Well, it's that time of year again .... only this time the year is 2020. What do we have to be thankful for this year? Not as much as usual I know.
In the spirit of the holiday though, I will list what I am most thankful for.
#1 My incredible girlfriend who I plan to soon make my incredible fiance (if she agrees)!
#2 (Fitting number) For my incredible, wonderful, horrible, amazing, insane, bizarre, talented, lazy, perfect children. I love them so much. If they would turn in their damn school work it'd be nice.
#3 Like 87% of my family and friends. The ones who didn't turn out to be closet fascists. I guess that's a pretty great ratio, though sometimes it doesn't seem like it.
#4 Penny Arcade Forums. You all are the best. I look forward to this thread every year
#5 Frenchs Crispy Fried Onions obviously
Everything else falls somewhere below that
So lets get to the meat (aAhhahah AHHAHAHHHAHHA) of the thread.
(no, not that kind)
Thanksgiving is NOTHING without turkey. You may all gather together in love and friendship, but eventually everyone will be hungry and will be angry if a perfectly cooked turkey isn't on that table. boy howdy. It should look like this. I don't know what the heck is going on with the serving plate though. It's possibly a turkey from another dimension.
Equally as important are the sides! (More important if I'm being honest with myself)
Mashed Po-fucking-tatoes!
Stuffing! This will be made this year using sausage from my newly constructed smoke shack!
That was a TRAP and you fell for it! It's called dressing if it wasn't cooked in the vacant carcass of an animal. I've got my eye on you people. I'll call the Thanksgiving Police on the lot of you.
Stuffed Mushrooms!
Roasted Carrots with .... slivered almonds and dried cranberries .... I guess? Looks damn good though.
Pearl Onions and Bacon! A match made in heaven! (add peas if desired)
Slather up the entire plate with a goodly helping of gravy!
Now top the gravy with a fist full of sin!
If you've got room (you do .... trust me), slice off a big ole piece of pumpkin pie and whipped cream (or sweet potato pie) (or both)
MST3k is doing its thing again this year!
Alice's Restaurant is of course required listening:
so! I know large gatherings and the like will be muted this year, but lets here those plans!
I'll be attending a small 7 person dinner that will undoubtedly feed at least 2 dozen and I can't wait!
My original plan to use the upstairs karaoke room in our apartment building appears to have fallen through, sooooooo that’s annoying, but I’m getting hype about the bird and what the dishes are gonna look like this year.
Gonna do some faaaaaancy ass Mac and cheese, but I gotta find some gruyere.
However, you also forgot another crucial side:
But I need to figure out what is more appropriate/absorbable into the traditional thanksgiving food array: A dessert, or a salad?
Honestly it's perfectly acceptable etiquette wise to reach out to the person who invited you and ask which of those two would better slot-in to what's already on the menu.
A dessert.
Thanksgiving is no place for a salad. (as least, not in my family, your mileage may vary)
If you want to bring a vegetable dish, think something roasted.
Dessert salad!
Ah, the midwestern solution.
Some folks might side-eye an additional dessert if they have their usual pie selection or whatnot, but I've never heard anyone complain about more sides
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Or a charcuterie board for the pre-eating eating.
But, really nice coleslaw made with only the best ingredients. Let people reminisce about your 'slaw a decade from now, - "that bear, she made a coleslaw I haven't ever tasted before or after, and she only ate one of my children, so I consider it a fair trade"...
but I do care about the 4-day weekend that week.
that scheme is handicapped a little by the fact that I hate coleslaw
I do a mean shaved fennel and orange salad ...
I don't know about this
but in the spirit of the holidays, I'll allow it
I’m anticipating baconey Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, and some sort of India-inspired cauliflower or chickpea dish. Should be nice. And hopefully we have a thing or two to be thankful for at the time.
I’ve been really wanting to try that one from the Great British Bake-Off.
Something veggies for a snack or appetizer early on? Even just like a veggie platter with snow peas and radishes or something might be nice, something light and easy to hold off the hunger pangs but not be heavy and filling. It doesn't all have to be main course or dessert.
I ain't got it in me to be cheery.
I'm gonna Scrooge it up I'm gonna go stab a inflatable Rudolph I'm gonna watch the Thanksgiving Dog Show and I'm only gonna get excited about the herding dog class instead of all the classes like usual
Origin ID: Discgolfer27
Untappd ID: Discgolfer1981
oh speaking of brisket, I was wondering if you'd ever tried making pastrami with a different cut of beef
out here at any rate, a brisket is just shy of $75. I wonder if there are other cuts of beef I could corn, roll in pepper and coriander, and smoke
In the past few years I've noticed that grocery store chains have a Thanksgiving package which includes everything you would need for a good Thanksgiving pre-cooked and all. You just need to heat it up when the time is right.
-breathes huge sigh of relief-
I'd honestly say bring a charcuterie assortment you've curated. It seems in your wheelhouse, and there's always an amount of Milling About to be done before the actual meal.
But if you don't also have the canned version, you fucked up and will be shamed for it.
If I want to eat pumpkin pie and gingerbread cookies in the middle of goddamn June, who's gonna stop me!?