The Big Oily Vascular [Weight Lifting] Thread

JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
For Big Oily Vascular People

I realized the last weight lifting thread hit 100 and we never started a new one what for the liftings and then the putting back downs of heavy things so here ya go.

Herein we discuss weight lifting, strength training of various sorts and types and bodybuilding. I think it's cool to have this be slightly separate from the main Fitness and Weight Management thread even though there is crossover.



  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    I ran out of time this morning to get a proper workout in before work so my main chest day turned into an accessory day with high rep dumbbell bench press/incline presses and cable flyes. My right shoulder has been giving me issues and I think I have an impingement so I guess it's back to rotator cuff work to try and even that out because I straight up cannot do overhead work now. So no more barbell overhead presses.

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    I ran some numbers last week and realized for about 40 bucks more a month for one year I could just have my own damn weight set in my basement and not have to strategically plan work meetings and lunches to try and go to the gym at times a rack might be open (which lately meant making it once to the gym at best on top of my two at-home days)

    So this motherfucker is getting a folding wall-mounted rack, barbell, and set of 10s/15s/25s/35s from Bells of Steel in the mail this week

    The first part came in yesterday and to be honest they feel real good to Wolverine around with in conversation


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  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    I haven’t been able to lift because I have some stitches in me and I am playing it safe.

    But come this Friday they are going to be removed (and it will be two weeks since I got them in the first place). Maybe like an inch, inch and a half of stitches on my upper right back.

    Once they are out I can go back to lifting right? I am tired of waiting.

  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    edited December 2022
    Hell yeah home gyms, everyone post your bullshit, I don't have any current pictures of mine on hand but I'll grab some when I get home.

    I'm glad this thread is back, it was fine using the general Fitness thread but it's not quite the same.

    Also I'm glad you've joined us here Cello!

    Peen on
  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    I have received my plates and my rack today!

    Hoping tomorrow will bring my bar and the stringers so I can get this all installed. It was a workout in itself getting all the individual rack pieces and the pairs of 45s, 25s, 15s, and 10s down to my basement!

    The UPS driver seemed resentful which, hey, fair, that was a lot of weight

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
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  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    My home gym is pretty minimal, door frame pull up bar, ab wheel, 2x 16kg KBs, 1x 24kg KBs, 1x 32kg KB. Looking to double up on the existing KBs and not sure where (if anywhere) I'll go from there.

    I have a membership to some climbing gyms that are close by, that have surprisingly good weightlifting areas, that tend to be very underutilized (because people are climbing) so I haven't felt too much of a need yet to up my home game.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Hell yeah lifting. After not doing it at all because of the pandini I finally just pulled the trigger on a home setup in April. No power rack but I bought a pair of olympic barbell handles and full sets of 45/25/10/5/2.5. It's been so nice. I do miss doing olympic squats but one legged squats are working pretty well to create tree trunk.

    @Cello Your mileage may vary but I had to replace those style of spring collars once I got up to heavier weights, one of them just fully released and dropped 45 pounds of weight (onto the mat, luckily). I grabbed these and they've worked much better.

  • CelloCello Registered User regular
    3cl1ps3 wrote: »
    Hell yeah lifting. After not doing it at all because of the pandini I finally just pulled the trigger on a home setup in April. No power rack but I bought a pair of olympic barbell handles and full sets of 45/25/10/5/2.5. It's been so nice. I do miss doing olympic squats but one legged squats are working pretty well to create tree trunk.

    @Cello Your mileage may vary but I had to replace those style of spring collars once I got up to heavier weights, one of them just fully released and dropped 45 pounds of weight (onto the mat, luckily). I grabbed these and they've worked much better.

    Oh yes, I'll definitely upgrade at some point! For now, the spring collars were 9 dollars thrown in with my weight set, and they work better than some of the clamps I've tried with a manicure, haha, so it'll be on the to-do list sometime in 2023 to get nicer ones!

    3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
    Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
  • ProlegomenaProlegomena Frictionless Spinning The VoidRegistered User regular

    I've been staying out of this thread since I rolled my car in January 2018 and couldn't lift due to neck issues, finally found a physio this year who actually fixed it so after getting back into the swing of things with kettlebells* and pullups and bodyweight stuff I'm on my 5th week of deadlifting again.

    *Not actually swings though as explosive stuff still fucks with my neck.

  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    edited December 2022
    Cello wrote: »
    Oh yes, I'll definitely upgrade at some point! For now, the spring collars were 9 dollars thrown in with my weight set, and they work better than some of the clamps I've tried with a manicure, haha, so it'll be on the to-do list sometime in 2023 to get nicer ones!

    Fair warning, now that you've started down this road that list will never end.

    Pics of my setup in the spoiler, took 8 years to get here and I think I've got just about everything I need, except for that viking press handle I just found on Amazon yesterday that I'm going to buy after the holidays, but after that I'll be mostly completely done for now!



    Peen on
  • GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    Home gym home gym home gym! So much better than needing to block out time for going to a gym. That said, there's potentially a gym opening very near me and I am definitely going to check it out. I don't have everything I need (yet) at home.

  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Ordered some new toys with Christmas money, so far only that Viking press handle has come in. It rules, I love it, if you have a landmine attachment on your rack I completely recommend it.

  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    I don’t have a home which could hold a gym.

    But I ended my work project at the end of the year and am starting at a different team and I think I’m just going to block out lunch+extra time to work out midday again. My consistency was never the same when I had to start going after work.

    I’m not expecting it to magically fix my consistency, but I feel better about it. Just gotta make sure I eat breakfast all the time again instead of some lazy sleepy coffee

  • NogsNogs Crap, crap, mega crap. Crap, crap, mega crap.Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    We postin our setups?

    The newest addition is actually that piece of wood leaning against the wall.

    I bought a single stair tread, which just happens to be the exact width and depth of the treadmill handles, and came already stained and lacquered. Cut out spaces to make room for the buttons on the handles, and now i have an impromptu treadmill desk for work!

    Also last year installed the landmine fixture to the wall (bottom right) and thats been real fun

    Nogs on
    PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    Tried Larsen presses this morning. They're pretty good!

    It's just a bench press but you put another bench at the end of the bench you're lying on for your legs. So you do your normal bench set up but then put your legs on the lower bench so you're lying completely horizontal with 0 leg drive to assist the lift. You can also do it on the floor if you're benching off racks.

  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    On an unrelated note, I'm two days back in the gym after maybe 3 to 3 and half weeks off because of holidays and I feel good. I'm wondering if maybe I need to start scheduling in a week of detraining every 2 or 3 weeks. Or at least a deload where i just do light workouts that don't take a lot of time. Seems kind of excessive but with my schedule it could be a way to keep from getting burned out and make sure I get some time to actually recover and get adequate rest.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    I deload one week in every 5, 4 weeks of climbing and training, 1 week of just climbing.

    I feel like if you don't take deload weeks then it is just going to be attrition against your progress I think.

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular

    I've been staying out of this thread since I rolled my car in January 2018 and couldn't lift due to neck issues, finally found a physio this year who actually fixed it so after getting back into the swing of things with kettlebells* and pullups and bodyweight stuff I'm on my 5th week of deadlifting again.

    *Not actually swings though as explosive stuff still fucks with my neck.

    why do you work out in silent hill

  • ProlegomenaProlegomena Frictionless Spinning The VoidRegistered User regular
    I live here

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    how to you deal with the 30-50 feral knife wielding alley babies

  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    Running from 30-50 knife weilding alley babies is good cardio.

  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Point of order, benching lying flat on the floor with your legs straight out is a floor press and the only reason that I care is because a Larson press has definite useful carryover to a raw bench 100% where a floor press is much loved by people who bench in shirts. The way the ROM is smaller because your elbows hit the floor makes you strong in the ways that you need to be strong when you bench in a shirt, where a Larson press eliminating leg drive just makes you stronger through the whole dang movement and especially at the bottom on your chest, which is where most raw benchers struggle.

    I spent a fair amount of time as a younger lifter trying to figure out why every dang person recommended floor pressing when it didn't seem to be helping my raw bench overmuch, and only much later realized that whether they meant to or not places like EliteFTS had a real bias towards geared lifting, even when they were writing articles for raw lifters. Information on the internet has gotten so much better (and so much worse) than it was when I started lifting 11ish years ago.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    when you say "in a shirt" do you mean a particular piece of gear or should I be working out shirtless

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    3cl1ps3 wrote: »
    when you say "in a shirt" do you mean a particular piece of gear or should I be working out shirtless

    everyone should work out shirtless how else can you kiss your muscles for a job well done

    Magic Pink on
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    Magic Pink wrote: »
    3cl1ps3 wrote: »
    when you say "in a shirt" do you mean a particular piece of gear or should I be working out shirtless

    everyone should work out shirtless how else can you kiss your muscles for a job well done

    I have been escorted out of the gym for reasons beyond explanation

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    Magic Pink wrote: »
    3cl1ps3 wrote: »
    when you say "in a shirt" do you mean a particular piece of gear or should I be working out shirtless

    everyone should work out shirtless how else can you kiss your muscles for a job well done

    I have been escorted out of the gym for reasons beyond explanation

    blatant jealousy i reckon

  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    3cl1ps3 wrote: »
    when you say "in a shirt" do you mean a particular piece of gear or should I be working out shirtless

    sorry, lifting jargon, I mean a particular piece of gear and specifically a "bench shirt." They come in single layer (single-ply, the only gear used in the IPF or International Powerlifting Federation) or wild ass multi-layer (multi-ply, those feds are the true wild west) but they let you bench more. In the aforementioned wild-ass multi-ply gear Jimmy Kolb can "bench press" (but honestly it's like an entirely different exercise) 1320 lbs, which is a genuinely incomprehensible thing. You can see the shirt when he stands up at the end, it's a truly impressive piece of fabric engineering (not to take anything away from Jimmy, who is a marvel and a madman).

    Edit: another angle

    Peen on
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Those multi-plys crack me up so bad

    Anyway goals! I have lifting, general strength and sport goals this year

    Lifting; 100kg bench press, 60kg strict press, 160kg deadlift.

    General strength: multiple strict ring muscle ups, let's go with 3-5. One armed pullup. One armed hang from 20mm edge. These are probably the most ambitious, the one armed hang especially.

    Sport goals: finish my projects (Violence, Nazgul, Millionaire, The Last Stand at least, maybe some others). All seem very doable to me.

  • ProlegomenaProlegomena Frictionless Spinning The VoidRegistered User regular
    edited January 2023
    I started a little way on the road to a one armed pullup, some band assisted work and some with allowing 1 or 2 fingers worth of help from the other hand, from my tests so far I can now move myself approximately 4mm under one arm alone.

    Also I suppose if we're putting goals in here for accountability I want to get back to a 180kg deadlift by the end of the year, don't really care about any other lifts though it would be nice to ever overhead press more than 60

    Prolegomena on
  • IronKnuckle's GhostIronKnuckle's Ghost This is also my fault Registered User regular
    2023 is the year I Get Huge.

    Finally ordered some dumbbells for home use (cause I will find any excuse to not leave the house). Just slowly transforming my home office into an office/gym.

  • GorkGork Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    This thread came back and you guys started talking about gear without me?!?! Dang.


    Small space, but lots of stuff. I have two exciting deliveries imminent; the Rep Open Trap Bar and the Bulletproof Fitness Isolator, which is a rack mounted leg extension, leg curl, hip thrust station, arm machine, crazy ass multi-piece unit.

    Peaking block is going well, despite developing plantar fasciitis and tendinitis in my left forearm. My deadlift is going to hit somewhere north of 510lbs, which is a massive PR. Squat and bench should also PR. Thumbs up for ChadBot and bulking.

    Gork on
  • GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    All exercise must be done in the nude, as the Greeks intended.

  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Gork is that a GHR or a reverse hyper folded up next to the bench and pads? Either way, which one did you get and are you happy with it?

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    I started a little way on the road to a one armed pullup, some band assisted work and some with allowing 1 or 2 fingers worth of help from the other hand, from my tests so far I can now move myself approximately 4mm under one arm alone.

    Also I suppose if we're putting goals in here for accountability I want to get back to a 180kg deadlift by the end of the year, don't really care about any other lifts though it would be nice to ever overhead press more than 60

    I found that heavy weighted pullups, archers and band assisted worked well yeah. At my best I could go from deadhang to 90 degrees, right now I could probably do 110-115 to 90 degrees maybe on my right, and barely hold a lockoff on my left.

    So basically gotta get back to that, and that means adding a good 7-8kgs back to my weighted pullups max.

  • GorkGork Registered User regular
    edited January 2023
    Peen wrote: »
    Gork is that a GHR or a reverse hyper folded up next to the bench and pads? Either way, which one did you get and are you happy with it?

    It’s a scout reverse hyper from Rogue. I like it for the space savings but I hate it for the capacity. It’s not rated for a high weight, so when I do heavy swings, the front feet lift up. To keep it from flipping backwards, I have to attach a chain to my rack and thread it through the crossmembers of the hyper. The loading pin is also limited, so anything above 200lbs on the arm I have to use a different chain and carabiner to secure the extra weight to the swing arm.

    If I wasn’t space limited, I would drop it for Titan’s cheapo hyper, but I don’t want to give up the floor space.

    I also have a GHD setup that is modular which you can see the pieces of. I have a GHD footplate from Rogue that attaches to my rack and two GHD pads from Rep that I put on top of my squat box. Works great and minimal space needed.

    Gork on
  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    Ohhh, that's what that is. I envy your higher ceilings even as I recognize that my room's bigger overall.

    I got a pivot for my rack safeties to use my Viking press handle with, I realized pretty quickly that cleaning it up to press it was going to get impractical past a certain point because the handles on that thing are thick. I will be having some fun with push press tomorrow, will report back soon.

  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    Got up to my one working set of deadlifts at 285lbs and barely got it off the floor when I felt something in my right glute strain. I'm very tired of my body being weak these days. It's like I've hit a hard ceiling and if I try to eek over my body goes LOL NOPE INJURY, BITCH.

    Moved to incline bench and when I went to adjust the seat I somehow sliced right under my thumbnail.

    Also the roof is leaking right on this bench.

    Sad Keanu.jpg

  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    ouch ouch omg ouch

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Juggernut wrote: »
    Got up to my one working set of deadlifts at 285lbs and barely got it off the floor when I felt something in my right glute strain. I'm very tired of my body being weak these days. It's like I've hit a hard ceiling and if I try to eek over my body goes LOL NOPE INJURY, BITCH.

    Moved to incline bench and when I went to adjust the seat I somehow sliced right under my thumbnail.

    Also the roof is leaking right on this bench.

    Sad Keanu.jpg

    At the risk of asking a super patronizing question, when was the last time you re-evaluated your macros? I got what felt like hard stuck for awhile towards the end of the year and felt like absolute shit physically (and briefly pulled something in my core) and tried a bunch of things before discovering through trial and error that the core problem was actually just that I needed to go up to 250g of protein a day (a very stupid number).

  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    I usually clock around 200+ grams of protein a day, which is about the upper limit for my current macro set up. I'm just getting back to trying to track macros and eat better after the holidays so my plan was to go about 3 weeks at my previous intake and then adjust. But I dunno. My lower back area has just gotten so fucking fragile these days and it will goose me out of nowhere. So even if I'm feeling good I'm scared to progress because one fraction of a fucking millimeter of a wrong move and I'm out for a week.

    It's maddening.

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