[EPYC] Eat Poop You Cat Twenty Three and Two Thousands - Results on Page 13!

PerrsunPerrsun Registered User regular
edited November 2023 in Social Entropy++

I want candy, bubble gum, and taffy
Skip to the sweet shop with my sweetheart Sandy
Got my pennies saved so I'm her sugar daddy
I'm her Hume Cronyn and she's my Jessica Tandy, I want candy!
put it in a pile, split it with my bitty 50/50 down the line
Kinda like close encounters of the cavity kind
I'm talkin liquorice kisses, talkin chocodile smiles

There is nothing sweeter than an EPYC!

We have a legacy of these things to uphold!

Sign ups open until about 11:59PM Central Time September 16. On the 17th we will dip our lollipops into the pixie stick dust and witness eternity!

Reply with !Caption, !Draw or !Filler

Choose your role, then type your name to make organization go smoother. Such as "!Filler Perrsun"

If you type any words similar to "your name" in place of your name, you have forgotten the face of your father Mandy Moore.

People that signed up
!caption Pinfeldorf
!Caption Luiane
!caption Ketar
!caption GSM
!Caption sarukun
!caption Noggin
!caption Captain Inertia
!caption cj iwakura
!caption lucedes
!Caption SirToasty
!Caption mulysasempronius
!Caption Weaver
!caption MrMonroe
!caption LuvTheMonkey
!caption spool32
!Caption Munkus Beaver
!caption Peen
!caption ASimPerson
!caption Crippl3
!caption Expendable
!caption Kupi
!caption Nirya
!caption shalmelo
!Caption Elaro

!Draw ChicoBlue
!Draw Jedoc
!Draw Alexandier
!Draw Veldrin
!Draw Dr. Flamingo
!Draw Tallahasseeriel
!Draw Endless_Serpents
!Draw Taya
!Draw Raijin Quickfoot
!Draw Mr Fuzzbutt
!draw tynic
!draw Deans
!draw Gizzy
!Draw spono
!draw Tofystedeth
!Draw PwnanObrien
!draw Brolo
!Draw miscellaneousinsanity
!Draw bwanie
!Draw Tonkka

!Filler 3cl1ps3
!Filler Bucketman
!filler see317
!filler #pipe
!filler Fishman
!filler smof
!Filler DarkPrimus
!filler Elvenshae
!Filler TheySlashThem
!Filler Chall
!Filler JayKaos
!filler Slym
!filler with caption preference Houk who is definitely gonna get RNG'd into drawing just you wait and see
!filler discrider
!filler SporkAndrew
!Filler Zombie Hero


Team Gourmet Chocolate

!draw Gizzy
!Caption Elaro
!Draw spono
!Filler caption Bucketman
!draw filler discrider
!caption Ketar
!Draw bwanie
!filler Caption Houk
!Draw Veldrin
!Caption mulysasempronius
!Draw Tonkka
!Caption Weaver
!Draw ChicoBlue
!caption LuvTheMonkey
!draw Deans
!caption Pinfeldorf
!draw Filler Chall
!Caption Luiane
!draw Filler Zombie Hero
!caption filler #pipe
!Draw Raijin Quickfoot

Team Fruit-Flavored Confectionary

!Draw Mr Fuzzbutt
!caption Captain Inertia
!Draw Mariisun
!caption Noggin
!Draw Alexandier
!caption filler Kristmas Kthulhu
!Draw Taya
!Caption Munkus Beaver
!draw Filler JayKaos
!caption GSM
!Draw Knob
!Caption sarukun
!draw Tofystedeth
!caption shalmelo
!draw Cello
!caption Peen
!draw filler Slym
!caption MrMonroe

!draw filler SporkAndrew
!caption Crippl3
!Draw PwnanObrien

Team 5 pounds of just the green runts

!draw Filler TheySlashThem
!caption spool32
!Draw Jedoc
!caption ASimPerson
!draw Brolo
!caption filler see317
!draw filler smof
!Caption SirToasty
!draw filler Elvenshae
!caption Nirya
!draw tynic
!caption Filler DarkPrimus
!Draw miscellaneousinsanity
!caption lucedes
!Draw Dr. Flamingo
!caption Expendable
!draw JebusUD
!caption cj iwakura
!draw filler Fishman
!Filler caption 3cl1ps3
!Draw Tallahasseeriel
!caption Kupi

!draw Odin

Perrsun on


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