E.coli - last weekend, my city was issued a boil water advisory because of e.coli found through testing. When it was lifted, the following (excerpted) was suggested:
"Empty and clean automatic ice makers and water chillers"
I'm not sure what that means. The automatic ice maker is just a part of the refrigerator. How do you "clean" it? Does this just mean I should dispose of the existing ice, clean the tray the ice falls into, and make a new batch? Do I need to make a couple of batches to "flush" the water that pipes into the automatic ice maker? Do I need to do more than that? I live in an apartment where all the hookups are pre-installed.
Drain flies - ugh. I have an infestation. I guess my bathtub was a bit grimy. Now that I've cleaned it, they've MOSTLY left my bathroom but they seem to have moved to my kitchen. I've done everything I can think of so far except using Drano (yet - will be doing that tomorrow). I've done the suggested water/vinegar/sugar trap and it's had some effect but I still have a decent number of flies swarming the kitchen. I know drain flies are not dangerous but it's really bugsome and keeping me from cooking comfortably. I have no rotten food and I've been hiding as much as I can behind cabinets but they keep landing on my microwave door, other appliances, spatulas and whatnot - it's very frustrating.
Any advice?
Also, the sugar/water/vinegar trap - the suggestion is equal parts of each ingredient. Does that mean I should literally use 100 mL of sugar if I'm using 100 mL of both water and white vinegar? That seems like a lot. Also should I actually stir the mixture?
Mold - Can't believe I did this. I guess I forgot to clean my reusable coffee filter last time I made a whole pot of coffee rather than using its single cup brewing feature which uses a different tank and coffee filter. I go to make a pot today and there's a bunch of wet grounds in my main filter and they are greenish - definitely mold. I took the filter and the basket and cleaned with dishwashing liquid and soap. Is that sufficient? I've read everything from "use bleach and water" to "use vinegar and water" to "use bleach and vinegar" to "soap and water is sufficient." I'm not too comfortable using bleach on something I am going to be using for food or whatever. Any thoughts?
Bleach can screw up the insides of a coffee maker, so don't use that.
I can has cheezburger, yes?
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Is this necessary even if nothing has passed through the tank or carafe since before the mold happened? It seems like the issue was contained to the coffee filter and filter basket. I actually wasn’t even thinking about the tank itself...
Thanks, that makes me feel better. What did you use to stop the drain? Just a typical drain stopper, or tape, or something else?
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
At this point, I would say better safe than sorry. If it comes out clean, you at least know it's clean and you've nipped it in the bud before it could get going. If something comes out, you got rid of it. You've already found traces of mold in there, so there might be more where you can't get to- the vinegar/water mix will kill and flush out what it can!
Also, use plain white vinegar to do this, should have mentioned this earlier!
I can has cheezburger, yes?
Drain Flies: These can be super stoubborn, call a pest control company and they can spray and kill them in a day. You'll want something that will withstand water use because they can stick the eggs on the underside of things like your disposal, the top of the U bend, and other places that don't necessarily wash away.
Mold in Coffee Maker: Unless its a super expensive and fancy coffee maker, I'd ditch the lot and get a new one, even if it was just the filter you see the mold in, its definitely in the machine too and will be in what you drink even if you run vinegar solutions through it over and over (I know from experience, once this happened to me It would just come back every time I paused for a few days).
As for my coffee maker: it’s not a fancy maker per se but it is a new and relatively expensive one. A lot of sites seem pretty cavalier about mold in the coffee grounds, suggesting cleanup is pretty easy including the vingear flushing route. @Enc You’re saying the mold would recur after your initial cleaning even while keeping it clean?
I mean, I had put a moldy piece of bread in my toaster and didn’t realize till after and I still use the toaster... Is it really that big of a deal? Why don’t I just clean it and see if there’s a recurrence? Is there a huge health risk if I do that?
remove and clean the ice catcher if you can. If not, empty it and clean it as best you can. E. Coli can live in frozen water, so you 're doing the right thing by making some batches and discarding. If your fridge dispenses water, run at least 2-3 gallons through it and dump it out. After that you're probably fine.
re: coffee ground smold, I've fucked this up a time or two in exactly the way you did, and a good rigorous cleaning has always been fine.
re: the toaster, I'm not even sure you need to clean it overmuch if you've already toasted things with it since. The elements get hot enough to set fires, mold isn't living through that.
I’ve used bleach and hot water down the sink for drain flys, with fly strips around the house. And that worked just fine.
Vinegar flushing the coffee machine is fine. I do it as part of a descaling, but it seams like it would work with mold.
Thanks. I don’t even have a water dispenser in my fridge, just the ice maker. I did two full dump batches of ice and re-cleansed the tray, I think I’m okay with it now.
edit: Originally I wrote that I “re-cleansed the fray” but I don’t even know it that band is active anymore.
Thanks, I did a few days of boiling water in my kitchen sink and bathtub drain. It helped a little bit but they’re still around and I noticed some really tiny ones. Didn’t use bleach though. I bought a bunch of drano so I’m going to shower and then dump half a bottle in every drain. I have some tub stoppers/drain covers coming on Wednesday (I hope) so I’ll use that too. And I bought apple cider vinegar which may help attract and kill the remaining loose drain flies. Thanks for the info!
I didn’t actually run the descaling/cleaning with it in the reservoir, thankfully.
How big of a deal is that? I don’t have any extras on hand.
You, or your landlord, need to call in a pest control company if you want them gone for good.
Also, I’ve read that a salt and vinegar mixture will actually kill drain flies and their eggs, and sanitize the pipes?
I’m not against talking to my landlord about it but a lot of sites seem to think this is manageable...
Will it kill the eggs? Yes. Will it reach the eggs? No!
I appreciate the advice.
I guess I’m not understanding. You mentioned earlier that drain flies lay eggs on top of the pipes but how? Also my understanding is that they lay their eggs within organic material stuck in the pipes/drain?
And to be clear traps won't be instant, it'll take time to get rid of them that way. It'll also requires being fairly diligent about swapping out the traps.
Thanks everyone!