The Profile screen still shows your stats for the completely removed Duels mode. Meanwhile it does not show your stats for the new hotness mode, BG Duos, at all.
Wasn't sure if I'd ever get either of these and then managed to nail both at once.
GrobianWhat's on sale?Pliers!Registered Userregular
edited May 9
Credit where it's due, Duos is more fun than I initially thought. The coop aspect adds something to the game and the exclusive minions are mostly fun. Cho/Gall suck, but many partners want to play them and it's fine.
I can only imagine that you would totally roll people if you had voicechat.
I think they should give Cho and Gall some sort of different active powers after their 3 triples expire to give them some distinction. Maybe something reminiscent of one of their HotS abilities.
The JudgeThe Terwilliger CurvesRegistered Userregular
Card reveal today for the mini set that instantly joined the KILL WITH FIRE ON SIGHT list.
Sock Puppet Slitherspear || 1-Mana 1/3 || Common Demon Hunter Minion
This minion's Attack is improved by your hero's.
Last pint: What Fresh Beast '24 / Breakside - Untappd: TheJudge_PDX
Is it permanent? My interpretation of the text is that while your hero has attack, the Naga gains that much attack. So after your turn ends, it would be back to a 1/3.
The JudgeThe Terwilliger CurvesRegistered Userregular
For some reason, I didn't think it reset, but thinking it through yeah it kind of has to based on the wording?
Last pint: What Fresh Beast '24 / Breakside - Untappd: TheJudge_PDX
Wasn't sure if I'd ever get either of these and then managed to nail both at once.
Yeah, I ended up getting this very early on in the release week. Probably cause no one knew wtf they were doing yet and I happened to get a partner who did know. Did not think I would ever get it! Thanks low MMR.
something i'd like to see in battlegrounds: some sort of "when enemies take damage, they take X additional damage" effect. i really enjoy ping effects like the old soul juggler or the current crafty anansi, but they're never really good for anything other than lucksacking your way into knocking out a divine shield without an attack. it'd be fun to see a set that had some level of support for them
I think it probably cripples Highlander Warrior enough that you won't be seeing it much now. The deck will have a much harder time dealing with aggro. Midrange (if it exists) will also fare better. An 8 mana do nothing turn will be rough in all but the slowest, most greedy matchups.
It was already an overplayed Tier 2 deck. I get the feeling it'll be T3 or worse now, with mostly just some die-hard players sticking with it.
GoodKingJayIIIThey wanna get mygold on the ceilingRegistered Userregular
Yeah, I haven't seen one since the update. I just fundamentally believe that cards like Brann shouldn't exist.
Idx86Long days and pleasant nights.Registered Userregular
Couldn't be less enthused by this mini-set. Between this and the quest changes, Hearthstone steam might finally be gone after 10 years. Hard to believe.
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
Yeah, I was watching Cantelope play it last night. The list he was running has 0 legendaries, and the only 2 epics in it are Primordial Glyphs, which are free. If it ends up being T2 or better, it has to be the cheapest competitive deck we've seen in a good while.
Edit: Oh yeah, I saw this buried in the patch notes:
Dev Comment: As we continue iterating on our progression system, and our communications around it, we’re working on some updates that didn’t quite make it into this patch. Our next Weekly Quest update is planned for the next scheduled client patch, Patch 29.4.2.
Probably a quest that focus on gigantify of other new things from the miniset.
Wanna try my Mario Maker levels?
Shoot m to BITS (hold Y) [hard] C109-0000-014D-4E09 P-POWER Switch Palace 3838-0000-0122-9359 Raiding the Serpents Tomb 1A04-0000-0098-C11E I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048
Hmm, the patch note comes across to me as something more significant and mea cupla-y than that. I think they're walking on eggshells enough right now to know that adding a weekly quest that forces you to play a bunch of shitty mini-set cards would go over with the community like a lead balloon.
I haven't bought it yet. At the moment it's seeming like only some commons and rares are useful, which I might just be able to get from some Brawl + end of month reward packs.
The epic looks terrible, which I feel has been the trend for mini-sets for years now. I'm honestly curious when was the last meta epic we got in a mini-set.
I haven't bought it yet. At the moment it's seeming like only some commons and rares are useful, which I might just be able to get from some Brawl + end of month reward packs.
The epic looks terrible, which I feel has been the trend for mini-sets for years now. I'm honestly curious when was the last meta epic we got in a mini-set.
Every time I get it from Scarab I always play Rock (good ol' rock, nothing beats that) BUT MY OPPONENTS ALWAYS PLAY PAPER???
terrible epic, 0/10 Tag: Dibby#1582
GoodKingJayIIIThey wanna get mygold on the ceilingRegistered Userregular
Very typical, casual, not at all problematic turn 3.
I swapped two of the new teddy bears into that dragon Druid deck posted a few pages ago and I've won 4 games (lost 2) with it. That little bit of extra life steal is enough to last against mech Warriors.
It's funny how they nerfed Hunter, but left Flood Paladin alone. I have to imagine it's next up on the nerfing block because it blows people out just like Hunter was.
Someone shuffled 24 bombs into my deck in about three turns. I think it was t3 to t6/7
it was a super fun game let me tell you.
bwanie on
GoodKingJayIIIThey wanna get mygold on the ceilingRegistered Userregular
edited May 18
It is a shame we lost that 5/5 that deletes cards that didn't start in your deck. It wouldn't have to be quite as extreme but it sucks that there is absolutely no counter to bomb warrior and plague dknight.
What about that Warlock minion that makes you immune on your turn?
Also, there is Rafaam, which turns all those bombs into Legendaries.
Or add that neutral that draws you all the cards that didn't start in your deck while having a full hand.
Pop m into ETC.
But eh, these solutions are about as good as Bomb Warrior.
Wanna try my Mario Maker levels?
Shoot m to BITS (hold Y) [hard] C109-0000-014D-4E09 P-POWER Switch Palace 3838-0000-0122-9359 Raiding the Serpents Tomb 1A04-0000-0098-C11E I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048
>Starts running into a bunch of aggro decks left and right
>Losing games because deck is built more towards slower decks
>Reconfigure deck to do better vs fast decks
>Only slow decks start showing up
I can only imagine that you would totally roll people if you had voicechat.
Sock Puppet Slitherspear || 1-Mana 1/3 || Common Demon Hunter Minion
This minion's Attack is improved by your hero's.
It's a Naga that permanently gains attack when your hero does.
Yeah, I ended up getting this very early on in the release week. Probably cause no one knew wtf they were doing yet and I happened to get a partner who did know. Did not think I would ever get it! Thanks low MMR. Tag: Dibby#1582
I really like Excavate Warlock lol (obv I didn't get all 1000 wins with Excavate Warlock but I did get that final push to 1000 with it)
I still think Brann should just be relegated to wild.
It was already an overplayed Tier 2 deck. I get the feeling it'll be T3 or worse now, with mostly just some die-hard players sticking with it.
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
Malfunction is helping out quite a bit.
Some variants are obscenely low cost, so it's a great budget deck.
Edit: Oh yeah, I saw this buried in the patch notes: Wonder what's going on there...
Shoot m to BITS (hold Y) [hard] C109-0000-014D-4E09
P-POWER Switch Palace 3838-0000-0122-9359
Raiding the Serpents Tomb 1A04-0000-0098-C11E
I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048
See my profile here!
I mean I know it adds a LOT for a few specific decks but for the most part it's just mid as hell
Yo Mech Warrior is like a real-ass thing now though holy SHIT like those fucking BOMBS Tag: Dibby#1582
The epic looks terrible, which I feel has been the trend for mini-sets for years now. I'm honestly curious when was the last meta epic we got in a mini-set.
Every time I get it from Scarab I always play Rock (good ol' rock, nothing beats that) BUT MY OPPONENTS ALWAYS PLAY PAPER???
terrible epic, 0/10 Tag: Dibby#1582
it was a super fun game let me tell you.
What about that Warlock minion that makes you immune on your turn?
Also, there is Rafaam, which turns all those bombs into Legendaries.
Or add that neutral that draws you all the cards that didn't start in your deck while having a full hand.
Pop m into ETC.
But eh, these solutions are about as good as Bomb Warrior.
Shoot m to BITS (hold Y) [hard] C109-0000-014D-4E09
P-POWER Switch Palace 3838-0000-0122-9359
Raiding the Serpents Tomb 1A04-0000-0098-C11E
I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048
See my profile here!
Well, that's just rude. They worked so hard to put all those bombs in there.
I did forget about that. It is one class though as opposed to a neutral tech option, though.
But to gnome’s point, you can also just kill them.
>Losing games because deck is built more towards slower decks
>Reconfigure deck to do better vs fast decks
>Only slow decks start showing up
swtfg Tag: Dibby#1582