BSOD Adventures

CelloCello Registered User regular
So, I inherited a desktop from my sister that is in fairly good shape and has a lot of recent hardware, but I'm getting a fair amount of BSODs that are equally annoying and concerning. They seem to mostly occur when I'm waking my PC up out of sleep mode, or when I am trying to run a few things at once and it seems to get tired of my bullshit and blue up.

The most common error code is MEMORY MANAGEMENT, but I also just got one on sleep-wakeup that was IRQL LESS OR EQUAL. I've checked the drivers and they're all up to date; I'm wondering if I need to replace my RAM maybe? Any suggestions?

3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786


  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    So, I inherited a desktop from my sister that is in fairly good shape and has a lot of recent hardware, but I'm getting a fair amount of BSODs that are equally annoying and concerning. They seem to mostly occur when I'm waking my PC up out of sleep mode, or when I am trying to run a few things at once and it seems to get tired of my bullshit and blue up.

    The most common error code is MEMORY MANAGEMENT, but I also just got one on sleep-wakeup that was IRQL LESS OR EQUAL. I've checked the drivers and they're all up to date; I'm wondering if I need to replace my RAM maybe? Any suggestions?

    Do you have c:\windows\minidump folder or c:\windows\MEMORY.DMP file on your machine perchance? I'd be happy to crack open the crash dump and take a look real quick.

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    So, I inherited a desktop from my sister that is in fairly good shape and has a lot of recent hardware, but I'm getting a fair amount of BSODs that are equally annoying and concerning. They seem to mostly occur when I'm waking my PC up out of sleep mode, or when I am trying to run a few things at once and it seems to get tired of my bullshit and blue up.

    The most common error code is MEMORY MANAGEMENT, but I also just got one on sleep-wakeup that was IRQL LESS OR EQUAL. I've checked the drivers and they're all up to date; I'm wondering if I need to replace my RAM maybe? Any suggestions?

    Do you have c:\windows\minidump folder or c:\windows\MEMORY.DMP file on your machine perchance? I'd be happy to crack open the crash dump and take a look real quick.

    That would be awesome! I'll grab it for you next time I'm upstairs.

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    No MEMORY.DMP, but I do have several files in the minidump file! I'll PM you a Drive link with it.

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Being a common ocurrance when the computer comes back from sleep makes me think the hiberfile is corrupt. Hibernate is garbage anyway, so disable that for kicks. Open an admin cmd or powershell window and give it the old "powercfg /h off" to kill that.

  • OrogogusOrogogus San DiegoRegistered User regular
    Did you check the motherboard BIOS and firmware alongside the drivers? I was getting a lot of bluescreens on my PC when I first built it, until I upgraded the firmware.

  • MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    Orogogus wrote: »
    Did you check the motherboard BIOS and firmware alongside the drivers? I was getting a lot of bluescreens on my PC when I first built it, until I upgraded the firmware.

    We've had this discussion in the PC Build Thread lately. BIOS now receive regular updates and there are utilities to help install said updates. The new policy now is to update BIOS regularly and check for updates often.

    Also make sure you're checking the mobo drivers themselves for updates.

  • MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    Also try removing and reseating the ram. And check for the motherboard manual to confirm it's installed in the correct slots for dual channel

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed response - life got in the way.

    So far, I have:
    • updated my graphics drivers
    • run a memtest with 0 errors
    • disabled hibernation through the cmd admin panel

    I have just run the command, on Bendery's suggestion, "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth"

    The bars are frozen at 84.9% on the top line and 100% on the following line with the error:

    The source files could not be found.
    Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see

    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log


    Is this significant at all? I'll try removing and reseating the RAM next, and reviewing the motherboard itself and its drivers.


    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed response - life got in the way.

    So far, I have:
    • updated my graphics drivers
    • run a memtest with 0 errors
    • disabled hibernation through the cmd admin panel

    I have just run the command, on Bendery's suggestion, "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth"

    The bars are frozen at 84.9% on the top line and 100% on the following line with the error:

    The source files could not be found.
    Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see

    The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log


    Is this significant at all? I'll try removing and reseating the RAM next, and reviewing the motherboard itself and its drivers.


    It's not too much of an issue but it could mean that some of the system files on your system need to be replaced and the backup is no longer present. system refresh might be in order? Windows has that a non-destructive reinstall option now. Though applications may need to be reinstalled.

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    So I didn't know about that newish Windows option for repair while keeping apps and programs and I....think it might be good now? Knock on wood! Between that and disabling Hibernate I haven't had any blue screens for a few days, fingers crossed!

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    edited March 2021
    Well, I was hoping to not bump this thread but I am having a new computer issue I have no idea how to fix

    Yesterday my PC slowed to an absolute crawl and I had to hard reboot. Now it's stuck in an endless 5 second loop of trying valiantly to turn on, giving me the motherboard logo and then a black screen with a flashing _, and then turning off, then repeating. The fans turn on and the keyboard and mouse light up briefly but the F8/F12 inputs do not appear to register. I've tried holding down F8 to get to safe mode but it doesn't work. I get a quick flash of my keyboard and mouse as the motherboard logo comes on but that's it. Is it....just totally fried, or?

    Cello on
    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Cello wrote: »
    Well, I was hoping to not bump this thread but I am having a new computer issue I have no idea how to fix

    Yesterday my PC slowed to an absolute crawl and I had to hard reboot. Now it's stuck in an endless 5 second loop of trying valiantly to turn on, giving me the motherboard logo and then a black screen with a flashing _, and then turning off, then repeating. The fans turn on and the keyboard and mouse light up briefly but the F8/F12 inputs do not appear to register. I've tried holding down F8 to get to safe mode but it doesn't work. I get a quick flash of my keyboard and mouse as the motherboard logo comes on but that's it. Is it....just totally fried, or?

    First thing to check is the silly stuff:

    - is your keyboard stuck, like is the shift key jammed?
    - is your reset or power button stuck partially down?

    I've seen both of these confound people for hours

    next step is serious bsns - open the beast up and unplug all the hard drives, then see if you can get it to boot and let you into the BIOS. If you can, you've got a problem with one of your hard disks.

    After that, pull half the RAM and try. Then swap the half you pulled and the half you left, and try again. If either of these work, one of your RAM sticks have failed.

    After that you start talking about replacing power supply, and then even more serious stuff.

  • Bendery It Like BeckhamBendery It Like Beckham Hopeless Registered User regular
    sounds like an issue with the hard drive, or ram. But you tested the Ram, might be a good idea to run a test on your hdd/ssd. Storage going out does match symptoms from earlier.

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    edited April 2021
    Just another update - seems the issue was I somehow gaslit myself into thinking I'd replaced the surge protector the PC was hooked into when I....left the box beside the computer and changed every other one in the house. A surge took out a resistor on the motherboard. Thankfully, a friend of my sister's is a very skilled IT guy and soldered a fresh one on. Now it's working again!

    Cello on
    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
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