
[Genshin Impact] Breath of the Gacha (1.2 out now!)



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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular

    Also, currently using Xingqiu as my main dps at AR10 after getting him and The Flute off of the Klee banner. This game is very chill to play. It's been nice. :)

    Welcome to the Xingqiu future. Self healing, throwing water swords... He's great.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    I hate all y'alls luck. I did like 25 pulls and all I got were constellations. What i really wanted was just one copy of that water sword guy for his passive

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    akjakakjak Thera Spooky GymRegistered User regular
    Someone on reddit did some maths (and also confirmed with devs) that chests do not respawn at all.

    It sometimes seems like they do, just because every hilichurl camp is the same and has another one just down the road. So the ones you think have respawned are just ones you missed.

    Switch: SW-4133-1546-2720 (Thera)
    Twitch: akThera
    Steam: Thera
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    DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    akjak wrote: »
    Someone on reddit did some maths (and also confirmed with devs) that chests do not respawn at all.

    It sometimes seems like they do, just because every hilichurl camp is the same and has another one just down the road. So the ones you think have respawned are just ones you missed.

    I would need a source for this because I really thought they did.

    What is this I don't even.
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    GMaster7GMaster7 Goggles Paesano Registered User regular
    I think the new area (and the remainder of the Act 2 story?) come out in December with 1.2.

    No, the remainder of the Act 2 story and a minor addition to the current area and new weekly boss comes out in 1.1 on November 11. Whole new continent comes later.

    Ah yes, November 11. Just in time for me to jump in on PS5. Hope they optimize so that performance is closer to high-end PC.

    PSN: SKI2000G | Steam: GMaster7 | Battle.net: GMaster7#1842
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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Spoit wrote: »
    I hate all y'alls luck. I did like 25 pulls and all I got were constellations. What i really wanted was just one copy of that water sword guy for his passive

    That's all I want too. He's so good and I want a second of him.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    MillMill Registered User regular
    I'm playing this super casual right now because I have other priorities. There are tons of things to love about this game, but I'm seeing areas they are going to have to address if they want this to continue to have the success it currently enjoys.

    Dvalin fight. I don't think it's feasible to go back and make this not dogshit because the fight is probably fatally designed from the get go. The smart thing to do would be remove all the BP rewards for doing it once a week to Wolf or merge the two BP quests and have it be a kill either one for completion, just in case someone enjoys Dvalin fight more than Wolf. Then add other options for getting any loot that is unique to Dvalin's drop pool, if any. I say this fight is fatally flawed because going back and analyzing it. One of the big factors that sucks fun out of this fight is the fuck awful camera angle, that forces you to play with the camera set at a specific angle that you don't ever have to deal with anywhere else. This just amplifies the really tedious aspects of the fight (the climbing, platform jump). Also the camera angle can result in fighting it if your are position at a certain angle with Dvalin's foot, losing out on dps time to make the tedious fight end sooner because you can't figure out how to navigate your character around an obstacle. There are cases where there seems to be a spot, where Dvalin's neck will also pinned you, fucking out of being able to do anything. It's just not a well designed fight and I don't know if the BP weekly thing is more a "we just felt that you need to do both bosses once a week," or if it's goes further and is a "we really haven't grasped that we fucked up on this fight and are going to try and force you to like it." Regardless of which aspect it is, making people have to go back and do that fight weekly for the BP, is going to start driving people away. You want people to have fun when they do the repeatable stuff, which means you need to be able to spot things that aren't fun and filter them the fuck out of being requirements for daily and weekly shit, otherwise people are going to bail when they finally hit the point of "I'm fucking tired of doing this god awful fight and fuck the devs that insist I have to do it as part of the gameplay loop!"

    Resin is another, but they've said they are working on it. It's in a weird spot because there is some casually play where it's a problem. Only want to log on once and for an hour? Yeah, you might not have the resin to finish the BP pass daily quest, which is flawed design. Also sounds like higher AR players are starting to run into issues where the higher their AR gets the quicker they apparently run into the resin gate. If so, AR really should have that kind of relationship with resin income. AKA hitting higher AR should not result in a scenario where you hit the resin wall sooner. At AR60, I should hit the resin wall at about the time I'm currently hitting it sitting at AR26. This is probably also an indication that either too much of the end gameplay loop is tied to resin or exploration just isn't rewarding enough. I'd also like to see them move this away from the trickle gating model because that is cancer design. If they need gating, go with a 12H, 24H, 7D or monthly setup. it's healthier design because it lets me the player not have to care about some fucking timer, if I'm logging on and doing stuff once a day. I'm going the inevitable wave or regulations nukes trickle gating setups because they are intentionally obnoxious in the hopes that people will shell out money to make them be less obnoxious.

    It does seem like they need to make exploration past the initial point in an area more dynamic. IMO they'd probably do well to look at D3's approach on map generation. Treasure goblins, uniques and randomly spawned events did wonders to keep some maps fresh for long periods a time and you felt inclined to explore those maps to find those things. This does mean that there needs to be primogems and some of the other rewards to be had.

    Finally, they do need to rethink the shit gacha model. I've never played FGO, but I fucking hate the game, despite enjoying the Fate franchise because the game has set player expectations to believe that Gacha = dogshit rates for in game units and gear, scarce draw currency for F2P and people needing to shell out tons of money if they want to draw. I cannot count the number of times where someone critiques a new gacha and someone responds with "well, it at least gives you X unlike FGO. FGO should not be the gold standard here. I know Girls' Frontline spoils me, but it's existence and the fuck that it's doing well enough, really does make one question the model many other gachas have. You can easily get free currency, to the point where it's actually dumb to spend money on said currency, to get gameplay units and gear for said units. The monetized gacha only exists when one gets to vanity stuff that has next to zero impact on gameplay.

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    ContentContextContentContext Registered User regular
    Did a 10 roll and got Klee and a dupe Noelle. That's as much as I could've asked for.

    I'm trying to sort out my teams. My main has been Razor, Xiangling, Barbara, and Jean. I'm thinking of switching out Jean for Noelle, then having my other team be Jean, Fischl, Klee...Chongyun? Only other characters I have are the starters and Bennett.

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    ArtereisArtereis Registered User regular
    I'm definitely starting to feel the resin limit in the mid 30s. At the very least they should bump the actual cap to be the same as the daily requirement. All I really get to use it for right now are whatever 3 minibosses I need for ascension materials, so I'm not even running domains yet.

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    ph blakeph blake Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Resin limit makes things slower than I like, but also I don't really feel a rush for anything.

    At this point I log on, do my daily commissions, burn Resin on whatever I need, hit up my world boss farm path, and then maybe fuck around a bit with whatever (mining/gathering mats, randomly looking in old places for new chest, time trials/challenges/achievements).

    Progress is slow, but reasonable, and I kinda enjoy the relaxed pace I have going on right now. I'd love for Resin to either recharge faster or have a higher cap, but it's not like the content is going anywhere. I'm AR36, should hit 37 tomorrow, cleared through 9-3 of the abyss and unlocked floor 10, and am just kinda slowly figuring out who I want to build up next besides my main 4 units (Fischl/Diluc and and Keqing/Xiangling are my main DPS pairs for the abyss, with random other characters thrown in to support them depending on the floor).

    Looking forward to hitting AR40 so I can actually start farming artifact domains more though.

    ph blake on
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    AshtonDragonAshtonDragon AKA The Nix Registered User regular
    I think resin is probably my biggest complaint with the game right now. The system itself is fine (I actually appreciate having a system like that to prevent myself from grinding until I'm bored), but I feel the current amount that we get is a bit too low to be satisfying.

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    akjakakjak Thera Spooky GymRegistered User regular
    Switch: SW-4133-1546-2720 (Thera)
    Twitch: akThera
    Steam: Thera
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    Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular

    I love the Jean/Klee relationship, lol.

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    metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    akjak wrote: »

    This confirms what I posted in the SE+ thread, which is that while chests don't respawn, they DO repopulate. In the linked thread it's presumed to be based on AR progression, but they don't actually seem to know for sure.

    Distinguishing between respawning and repopulating is kinda irrelevant up until a player has actually exhausted the current allotment of chests.

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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Got enough for one more ten pull. Two now Noelles and a klee. No swordyboy constellations. Ah well, can't really complain with the result.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    I've been using Chonyun just to make some of the level 80 electro domains go a bit quicker and you know...Chongyun + Xingqui makes for some fun and easy freeze combinations. Hell, even on his own, Chongyun just being used to drop his E field is great when switching back to Jean.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
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    Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Chongyun's E is so fun. It has such a satisfying animation, too. I still need to figure out a good team comp. I've got Traveler, Chongyun, Fischl, Barbara, and Venti leveled up, with Xianling a bit behind. Working on getting Klee leveled up, too. Haven't really found a good comp that feels like it's pumping damage really well.

    Also, Genshin's down for maintenance.

    Stabbity Style on
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    DyvionDyvion Back in Sunny Florida!!Registered User regular
    akjak wrote: »

    According to that there are 489 chests in Mondstadt?? Not including time trials that leaves 462 chests... I found exactly 400 after scouring the map for hours. Good grief.

    Steam: No Safety In Life
    PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
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    P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    they aren't proposing an exact count - they are speculating that chests might be spawned by world level increasing, or some other mechanism to explain a few chests appearing in areas that you've thoroughly explored before, but basically arguing against the idea that chests definitively respawn.

    which, from my personal experience, having scoured basically the entire map to complete the mondstadt and liyue collectibles achievement a couple weeks ago, i don't think chests respawn either.

    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
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    OptyOpty Registered User regular
    If they don't respawn then the question is if chests increase their output with world level such that you should hold off on opening them or if they're static and it doesn't matter when you do it

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    P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    i can't imagine it would be worth the hassle except maybe for holding off on the depth shrines

    P10 on
    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
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    KyanilisKyanilis Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    Based on other tests I believe the answer is that world level does not affect chest contents. You're safe to open any chest whenever you find it.

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    SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    I hit AR 7 and got a 5 star Qiqi. Is that good? I don't know what I'm doing, but the game does seem fun.

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    RoyallyFlushedRoyallyFlushed Registered User regular
    Right now, any question that involves "new 5* character good?" can easily be answered "yes"

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    DisrupterDisrupter Registered User regular
    So I have a 10 pull sitting but with diluc and Xing I don’t need another fire. Should I just stack up on primos all banner?

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    BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    This watersword person just had to have a skill called Bladeworks, didn't they?

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
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    MillMill Registered User regular
    I have to say, that's a buzzkill to learn that chests do not respawn and it seems to be all chests. So this is also a WTF are were they thinking moment as well.

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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    SniperGuy wrote: »
    I hit AR 7 and got a 5 star Qiqi. Is that good? I don't know what I'm doing, but the game does seem fun.

    If my wife is any indication, Qiqi will never leave your party. She's strong, and is one of the few healers in the game that also isn't water so you're not constantly applying Wet to yourself. She's really great.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Apologems got me water sword boy. I swear I never get anyone off-banner, it's silly.

    On the other hand, new char, useful abilities! His burst seems dumb if I switch to a catalyst user (or Diluc) after, if it means every attack procs hydro... and every attack procs pyro too... Well. KABOOOM seems the logical outcome?

    Also, a chance to get a refund when combining up materials is huge.

    Polaritie on
    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
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    AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    The nice part about Xingqui's Q is that his water blades are a separate attack, unlike Chongyun that changes your damage type. So your get all of the benefits of your normal attack type and then water blades follow-up the attack with water damage.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Aegis wrote: »
    The nice part about Xingqui's Q is that his water blades are a separate attack, unlike Chongyun that changes your damage type. So your get all of the benefits of your normal attack type and then water blades follow-up the attack with water damage.

    Yep, and they're constantly applying wet, so pairing him up with other elements works fucking great. I've had great luck with him with Fischl, Keqing, and Xiangling just pouring on the candle.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    Shadowfire wrote: »
    Aegis wrote: »
    The nice part about Xingqui's Q is that his water blades are a separate attack, unlike Chongyun that changes your damage type. So your get all of the benefits of your normal attack type and then water blades follow-up the attack with water damage.

    Yep, and they're constantly applying wet, so pairing him up with other elements works fucking great. I've had great luck with him with Fischl, Keqing, and Xiangling just pouring on the candle.

    That's why I said catalyst users in particular, since their basic attacks are elemental to begin with. And then Diluc's burst turns his attacks to pyro for a while (and you weave normals into his skill as well). Looking forward to trying him out some... but getting him up to speed is on the back burner. I just bumped Diluc's level cap to 60 and I only need more arrowheads to push Fischl's to 70. Will do the WL4 quest once I finish getting 60 on Diluc probably.

    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
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    chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    I have to say, that's a buzzkill to learn that chests do not respawn and it seems to be all chests. So this is also a WTF are were they thinking moment as well.

    They were thinking there will be at least 7 kingdoms and if chests respawned you'd have dead people in PC bangs from trying to farm every region every day so they don't 'miss out'.

    Because a surprisingly large number of people have an almost religious need to play games in the most joblike manner possible even when it makes them miserable.

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    vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Overworked Mysterious Eldritch Horror Hunter XX Registered User regular
    Not sure if this has been posted yet.


    Archaic Petra has a massive typo in English. Provides a 35% elemental damage bonus with a shield, not a defense bonus

    // Steam: VWinds // PSN: vagrant_winds //
    // Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
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    RidleySariaRidleySaria AnaheimRegistered User regular
    Does anyone know if you have to claim your birthday gift on the birthday you set? I might not be able to and I don't want to go to a big effort if it'll still be around a day or two after.

    -- Switch friend code: 2978-3296-1491 -- PSN: RidleySaria -- Genshin Impact UID: 607033509 --
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    SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    Oh man, getting to rank 30 made such a huge difference in farming mats. I was able to knock out 12 of the dumb green nectars in like an hour, when it took a couple days earlier

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    DyvionDyvion Back in Sunny Florida!!Registered User regular
    Spoit wrote: »
    Oh man, getting to rank 30 made such a huge difference in farming mats. I was able to knock out 12 of the dumb green nectars in like an hour, when it took a couple days earlier

    35 is even better. I'm excited for 40... next week. I'm currently 38 and a half.

    Steam: No Safety In Life
    PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
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    MillMill Registered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    I have to say, that's a buzzkill to learn that chests do not respawn and it seems to be all chests. So this is also a WTF are were they thinking moment as well.

    They were thinking there will be at least 7 kingdoms and if chests respawned you'd have dead people in PC bangs from trying to farm every region every day so they don't 'miss out'.

    Because a surprisingly large number of people have an almost religious need to play games in the most joblike manner possible even when it makes them miserable.

    Only problem with that logic, is that these people are already just finding the next thing to do to turn this game into a job. So all they've really done is screw over the exploration aspect of the game at end game. Plus, it's possible that many of those types of players wouldn't even do this because these are the types looking for most efficient setup.

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    chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    Mill wrote: »
    I have to say, that's a buzzkill to learn that chests do not respawn and it seems to be all chests. So this is also a WTF are were they thinking moment as well.

    They were thinking there will be at least 7 kingdoms and if chests respawned you'd have dead people in PC bangs from trying to farm every region every day so they don't 'miss out'.

    Because a surprisingly large number of people have an almost religious need to play games in the most joblike manner possible even when it makes them miserable.

    Only problem with that logic, is that these people are already just finding the next thing to do to turn this game into a job. So all they've really done is screw over the exploration aspect of the game at end game. Plus, it's possible that many of those types of players wouldn't even do this because these are the types looking for most efficient setup.

    There actually isn't much else to force. Bosses only spawn so many times. Map resources only respawn every couple days and in specific areas.

    After burning all your resources and refills the only thing to do has been for people to waste hours looking for chests they thought respawned. Just the assumption that they might has had people at it for hours. There are hundreds of 'chest route' maps people kept obsessing over.

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    SpaffySpaffy Fuck the Zero Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Reigner wrote: »

    I'm already 32 and still have so much to do.

    I haven't even continued the main quest into Liyue. I have about 10 sidequests still queued up plus any that trigger through Main story.

    How have you done that? I'm at AR 28 and I've run out of Main quests AND side quests (at least, that I've discovered), and I've finished every main quest up until my current AR level.

    I'm now feeling kind of stuck - is my only option to grind out the AR on Dungeons / World quests? 'Cos with the energy gating that will likely take a couple weeks, which doesn't seem right.

    Spaffy on
    Steam: adamjnet
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