"Everything Everywhere All At Once" (2022) is a new movie by the Daniels (Daniel "Dan" Kwan (關家永) and Daniel Scheinert), who made their name doing music videos of all things. This is their sophomore movie, after the quirky and bonkers "Swiss Army Man" (2016), and it's getting rave reviews by both critics and the general public (something like 97% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and a 92% audience score as of this writing).
The movie is about Evelyn (played by Michelle Yeoh, known for many roles), who is married to a drip of a husband (played by Ke Huy Quan, better known for his performance as Short Round in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and his role in Goonies) and is undergoing an IRS audit of her laundromat business (spearheaded by a hilarious performance by Jamie Lee Curtis). However, she discovers that she can tap into the multiverse and access other "what if?" versions of herself. The result is a madcap genre mashup of movies that defies categorization, but anchored with great performances from the principal actors as well as a solid emotional heart.
This is an OPEN SPOILER thread. Discuss.
Their VFX team was 5 people! FIVE PEOPLE!
Here's a breakdown of a few key scenes from the movie from the Directors and Michelle Yeoh.
Michelle Yeoh's reaction to the script:
Ke Huy Quan's attitude and gratitude are infectious. Here is a Jimmy Kimmel Interview:
Crossposted from the Movies thread (thanks
@Jacobkosh for this delightful bit):
The scene of Evelyn asking Gong Gong how he could have had such an easy time abandoning her hit real hard for me. My own parents talked about how one of the things that hit hardest for them after having kids was realizing their own parents had either never felt the same way about them as they did about their own children, or had worked hard to suppress that feeling. Too many movies about the importance of family focus on family being simply the people you forgive for everything, and this one was more about speaking candidly with people about who you are and what you're feeling and what everyone needs.
He was also an atheist Jew, and his family is where I got my lifelong love of bagels. I got my lifelong love of genre movies, shows, and books from him directly (first thing I remember doing with him was seeing the original TRON; the last thing, geeking out about The Expanse).
Watching this movie, almost exactly five years later, I couldn't help but think that it was everything he loved about sci-fi/fantasy: funny, brilliant, heartfelt, ridiculous, inclusive, even internally consistent (for certain values of internal consistency)...
And then that fucking Everything Bagel. That would have tickled Mike to no end. I almost broke down in the theater.
God damn it, this is so good. Maybe too good. Fuck. I miss my stepdad.
And I kinda want a hot dog.
Immediately what my mind went to with the Dad putting Googly Eyes on everything.
The real honest superpower of 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' for me is its sincerity. In a world where everything is either "just a joke" or trolling or a shit post, it says what it means and it means what it says. For all the completely bonkers concepts, visuals, acting beats, and jokes; it means every word.
I'm tired of cynicism and nihilism and trolling. I'm tired of existing in an insincere world. So I'm happy when someone or something is sincere and honest, and EEAAO made me very happy indeed.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
But the movie points out that the very act of making a choice or not making other is what makes life meaningful. There's not much stopping a person from just uprooting their life or whatever, but the choice to not do that is what's important.
Also I need to see it again, saw it like 3 weeks ago
I highly recommend these two articles and also this video
You might cry more tho:
I am on my phone or I’d type more about them but I HIGHLY recommend all these articles and videos
How hard that movie hit for children of immigrant parents because wow
But also I found this bit really interesting
And felt
And, of course, he looked like a natural in the kung fu sections. He must have just thrown himself into everything about the role, and it shows.
There was definitely a point near the beginning-middle of the movie where I was worried that all of this would just turn out to be a goofy farce, and that none of these wacky gags would amount to anything overall, but then the final act of the movie is just utterly drowning in pathos and sincerity and I could not be more satisfied with how all the disparate silly gags come back in legitimately touching ways.
Which, of course, plays in the background later when Evelyn is the cleanup maid for the BDSM dude.
I read this part of this interview, and I'm like "Good lord, WHAT?". RE: Censorship -
They made a bunch of alternate versions of the song! The next time I watch it I'm going to make my mission to pick all of them out.
the segment in that cast discussion i posted above at the 12m mark is... so touching
what jlc says ;_;
1) What in the multiverse did I just watch?!
2) Holy cow was it awesome, in the most heart touching way I didn't expect at all
Also this is yet another movie I'm.glad we started quickly as the load screen shows a lot of key moments I'd rather not have seen as isolated clips
And now I'm kicking myself for not watching it sooner.
This is a f*ckin amazing movie.
There's so many parts I love. One amongst so many: somehow, a movie that actually gets how the multiverse works. And then not just gets it but builds on that with the idea of intentionally doing something totally off-the-wall to intentionally branch yourself into a reality closer to where you're trying to get to. Like, that's so goddamn ridiculous and yet makes total sense somehow all at once and I LOVE IT.
And yet AND YET in a movie that has something that awesome, it pales in comparison to TWO ROCKS ON A CLIFF.
And YET in a movie that has something so awesome as the scene of two rocks talking, it one-ups that with GOOGLY EYES ON THE ROCK.
How does this thread only have one page!?
There just isn't much argument about this movie. It's astonishingly good, and almost everyone who's seen it agrees. It's not like a Marvel or DC flick where folks have FEELINGS about how faithful it was to the comics or whatever.
Also, I think we got most of our reactions out in the [Movies] thread.