shots.
Speaking of McCrees, had one today who decided it was fair to badmouth the opposing team pharah for getting POTG calling them "No brain no aim" and what not.
The irony being the POTG was the pharah getting behind us all, killing the two healers while everyone else stands there oblivious, and then killing the s76 and McCree. All with just primary shots.
On the downside, racism and homophobia/transphobia continue unabated. However, I have gotten 5 notifications of blizz in the last 2 days so that’s something.
i don't recall, did they make junk do more damage to shields than people? they should do that with hog, make him a really really strong shield breaker for his lack of everything else.
i don't recall, did they make junk do more damage to shields than people? they should do that with hog, make him a really really strong shield breaker for his lack of everything else.
the idea he is good at breaking shields is an obsession of bad players
The second had one of the other team DC/leave, and then the entire team left before the first round was even up.
The third one had someone constantly disconnecting and rejoining.
End of the season living up to its usual awfulness.
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
edited June 2020
They put the experiment card live today, all the stuff went through as-is including the hard Bridget nerfs.
They did state that in the next comp season they are limiting your SR score ceiling on placements to 3900 and you have to play more to get in a higher rank.
Adjustments to Seasonal Placements for High SR Players
Beginning with Season 23, the maximum Skill Rating (SR) earned after a player completes each season’s placements has been capped at 3900 SR. Players are still matched with other players of similar skill, as we want to keep matches as fair and fun as possible. As each player participates in more games during the current season, their SR will slowly rise to reach a value that fully reflects their current skill.
This change is intended to address many of the issues that SR Decay tried to fix, but in a more positive manner that rewards staying active and playing more games instead of penalizing players for not playing enough. Achieving a very high SR at the end of a season can no longer be achieved by completing a mere five placement matches. This does mean you may see larger SR differences between all the players in a very high SR match than in previous seasons, as two similar and highly skilled players might have different SRs based on how many games they’ve played during the season.
TexiKen on
miscellaneousinsanitygrass grows, birds fly, sun shines,and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered Userregular
They put the experiment card live today, all the stuff went through as-is including the hard Bridget nerfs.
They did state that in the next comp season they are limiting your SR score ceiling on placements to 3900 and you have to play more to get in a higher rank.
Adjustments to Seasonal Placements for High SR Players
Beginning with Season 23, the maximum Skill Rating (SR) earned after a player completes each season’s placements has been capped at 3900 SR. Players are still matched with other players of similar skill, as we want to keep matches as fair and fun as possible. As each player participates in more games during the current season, their SR will slowly rise to reach a value that fully reflects their current skill.
This change is intended to address many of the issues that SR Decay tried to fix, but in a more positive manner that rewards staying active and playing more games instead of penalizing players for not playing enough. Achieving a very high SR at the end of a season can no longer be achieved by completing a mere five placement matches. This does mean you may see larger SR differences between all the players in a very high SR match than in previous seasons, as two similar and highly skilled players might have different SRs based on how many games they’ve played during the season.
They actually put in this brig nerfs? lol, just delete her if you're going to dumpster her that hard.
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
shes still perfectly viable. this is another one of those nerfs that will not actually change as much as people think
Question: Does discord orb prevent solo kills? Meaning, I had a dps brag about solo kills while I was basically pocketing them with orb and discording their targets. They claimed that this would have prevented the kill from being solo, even if they did all the damage personally.
Is this true? Does a discorded target still count as a solo kill or not? Does putting a healing orb on someone prevent a solo kill?
shes still perfectly viable. this is another one of those nerfs that will not actually change as much as people think
yeah i don't get where this severe reaction is coming from. personally i don't love the change, but she's basically just a little worse at one thing and a little better at another. her role/use case will change, but at her core she's pretty much the same.
shes still perfectly viable. this is another one of those nerfs that will not actually change as much as people think
yeah i don't get where this severe reaction is coming from. personally i don't love the change, but she's basically just a little worse at one thing and a little better at another. her role/use case will change, but at her core she's pretty much the same.
She's in a reasonable place now. Conditionally good, like a lot of heroes.
She had kind of found a slot that she was really good at, and now they've changed that. I think it's just too early to see if this dumpsters her or not. There's upsides to having lingering healing not turn into armor - now poke damage against her heal targets means she gets more healing credit, and therefore faster ult gain. And she's still able to provide anti-dive... but at high levels it wasn't really the anti-dive that was driving her pickrate, it was her ability to enable dive dps. OTOH the quick heal is still arguably the best option for supporting the dive dps.
Also worth noting that Fran's tourney just finished and the top two teams were both running brig & genji and doing just fine with it, so
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
What really annoys me is that they aren't even hiding the favoritism now for characters. I don't care for Bridget, I haven't liked her in a long time. I'd rather play Mercy now than play her. But she at least takes more skill than Moira, and when they put the Moira experiment up and didn't carry it through yet push this broken thing through, and you still don't meaningfully touch Ana or Rein who have been problem children forever, dafuq yo. Dumpster Moira or Ana along with Bridget and that would be great to see.
Bridget's getting punched hard for them not wanting to touch other heroes who have had much more glaring issues and to respond to burst damage by hurting burst healing. Deal with both at the same time.
Blizzard makes too many problems for themselves where there doesn't need to be one. Just remove one of her health packs. You know, actually use experiment to experiment and not just be PTR 2.0. With how quickly they pulled the experiement card last week they should have added one this week with a different Brig rollout and not push her stuff live.
Brigette's kit is designed around the concept that she can overheal, it's why her healing is so limited by cooldown. Removing the overheal means her healing will frequently get wasted.
It was also the only reason you would play her over another healer. You're straight throwing if you pick her over any other healer now as she no longer serves a unique purpose.
And yeah, not touching Ana first is just hilarious, like she has always been the best healer in the game full stop. She has an ultimate on cooldown ffs.
shes still perfectly viable. this is another one of those nerfs that will not actually change as much as people think
yeah i don't get where this severe reaction is coming from. personally i don't love the change, but she's basically just a little worse at one thing and a little better at another. her role/use case will change, but at her core she's pretty much the same.
She's in a reasonable place now. Conditionally good, like a lot of heroes.
I struggle to see what the condition is where she's better than Lucio. Inspire only heals 5 HPS more than his basic healing, but needs to be proc'ed. Repair pack is a single target ranged 55 HPS over two seconds compared to Amp being 52 HPS, but AoE and over three seconds. Repair Pack takes 12 seconds (same as Amp's CD) to generate two charges, so it's better for... when one and precisely only one person needs healing, but only if that healing is okay to take four seconds, but not three?
Her shield, meanwhile, is still paper thin, and now incurs a much harsher penalty for it breaking, which will be practically every time she pulls it up for being an actual shield. The knock-on effect there is also that her bash will be down even more, so she's even more unreliable for dealing with flanks, and her ability to do so has already been stripped from her.
shes still perfectly viable. this is another one of those nerfs that will not actually change as much as people think
yeah i don't get where this severe reaction is coming from. personally i don't love the change, but she's basically just a little worse at one thing and a little better at another. her role/use case will change, but at her core she's pretty much the same.
She's in a reasonable place now. Conditionally good, like a lot of heroes.
I struggle to see what the condition is where she's better than Lucio. Inspire only heals 5 HPS more than his basic healing, but needs to be proc'ed. Repair pack is a single target ranged 55 HPS over two seconds compared to Amp being 52 HPS, but AoE and over three seconds. Repair Pack takes 12 seconds (same as Amp's CD) to generate two charges, so it's better for... when one and precisely only one person needs healing, but only if that healing is okay to take four seconds, but not three?
Her shield, meanwhile, is still paper thin, and now incurs a much harsher penalty for it breaking, which will be practically every time she pulls it up for being an actual shield. The knock-on effect there is also that her bash will be down even more, so she's even more unreliable for dealing with flanks, and her ability to do so has already been stripped from her.
You would never run her over a Lucio, like ever.
It's not even about the numbers, if she healed much more than Lucio is still wouldn't matter, speed is what makes Lucio a staple.
Unique abilities and how they interact with other characters are essential to give a reason to play one character over another. Mercy is not in a very good spot, but she still get played because of what she can do for Pharah or resing a widow. Brigette had overheal, now she has nothing.
Buffing the shield is kind of insulting, it use to be double that, and she still couldn't frontline then because she would just get run over by an enemy Rein if you weren't extremely careful. They could actually turn into some kind of frontline support, but it would require a significant buff to her survivability and i doubt anyone wants that.
DragkoniasThat Guy Who Does StuffYou Know, There. Registered Userregular
Yes. I was worried at first, but now that I've adjusted to it and also because I'll never be effected by it, I reckon it's coo.
'Chance, you are the best kind of whore.' -Henroid
TexiKenDammit!That fish really got me!Registered Userregular
Congrats to Paris for taking out the big dogs and winning (and Fielder for doing everything 200 ping 2000 miles away and never showing any emotion), but basically making the entire matches center around one player carrying Genji with mirror Sigma/Orisa/Bap/Brig and Ashe/Tracer/McCree 85% of the time is not healthy.
DragkoniasThat Guy Who Does StuffYou Know, There. Registered Userregular
I think the change was mainly cause people were complaining that you could pretty much squat in top 500 once you reached a certain level.
So some top players would have like 3-5 alts just sitting there, immovable.
Genji is definitely the star of the moment and needs tweaking (probably just needs his ult gain reduced) but to be fair most of the highlight genji blades we saw this weekend were enabled by total team coordination and dumping all your resources into keeping the genji alive. it's not like he can go in and 1v6 with no support from the rest of the team
(that being said, a very good genji like sparkle probably could 1v6 the worst teams)
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
ya they just need to reduce the number of blades per second and he should be mostly ok
one fundamental problem with game balance rn is that a defensive ult like trance is less effective at countering nanoblade than junkrat tyre, not least because zen always builds trance after the genji and ana have already got their first nanoblade unless they literally have no hands, and even if you do trance in time an anti nade or ur team having anybody away from u does v little
and im not even joking that tyre is the best nanoblade counter by far, just hide and park it near ur supports and watch what happens hehehehe
Nanoboost is a mistake and only contributes to the mindset that supports exist solely to pocket DPS.
I've ranted about how bad and overpowered way too many ults are, but Dragonblade is a lot closer to what they should be. If an ult is capable of killing a team, they should require a lot more than pressing Q and then basking in your glory for the next 2-3 seconds. Even Pharah, who's the epitome of "ult and die" is all but guaranteed to at least trade because whoever she's aimed at evaporates, even through a barrier.
And replace/rework Lucio's ult to not be horrible to use and in actual effect, but especially the former.
need a healer that gives +energy shields to a single target.
Ah - like a dive support (Zen) but better 'cause shields.
Og Sym gave out what, 30 shields? Then the generator ult was I think 75.
I kinda' loved the shield gen Meta.
i really do miss the shield gen. there could be a longer cooldown on giving someone a shield where zen can switch instantly. also, ults don't have to be near the same.
The irony being the POTG was the pharah getting behind us all, killing the two healers while everyone else stands there oblivious, and then killing the s76 and McCree. All with just primary shots.
Clearly the problem was healing.
It's not about the quantity of the damage done, it's about the quality.
Saving it for the PotG.
He blades and starts chopping at rein with the bastion within blade range of he turns 45 degrees right. Dies. Goes “bad luck”.
No. Not bad luck. Brain dead decisionmaking. It’s not good sportsmanship to go “bad luck”, it’s a conscious decision to not learn.
Blizzard: Pailryder#1101
GoG: https://www.gog.com/u/pailryder
the idea he is good at breaking shields is an obsession of bad players
The first had one of our DPS rage quit.
The second had one of the other team DC/leave, and then the entire team left before the first round was even up.
The third one had someone constantly disconnecting and rejoining.
End of the season living up to its usual awfulness.
They did state that in the next comp season they are limiting your SR score ceiling on placements to 3900 and you have to play more to get in a higher rank.
They actually put in this brig nerfs? lol, just delete her if you're going to dumpster her that hard.
Is this true? Does a discorded target still count as a solo kill or not? Does putting a healing orb on someone prevent a solo kill?
yeah i don't get where this severe reaction is coming from. personally i don't love the change, but she's basically just a little worse at one thing and a little better at another. her role/use case will change, but at her core she's pretty much the same.
She's in a reasonable place now. Conditionally good, like a lot of heroes.
Also worth noting that Fran's tourney just finished and the top two teams were both running brig & genji and doing just fine with it, so
Bridget's getting punched hard for them not wanting to touch other heroes who have had much more glaring issues and to respond to burst damage by hurting burst healing. Deal with both at the same time.
Blizzard makes too many problems for themselves where there doesn't need to be one. Just remove one of her health packs. You know, actually use experiment to experiment and not just be PTR 2.0. With how quickly they pulled the experiement card last week they should have added one this week with a different Brig rollout and not push her stuff live.
nobody at any level of play is complaining that Ana or Rein are OP or broken or whatever. they're fine.
Brigette's kit is designed around the concept that she can overheal, it's why her healing is so limited by cooldown. Removing the overheal means her healing will frequently get wasted.
It was also the only reason you would play her over another healer. You're straight throwing if you pick her over any other healer now as she no longer serves a unique purpose.
And yeah, not touching Ana first is just hilarious, like she has always been the best healer in the game full stop. She has an ultimate on cooldown ffs.
I struggle to see what the condition is where she's better than Lucio. Inspire only heals 5 HPS more than his basic healing, but needs to be proc'ed. Repair pack is a single target ranged 55 HPS over two seconds compared to Amp being 52 HPS, but AoE and over three seconds. Repair Pack takes 12 seconds (same as Amp's CD) to generate two charges, so it's better for... when one and precisely only one person needs healing, but only if that healing is okay to take four seconds, but not three?
Her shield, meanwhile, is still paper thin, and now incurs a much harsher penalty for it breaking, which will be practically every time she pulls it up for being an actual shield. The knock-on effect there is also that her bash will be down even more, so she's even more unreliable for dealing with flanks, and her ability to do so has already been stripped from her.
You would never run her over a Lucio, like ever.
It's not even about the numbers, if she healed much more than Lucio is still wouldn't matter, speed is what makes Lucio a staple.
Unique abilities and how they interact with other characters are essential to give a reason to play one character over another. Mercy is not in a very good spot, but she still get played because of what she can do for Pharah or resing a widow. Brigette had overheal, now she has nothing.
Buffing the shield is kind of insulting, it use to be double that, and she still couldn't frontline then because she would just get run over by an enemy Rein if you weren't extremely careful. They could actually turn into some kind of frontline support, but it would require a significant buff to her survivability and i doubt anyone wants that.
I remember when Brig was originally reworked from her busted version folks more or less said the same thing about her being "dead"
Yet here we are.
She was the second lowest picked support at the tier where she was supposedly dominating.
And that had nothing to do with her viability, people just weren't playing her cause "She isn't broken anymore so she must not be good."
Even as a Brig one trick got top 1-3 support on all her accounts.
Perception and reality are often very different.
Blizzard: Pailryder#1101
GoG: https://www.gog.com/u/pailryder
of course u lose hidden mmr but still it preserves the pride
So some top players would have like 3-5 alts just sitting there, immovable.
(that being said, a very good genji like sparkle probably could 1v6 the worst teams)
one fundamental problem with game balance rn is that a defensive ult like trance is less effective at countering nanoblade than junkrat tyre, not least because zen always builds trance after the genji and ana have already got their first nanoblade unless they literally have no hands, and even if you do trance in time an anti nade or ur team having anybody away from u does v little
and im not even joking that tyre is the best nanoblade counter by far, just hide and park it near ur supports and watch what happens hehehehe
I've ranted about how bad and overpowered way too many ults are, but Dragonblade is a lot closer to what they should be. If an ult is capable of killing a team, they should require a lot more than pressing Q and then basking in your glory for the next 2-3 seconds. Even Pharah, who's the epitome of "ult and die" is all but guaranteed to at least trade because whoever she's aimed at evaporates, even through a barrier.
And replace/rework Lucio's ult to not be horrible to use and in actual effect, but especially the former.
Blizzard: Pailryder#1101
GoG: https://www.gog.com/u/pailryder
Ah - like a dive support (Zen) but better 'cause shields.
Og Sym gave out what, 30 shields? Then the generator ult was I think 75.
I kinda' loved the shield gen Meta.
i really do miss the shield gen. there could be a longer cooldown on giving someone a shield where zen can switch instantly. also, ults don't have to be near the same.
Blizzard: Pailryder#1101
GoG: https://www.gog.com/u/pailryder