Anime is a term used to describe animated works from Japan. In 2016 SungWon "ProZD" Cho's "chairem anime" sketches effectively destroyed anime forever, as everyone realized this shit was kinda dumb.
Anyway, the spring season is just about over (watch Odd Taxi!) and the summer season is about to begin. On the eve of this new season, I figured a helpful reminder would be in order.
During any anime season, we can break down anime into several major demographics.
- 50% of shows will be low-effort, copycat isekai bullshit, or in a few years whatever the new flavor is. You will meet people who try to tell you to watch one of them. "It's different!" or "It really comments on the genre in an interesting way!" These are lies, do not believe these people.
- 25% of shows will be about cute girls doing cute things. You can break the CGDCT genre down into about 3 major subdivisions
* 1/3 will be thinly disguised idol shilling, assembling a bunch of fresh-faced, pretty young voice actresses to voice the roles and try to use this show as a launching platform for their acting career. Most of these girls will be out of the industry within a few years.
* 1/3 will be thinly disguised product shilling, trying to convince a bunch of lonely otaku dudes that chicks will totally dig you if only you play X game, collect Y cards, or do Z sport.
* The final third will just be cuz some animators wanted to draw some cute girls doin' stuff.
Of the remaining 25% of shows, 1 will be a weird porno that somehow, inexplicably got released on a mainstream cable channel and got picked up by English streaming services because lol they don't check this stuff. People will be very angry about this show.
Another 2 probably should just be honest with themselves and admit they're porn, but they never will. Horrible teenagers on the internet will think this is endearing and buy the blurays to see fanservice scenes with slightly less fog.
1 will be such a colossal trash fire that the only possible explanation for its creation is some sort of elaborate money laundering scheme behind the scenes.
Finally, there will be 1 or 2 shows that are actually artistically interesting, ambitious, and have a real story to tell. No one will watch these shows.
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
He's also very angry
Are you reading, watching the old anime, watching the the movies, or watching the new anime?
Because yes, but also depending on which you're watching there may be OTHER things.
too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron
It has a Nosferatu in it.
After like...7 chapters it stops being an evil dead fanfic and jumps back to tell his story.
but also the sword
I mean, so is late berserk, but early Berserk is really a lot.
The entire story is basically "Hey this Guts fellow is super fucked up?" followed by "and here's why!" followed by "he's still messed up but maybe things will eventually get better?"
I love Way of the Househusband
And yeah it's never like, not A LOT, but Miura really finds his footing with how he wants to tell his story and what it's really about.
Honestly, it's not striking me as funny as I would have expected (on the 5th manga volume). Like, I don't think it nails punchlines very hard and it's also too obvious what the joke will end up being from the first beat of a particular story. I'm comparing it to stuff like Cromartie High School and Spy X Family, and I like those a lot better. Not trying to be a bummer about this, I really did expect it to be a fave just from the premise.
I only checked out some clips to see if it was well animated since it's basically just "what if Warriors Orochi, but without ANY story whatsoever," and it was... not, to put it mildly. That's the extent of my knowledge of it though. Very, very terrible fight animation in a fighting show.
Literally heard nothing but bad things.
If you heard it's got no story whatsoever then damn Netflix fucked it up badly.
Records of Ragnarok manga has the story as being the gods have decided it's time to pull the plug on humanity, so one of the Valkyries uses an old bylaw that lets humanity choose champions and fight the gods in one on one battles to the death to avoid extinction. This results in matchups like Sasaki Koujirou vs Poseidon, Adam vs Zeus, and Jack the Ripper vs Heracles. Each of the fights is interspersed with some history on the combatants, the myths and legends of the gods and the lives of the humans. In fact it's those character bits that give weight to the combatants and their fight.
But what really makes it interesting is sometimes he's not.
Although I don't know if its possible to do that... those faces aren't even trying.
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy
This is happening too often. Anime makes money hand over fist now - give these shows the budget and time to avoid this shit already!
I'm real glad I bought all the books, as I was looking forward to seeing all the cliffhangers resolved.
E: Spider is a Crunchyroll anime, so does that mean they're financing it?
Doesn't anime actually make negative money, because they have to pay the TV stations to air it? Shows are just advertisements for the manga, merch and movies.
(Massive Spoilers)
The End.
If anime made negative money you wouldn’t have Netflix pushing hard into it and Sony purchasing crunchyroll for a billion dollars.
CREATING anime makes negative money, and relies on massive exploitation. Grabbing the rights and reselling it to a global market is quite profitable, and last I saw, represented something like half the revenue of the entire anime industry in recent years. It's your standard Walmart-esque racket.
That said, it's also WAAAAAAAYYYY the fuck cheaper to make animated shows. Even high budget studios/shows like PA Works are only about a $2 million per season production cost. You could have made half a dozen 13 episode series for the same budget that a single episode of the last season of Game of Thrones had. It's largely a speculation market, same as for Japan. 95% will be unprofitable aside from the advertising, but for the one that hits gold? Rolling in the dough.
Oh I know absolutely nothing about the Mangas I'm just watching the Netflix adaptation.
The animation style is initially kinda weird but I very quickly grew to enjoy it. It just really works with this particular show for some reason.
It's very wholesome and low key despite the absurdity of it.
definitely wish we could have seen a bit more of where the supporting cast's stories were going, that's the part i feel less confident in projecting an ending for.
Doesn't streaming enters anywhere on this conversation? Like, Crunchyroll was founded 15 years ago, and the streaming market only got bigger, with things like Netflix Japan picking up these last few years.
Streaming has exploded (just in general) the last few years, but it also started from being a tiny, niche thing. 2021 is probably going to be the first year that all global overseas EVERYTHING manages to surpass domestic revenue, although who knows with covid still going hot. Domestic streaming is only about the same as merchandise, and a fifth of "pachinko."
My experience with Japanese business culture (game localization, not anime/manga) is that they are deeply, deeply distrustful of dealing with people outside Japan and see translation as encouraging piracy. I'm sure attitudes are shifting, but I would assume that the production companies are mainly the ones pushing overseas stuff and getting all the money from it.
No, what I mean, there's Japanese streaming services already, besides Netflix Japan. Like, Redo of Healer made headlines for topping one of them (sigh). So, the old "but disc sales" is just looking more outdated each day.