Previously on the Mass Effect Thread
Version 1.0 - Mass Effect Andromeda announced, featuring even hotter humanoid ship AIVersion 2.0 - Ryders on the TempestVersion 3.0 - Negative Ghost Ryder, the planet is full.Version 4.0 - Sara's out and Scott free.Version 5.0 - Ryders of the Lost Ark(s).Version 6.0 - Shepard may get a day, but Ryder gets a planet.Version 7.0 - Ah yes, "sequels". We have dismissed this claim.
(OP at least partially stolen from Curly. He carries us through more than just MP.)
We got trailers!
Original Trilogy - 720p
Andromeda - 4k
Legendary Edition Reveal - 4k
Original/Legendary Edition Comparison - 4k
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Official Launch Trailer - 4k
The Next Mass Effect (Official Teaser Trailer) - 4k We Know:
-The Original Trilogy is out.
-Mass Effect Andromeda is out.
-Good lord there's a bunch of comics and novels. Most are good, the rest are really bad.
-The Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Remaster is out. It's got every main game and almost all the non-MP DLC included; pour one out for Pinnacle Station, that code was corrupted and couldn't be fixed in time for release.
-There will be another Mass Effect game, with BioWare implying that it will be a sequel to both the OT and Andromeda.
Versions of the Releases
-The entire OT is currently available on Origin, complete with DLC.
-The entire OT is currently available on Steam, with only ME3's DLC. All Steam does is open the Origin Launcher anyway.
-Andromeda is available on both Steam and Origin, but both ultimately use the Origin Launcher.
-The X360 has a full OT release, which is able to be played on the Xbone.
-The PS3 has a full OT release, but no compatibility with the PS4.
-Andromeda is available on the Xbone
-Andromeda is available on the PS4.
-Legendary Edition is available on PS4/Pro, PS5, the Xbone/X and the Series S/X consoles.
-Legendary Edition is available on Windows PCs.
Minimum System Requirements for the Legendary Edition
-One (recent) Sony or Microsoft console of your choice.
-A Windows-based PC
OS: 64-bit Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-8350
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GPU: NVIDIA GTX 760, AMD Radeon 7970 / R9280X GPU RAM: 2 GB Video Memory
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 120 GB available space
MASS EFFECT BONUS CONTENT DOWNLOAD (Available through May 31st, 2021 or until download capacity is reached.)
We're giving fans a chance to download content previously available in the Deluxe Editions of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, as well as the first Mass Effect soundtrack (including the new Legendary Edition Track: "Resynthesis").
ME3 servers are still going, Andromeda servers are still going, but the Legendary Edition does not have MP. Hit up the thread if you want to get a game together!
Lastly, Quads.
EDI is the real toaster. Mostly because her weird robot hair is weird.
I just wanted to say that, while it didn't justify people freaking out (I don't even know if they did, I guess I don't frequent interweb places where people actually freaked out), the new Mako controls were legitimate trash. Maybe it made driving on the handful of linear missions easier? But it made getting up, around, and over mountains on unexplored planets substantially more difficult, made combat in the Mako counterproductive and liable to get you killed more frequently, particularly on Insanity, and made killing Thresher Maws next to impossible.
That's about the only change they made in the LE that I think was probably not good, and maybe not actually tested? It's like they put in the controls and only tried them on Therum or Ilos and called it good.
Anyway, now that I'm well into ME3 now, I've gotta say that despite all the changes to combat ME2 made, over ME1, I feel like the changes to movement and combat in ME3 was a bigger jump, over ME2, than ME2 was for ME. On paper ME3 is a refinement of ME2, which was a revolution over ME1; however, ME3 plays so much better than ME2 it isn't even funny, whereas the changes to ME2 were just different than ME1. Honestly, I think if they had just added on-command cover to ME1 for the LE, ME2's combat would have probably felt the worst of the series.
I almost didn't make it through the end of ME2 this time. I was so bored, that I was forcing myself to finish missions because I wanted to get to ME3. Enemy AI in ME3 is leaps and bounds over ME2. Area/arena designs in ME3 encourage so much more enjoyable combat and encounters than ME2 did. Powers feel so much more important in ME3, and interact with each other in so many more interesting and useful ways than they did in ME2, which despite having (again, on paper) better designed abilities, felt like they were less useful than ME1? Maybe it was a side effect of ME2 having shared cooldowns for some inexplicable reason? Even as a Vanguard, it just felt like the whole game it was more efficient and effective to play like a generic 3rd person shooter, and ignore most powers. ME3 is just more fun to play. I don't dread combat like I did in ME2. It also helps that the weapon system in ME3 is light years above ME2's. Though, it got super bloated, and the vast majority of weapons are simply useless in most situations, or at best just plain downgrades from numerous other readily available options.
One problem ME3 has though, that is bugging the hell out of me, is giving you missions you can't complete, but also providing you almost no information in the journal to indicate that, or even what the hell you're supposed to do, if you have the item you need, or if you still need to find it, etc. For all the improvements ME3 brought to the series, somehow they made the UI worse, and the information within less helpful in every possible regard. Why do missions not actually provide details anymore? Why do abilities only list some of the stats? One might tell you the radius, but then another won't, yet it will have a node that increases radius...? :rotate:
I dunno, I'm just happy to be in ME3, and done with ME2. I know, for some, ME2 is the high point of the series, but it is, for me, far and away the lowest point. Also, apparently, I never actually played Omega in the original release. It was quite good! I know I never played Citadel, by the time it came out I had moved on from ME3, so I'll have that to experience, though I suspect it won't live up to the hype. Not because of any lack of quality, just, it seems like the sort of thing that has kinda taken a life of its own over the years. I for sure played through Leviathan before, though.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
one of the biggest oversights.
They put so many resources into developing the ME universe into an interesting place with interesting lore and species and technology and visual aesthetic. Like, regardless of what the gameplay looks like in the next game, the setting stands by itself as compelling. Even if they do another ME Andromeda type thing and just do a soft reboot in a new area, there's enough there that would carry over that would be interesting.
People will complain about anything, it's far from an excuse to do a project. RE2Remake came out in 2019, RE8 came out in 2021. Which means 2 different teams were probably developing them in parallel. EA is way bigger than Capcom, I don't see how they couldn't have a team working on a new Mass Effect while also doing a full remake of ME1. While I agree I'd love new stories, Shepard's story is awesome and there's no guarantee due to EA, Bioware Execs, staff turn over, etc, we'll ever get a great Mass Effect game again.
It's probably just me. I've played ME1 half a dozen times or more. I guess I was hoping the fresh coat of paint would make me love it as I did in the past. But instead I was mostly bored interspersed with irritation when driving the mako or hitting a bug that's been there since launch for the 45ish hours I played it (outside of the last couple hours of gameplay).
I turned that off immediately - camera based directional control has no purpose - but the Mako still felt significantly different. Was there a second setting?
They added the speed boost too i think.
Yeah I knew that part too but people are saying there was handling changes that you could toggle off? I didn't see that option, only the camera orientation.
That's a surprisingly widespread phenomenon. I remember back in my game retail days, someone asking for "Grand Theft Auto 3... you know, the first one." And no, that wasn't just in reference to it being before VC and SA, he literally never realised there might possibly have been a GTA1 & 2 before it. The very notion had not occurred.
Mind you, there's probably a contingent who'd think FF7 was "the first one" as well...
(I don't want to sound elitist here. I don't care where someone hops on to a series, especially one where the entries are connected as loosely as GTA or FF; I'm glad they're jumping on at all*. Just that, basic math is a thing and, typically speaking, these numbers aren't bolted onto the end of a title for no reason. I doubt any of these guys would think, say, Mission: Impossible 3 is the first Mission: Impossible movie, too. So why with games?)
* - mind you, if you jump on Mass Effect at 2 or 3 and, if you like it (especially for the story/characters), never go back to the previous one(s), you are absolutely doing it wrong.**
** - perhaps the single best thing about the Legendary Edition is that now nobody is recommending skipping ME1 because of gameplay roughness.
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Also Cylons are often derided as toasters, and EDI is... well, of literally all people on the (IRL) planet, Tricia Helfer.
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First one to be released, sure... but was there not a clue that maybe there were a few other ones?
Europe at that point was still very used to not getting everything released that America and Japan got. JRPGs were still very rare and rather niche (FF7 was definitely the one that blew the doors off). Grey importers like Telegames (RIP) were still kicking around. PS1s were being chipped to play imports, of games unreleased here as well as unadulterated 60Hz versions. In that respect it was a different time.
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I'd imagine folks that either don't remember ME1 very well or have never played it. Even with the new controls off, the Mako drives like crap compared to say the Nomad in ME:A. My favorite was on Feros, where I hit a bit of geth fencing and the Mako shot up to the right, flipped on it's top, and then while trying to flip back over fell off the sky-bridge. But this is how it was in the original as well.
We knew. But knowing they logically exist doesn't mean knowing the first thing about them. Knowing about them required you to be fairly dialled into things, usually meaning buying the magazines that talked about it (the Official magazines (that generally had the largest readership thanks to the word Official in the title) didn't like to mention great games that weren't available, lest they lose the word Official in the title).
For a real 'wait, there was one before this?' reaction, Street Fighter 2 probably sets the standard.
edit: messed up the quotes.
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the boost made it more fun in all situations for sure.
okay not being able to get through the last bit in Therum in the mako due to invisible walls was a bad improvement. nothing at that point should've been able to stop you there.
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And when it’s the end of a trilogy of games that the player has dumped 100+ hours in to, you kind of want that end to be an unmitigated triumph.
Veteran in ME2 was kind of perfect. It punished you for being sloppy but still let you feel powerful and effective and didn't force highly conservative play.
I can see why you wouldn't make five fully distinct difficulty levels, though, for the next game. That's a lot of tuning.
Edit: ahaha holy shit, the achievement for it isn't in the LE. I've been playing this for hours for no reason.
The widow sniper rifle is a fuckin' beast. Most "normal" enemies go down in a single headshot. 2-3 if they've got more than just a single layer of defense.
Anyone that's left gets the M-920 Cain.
And cloaking makes it super easy to just reposition if enemies start getting too close.
I do miss being able to create my own biotic detonations though.
And if Vanguard Charge didn't fuck up on me I might have did it first try.
Also, new patch out today.
Good news it fixes the Spectre gear and max level bug from ME1.
Bad news it puts the ME1 -> ME2 money cap at 100k so no more ballin' outta control.
The Widow is the shit. When you absolutely, positively have to punch a massive great hole in something, accept no substitute. To quote Garrus, "I love this rifle."
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"Normal humans can't use these weapons without breaking their arms. Luckily you're a cyborg now so it's cool."
EDIT Again: Oh hell, I don’t even have the available hard drive space for this patch!
I’m enjoying revisiting the original game for the first time in a long while. Love the improved character creator; my “canon” Shepard never had (non-modded) access to a hairstyle that felt right for her until Mass Effect 3 originally; it’s nice to able to use it right out of the starting gate.
The biggest surprise for me is how different I find the squaddies from how I’d been remembering them.
- Back in 2007, I think I tended to hit spacebar after I’d read the subtitles on Tali’s dialogue, but this time she’s undoubtedly my favorite person to talk to.
- Ashley is somehow more racist than I remember; she literally trotted out “you know how those people are” on Noveria.
- And Garrus… oh, dear. His entire personality is “cops shouldn’t have rules.” If not for the insights into Turian culture he provides, I’d probably hate him as much as Williams.
And while being able to mark items as junk is an absolute Godsend, I really wish I could view (or filter) items by type in stores instead of just in inventory. (Of course, now that I’ve said that, I’m thinking that I might just be dumb and missing how to do this.) But maybe I’m just acting like a mouse who’s been given a cookie.Man I remember rolling around to Mass Effect 3 and seeing the Black Widow in the Spectre shop and going "wait are you cereal. Are you fucking kellogg's blueberry cereal you made a goddamn semi-automatic Widow"
My favorite part about Mass Effect 3 is them bringing some of the vibes back from Mass Effect 1 like Spectre Requisitions
10 gig? Bah. I remember when games came on floppy disks. And no, I don't mean 3.5 inch diskettes. 1.2 MB ought to be enough for anyone.