90s pop lyrics will infest your brain [Warframe]

Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeerMarylandRegistered User regular
I still need help with the console information so chime in if something needs to be fixed or added <3
We've all fucked off to Discord! https://discord.gg/Cp8Y4Dv

What is Warframe?
Warframe is a free to play, 3rd person co-op shooter, developed by Digital Extremes on the Evolution Engine and is available for for PC, XBOne, PS4, and Switch. In Warframe you play as a member of the Tenno, a group of highly skilled space ninjas armed with everything from swords and guns to magic like powers. The Tenno run an assortment of missions throughout the solar system that range from simple extermination missions to having to capture high value targets. You can play all of the missions alone, with your buddies, or with completely random pickup groups and they can be approached however you want. Whether you want to try and sneak through with stealth weaponry or just start setting the entire place on fire with your flamethrower Warframe has something for everyone’s play style!
Warframe is also big on customization. Both your weapons and your frames can be altered to have different properties by using the mods that you get from running missions. Want your bow to melt targets via corrosive damage? Shoot exploding arrows? Just straight up launch targets across the room and pin them to the first wall they hit? Yup! You can do that! Also, you can customize how your frame works via a wide pallet of colours and attachments so welcome to your new Fashion Frame obsession.

Warframe had plans for cross-platform play between the PS4 and PC but due to Sony being kind of a shitboot about crossplay that's not going to happen. Also, due to the certification process needed for console patches the PC version of the game tends to be ahead in terms of version number.
TLDR: This is the game Destiny, Anthem, etc wishes it was.
The quick start guide for space ninjas that just want to go slit some throats right fucking now.
A Youtuber named iFlynn put together an excellent beginner's guide series of videos that will take you step by step through the game. All the way from the introduction to being a well geared ass whooper obsessing over how best to make your frame look cool. I highly recommend giving it a watch! If you just want to jump into the action then here's the quick rundown. There's also DapperMuffin's Unofficial Warframe Handbook if you want something text based that will get you caught up on the game's systems and where to go and what to do.
1.) Get Warframe installed via the official downloader from the Warframe website, Steam, the PS Store, or via Xbox One.
1a.) For PS4 users: When you download Warframe you also download a patch automatically. After booting the title with the patch, then you download an update in-game (about 250MB) before you start to play.
1b.) PS Plus users can download a free Starter Pack (you can find this separately int PlayStation Store) which includes 100 Platinum, 50,000 credits, a few free Mods (Falcon Mod pack), and 3 day Affinity/Credit booster.
2.) Create an account
3.) After logging in with your minty fresh account you will play through a short tutorial and will need to select a starter frame. They break down as follows:
Excalibur – Excalibur is easily the best pick for new players. He's easy to start with and understand, takes but stays relevant throughout the entire game. Also his #4 power lets you throw energy blades around the level like a cracked out Master Sword wielding full health Link.
Volt - An electricity based frame that can be super fun once you've got some mods slapped in him. His #2 accelerates you to damn near warp drive speeds and he has a good array of powers, but he is a little squishy so he's a little harder to start with. He's easy to acquire as you go through the game but can be fun if you're looking for a more challening start.
Mag - She's alright and has some fun powers, but can be fiddly to play and is easily acquired later on as you go through the solar system making her kind of a bad starter choice. You're better off picking her up after you have some idea of how to mod your frames and have the mods to do it.
4.) For your melee weapon the Skana is recommended as you have to build it if you don't pick it while the MK1-Bo can just be straight up purchased for credits or acquired for free via a quest.
5.) For your secondary pick whatever looks the coolest to you. They're all pretty alright.
6.) Finally, for your primary the Paris and the Braton are both equally solid starters. The Paris has a bit of a charge up time before it can fire due to needing to draw the bow first, but pierces through enemies (and nails them to walls!) while the Braton is your standard assault rifle that gets the job done.
7.) Off you go to Mercury! Start clearing missions and having fun!
The Space Knights of Arcadia – The official Penny Arcade PC clan!
The Space Knights Prime Trading Doc! A great list of who has what in the clan available for trading.
Joining a clan in Warframe grants access to the clan dojo. This is a user built base that functions as a physical hangout complete with dick around rooms like an obstacle course to practice your ninja flips in, a dueling room, and much more pertinent facilities like the research labs. Of everything you can build in the dojo the research labs are the most important. They unlock a huge array of weapons and Sentinels that are unavailable through normal means and require a communal effort via resource donation to acquire the blueprints for new weapons and items.
The Space Knights of Arcadia already have the majority of research complete (mostly because the old regulars for this game are insane) so joining up will grant you instantaneous access to all of these features! Joining is as simple as letting us know what your in-game name is in the thread, what system you’re playing on, and one of the veterans will grant you access.

Queens of Space – The official Penny Arcade PS4 clan!
For an invite to the shiny new PS4 PA clan, PM @furlion with your PSN/Warframe name. QoS has its dojo up and running so get out there and start researching more dakka! Note: Clan invites must be manually accepted/denied (options button on the main screen).

Pax Arcadia - The official Penny Arcade Switch Clan!

The big list of shit this game doesn’t tell you about.
Ok, it’s not really all that bigHAHA JUST KIDDING. There's a fair amount of information this game doesn't tell you about and trying to explain it all would involve writing an entire wiki but thankfully one of those already exists and is going to be your best friend as you play. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki I'm going to try and keep this section succinct because there are a lot of systems in this game and you're better off learning them as you go instead of feeling overwhelmed from the start. Be sure to ask any questions you have in this thread or in game.
Damage 2.0: Everything you need to know about how dealing damage works in Warframe. There's a lot of nice to know but not need to know info here so just skim it for the important bits. Namely, what the status procs do, how the status mods interact, and how crits work. Ignore the chart for what element does the most to each enemy type because it's honestly irrelevant, you'll figure out the damage meta later on and it's way more simple than it looks. It's just not anything you need to concern yourself with when starting out.
Parkour 2.0: How to do all the cool flips, dodges, and general flying around you can do in Warframe.
Mods: How mods in Warframe work.
The Plains of Eidolon: Once you start messing around in the Plains of Eidolon, PC Gamer has a pretty decent guide as to wtf is going on there.
Eidolon Hunting Guide: And once you decide to start hunting Eidolons, a Redditor put together a pretty handy guide to help new players figure that out.
Grouping: Grouping itself is pretty straight forward but what's not mentioned about it is that you can invite someone to your session and they will be able to run missions you have unlocked but they don't. After the mission is completed that player will then have that mission unlocked and will then be able to start doing all the surrounding missions.
Archwing: Archwing is a game mode that lets you strap a jetpack to your ass and fly around in space blowing shit up and is accessible later on in the game via a quest.Here's a handy guide Darmak found on Reddit with a shitload of information for those of you that want to know more! TOGSOLID'S SUPER IMPORTANT PROTIP: Go to your options and turn Experimental Flight on. Don't argue. Just do it. It's SO much better and for some reason isn't the default movement option. Without it you're gonna end up bouncing off terrain like a pinball.

Blain put together a list of what major things were added and changed as of 2017, which is awesome and also really helpful if anyone is a returning player and wants to know some of what's changed since they last played.
Links to great resources and Youtube channels
Semlar's: Has a Riven value calculator and other handy tools including ones for building kit guns, zaws, and amps. The Riven Mafia haaaates this website.
DapperMuffin's Unofficial Warframe Handbook: A massive text guide to Warframe that functions like a massive manual and has a quick start guide that functions like the text version of a video new player's guide. An absolute must bookmark resource.
Warframe Hub: If it's on a timer then this website tracks it for you and tells you when it's going to expire. Alerts, day/night cycles, cold/warm cycles, etc. This is a really awesome one stop shop for tracking everything going on in game while you're playing.
The Official Warframe Drop Table: DE has made the drop tables for everything in the game public! The Warframe Wiki has provided a table of contents to the raw data to make it a hair easier to dig through.
iFlynn: A dedicated Warframe channel with tons of useful guides, gear/frame reviews, and build videos. One of the best resources around for straight information about the game.
LeyzarGamingViews: An absolute gold mine for build guides geared towards new players. Leyzar breaks down the builds and explains why he picks every single mod and explains things at a beginner's level so you can learn the ins and outs of modding in Warframe.
Tactical Potato: Another dedicated, excellent Warframe channel. Guides, build videos, all that fun stuff starring an entertaining Irish bloke. He tends to focus more on day to day updates and discussions on what's going on in the game.
Brozime: A Warframe channel specifically focused on weapon and frame reviews and builds.
StallordD: This channel is dedicated to compiling the lore in Warframe into a single source. This is an absolutely fantastic resource for players both new, who need to catch up on everything, and veteran, who may need a refresher from time to time.
Joey Flynn: Discussions about random Warframe topics. Hosts the Weekly Warframe Show. A well produced Warframe variety show with news, tips, skits, weapon discussions and just all sorts of stuff.
Cephalon Shy: Bite sized, hilarious videos starring a sociopathic robot artist who hates everyone and everything. You won't learn anything here. I just really like this channel.
The Official Warframe Channel: Community interaction is part of what helped make Warframe what it is today. This channel features archives of all their dev streams where they discuss upcoming features, things being looked at, bug fixes, and so on and Prime Time. A show where DE_Rebecca and DE_Megan goof off and give out freebies to the audience.
The Official Warframe Twitch Channel: Where DE hosts their weekly Prime Time shows and Devstreams. Watching them live gives you a chance to win freebies like Plat and items!
My Warframe Music Playlist: I've been slowly putting together a playlist of songs about Warframe on my Youtube channel. If you want some fun stuff to listen to while playing this is for you!
The Official Warframe Soundcloud: Digital Extremes runs occasional music contests called Tenno Tunes. The best of their submissions get uploaded into official Tenno Tunes playlists on the DE soundcloud! Also contains some random audio clips, including Ordis speaking German and talking about Oktoberfest for some reason.
Relic Explorer for Warframe: Want to know what relics have what and where to go farm them? This website is an amazingly handy tool for finding all of that out.
A User Created Map of Fortuna's Fishing and Mining: Created by Redditor u/Pekeponzer, this map has every cave marked and whether they contain good mining and fishing spots inside.
A User Created Map of Where to Get Toroids: Created by Redditor u/Linkapedia. It's pretty much what it says on the tin.
Is there a way to track alerts out of game?
Yes there is! Internet denizen King Taro put together a website based alert tracker: http://www.kingtaro.com/warframe/ This tracker will play a sound whenever a new alert goes up and it has the option to filter cash alerts out entirely. There is also a Twitter account, Android app, and Apple app. Warframe Nexus is pretty damn slick but don't log into it while you're logged into the game because Warframe will think you're logging in from a different device and log you out of the game.

Wait, where’s the technical support section!?
We've never really needed one tbh. It sounds like the PS4 version might have some peculiarities to it but that is way out of the realm of things I know anything about. As mentioned at the start of this I will need help getting something for the PS4 players together if needed. As far as the PC side of things go this game is actually really damn stable thanks to Digital Extreme’s using their own proprietary engine. Any oddities you run into are 99.999999999% of the time due to a bug we can’t do anything about on the client side of things but DE is very fast about fixing those. If you are having technical issues do not hesitate to ask for help in the thread and if they ever do come up I will be sure to start listing them here and create a proper tech help section. Be sure to submit a ticket at https://support.warframe.com if you are having issues.

What is the Design Council?
For a long time Warframe was offering starter packs. The Master and Grand Master packs, however, came with access to what is known as the Design Council. This group of players act essentially as a player based focus group for Digital Extremes to bounce upcoming features off of via the hidden Design Council sub forum. For instance, Valkyr was originally presented to us as the Berserker with a very different power list than what she has now. The original concept art they showed us for her also had her a fair bit lither than what she is now. What originally started out as a request from the devs for a third power idea for her ended up as a 60 page discussion about how all four of her powers weren’t very good and how they could be improved. The result is the Valkyr we have now which is proving to be a ton of fun. Occasionally the devs will also give the Council a chance to design a frame or Sentinel that will then get put into the game (Nova and Carrier both came from these sort of sessions). The Design Council also has a dedicated in game chat room but it’s not all that different from the standard global chat though it does tend to be a fair bit more sane due to the aforementioned requirement of having purchased either the Master or Grandmaster packs so everyone there is usually on the “adults with lives” side of the demographic.

The devs do read the regular forums and interact with the community there (they even hang out in the game’s global chat regularly) so don’t think your opinion doesn’t matter just because you aren’t in the Council! Warframe is a very community oriented game and the level of attention everyone gets from DE is one of the things that makes this game as great as it is.

OP by TOGSolid, stolen by Darmak, purchased legitimately by Lucid_Seraph from Darvo at a discount


* What the hell is a Railjack
* What the hell is a Duviri

Oh right there's crossplay now so if you're on your wristwatch or whatever someone on their uhhh toaster can play with you.

Lucid_Seraph on


  • DivideByZeroDivideByZero Social Justice Blackguard Registered User regular
    * What the hell is a Railjack
    * What the hell is a Duviri

    A miserable pile of intrinsics.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
  • DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    So I said last thread I don't play anymore, so I haven't kept up a ton with Warframe news and missed that they released a second soundtrack, which I found out about just a few minutes ago from a random picture I saw on reddit. The first album was fuckin killer and I listen to it a LOT, so I picked this one up on Bandcamp immediately.

  • Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Darmak wrote: »
    So I said last thread I don't play anymore, so I haven't kept up a ton with Warframe news and missed that they released a second soundtrack, which I found out about just a few minutes ago from a random picture I saw on reddit. The first album was fuckin killer and I listen to it a LOT, so I picked this one up on Bandcamp immediately.

    I'm at the point where I think some of the most creative shit in modern music is being done in gaming and most of the world is sleeping on it because, y'know, Gaming.

    *Edit* So actually genuine thing -- and I'll probably ask the same on Reddit --

    I'm looking for a Newb's Guide to Current Warframe that's not on fucking Fandom (aka, I heard you like ads, so we put ads in your ads, ps we're arbitrarily having AI "correct" your articles owo) because I'm trying to get my main FFXIV partner into it.

    Mostly for the same reason I got him into FFXIV which is "Hi do you like being emotionally tortured by video games :3a

    I'd be cool with doing this collaboratively here too, idk.

    Lucid_Seraph on
  • kralizecckralizecc Registered User regular
    My understanding of and competency in warframe is a loose structure of random ideas and constructs held together by stress and anxiety. It works surprisingly well but it's not great for passing on to new folks. Unless of course they like 7 layer digressions with tangents at every waveform collapse. I'm much better at making the gameplay super boring and lacking all risk than I am at helping someone else achieve it.

    In warframe on PC my name is severenn
  • dporowskidporowski Registered User regular
    IMO it's "just go do all the important-looking quests, then find a thing that looks interesting". Everything else is going to be shit like damage calculations and crit math which gets real weird.

    I've been playing for ages based on "ooh, shiny" mixed with the odd "ooh, a piece of candy!" and it seems fine so far.

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Let me see, based on my past experience (I left before the Duvari stuff)...

    First of all, this is a very grindy game, and you shouldn't play it unless you're willing to embrace that. You can spend premium currency to get weapons and other things earlier and faster, but you shouldn't. Play the game, get resources as they come, and let things bake. Everything that isn't purely cosmetic can be acquired in-game somehow, though you might need to wait longer for some than others.

    Progress through mastery ranks comes from doing everything, but especially through maxing out weapons and warframes. This means that you're going to need to get your hands on a ton of weapons and warframes, and use all of them. Unless you want to be in a constant cycle of throwing older things out, you'll need slots. THAT is what you should be spending all of your premium currency on, at least until you're invested enough in the game to care about cosmetics.

    Mods make up a huge chunk of your power. Unranked mods are basically worthless, so be sure to rank them up as much as you can afford. You can get the endo needed for ranking up mods by shredding other mods. As you grind through the game, you're going to build up a vast collection of spare duplicate mods that you don't care about. Burn them all, and feed their ashes to the ones that you do want.

    Weapons and frames have mod cost limits based on the extent to which you've mastered them, ranging up to 30 at full mastery. In addition, your personal mastery rank acts as a lower bound, meaning that the higher you raise your rank, the more mods that you can equip on things from the start. If you manage to reach a personal rank of 30, everything will always have their mod limits inherently maxed out from the start, though you'll still want to master them for other reasons.

    You can boost the mod caps in two ways, through Forma and through Orokin Catalysts/Reactors. Forma can be applied to fully mastered equipment, it resets the mastery rank to 0 but modifies one of the mod slots so that mods of a certain type placed into the slot will have their cost halved. You can keep doing this over and over as you remaster the equipment, modifying a different slot each time. Catalysts and Reactors can be applied at any time, and just flat out double the available mod budget. Combined with Forma doubling the value of slots, you can effectively pull up to a 120 mod budget if you put in enough effort.

    Forma are fairly trivial to farm, but Catalysts and Reactors are unfortunately much rarer. There's no reliable way to directly farm them, but you'll get a slow trickle if you pay attention to alerts and invasions. I never ended up doing so myself, but they're one of the few things besides slots that might be worth spending premium currency on.

    Stay out of Cetus for a while (and maybe Fortuna?). It isn't really for new players, and you'll just get confused by everything. Come back when you feel like you have a more full grasp on the "normal" game.

    jothki on
  • dipuc4lifedipuc4life ... In my own HeadRegistered User regular
    Forma are fairly trivial to farm, but Catalysts and Reactors are unfortunately much rarer. There's no reliable way to directly farm them, but you'll get a slow trickle if you pay attention to alerts and invasions. I never ended up doing so myself, but they're one of the few things besides slots that might be worth spending premium currency on.

    Even these are available in the nightwave store. It's what I use ALL most of my nightwave credits on all the time. I've got more than 20 each after ONLY buying them with my NW credits for a while. For newer players they should do themselves a favor and buy them from there rather than paying for them. That being said the grind in either case is real. So spend your real world money OR spend your time (which is ALSO real world money).

    NNID: SW-6490-6173-9136
    Playstation: Dipuc4Life
    Warframe_Switch IGN: ONVEBAL
  • CroakerBCCroakerBC TorontoRegistered User regular
    dipuc4life wrote: »
    Forma are fairly trivial to farm, but Catalysts and Reactors are unfortunately much rarer. There's no reliable way to directly farm them, but you'll get a slow trickle if you pay attention to alerts and invasions. I never ended up doing so myself, but they're one of the few things besides slots that might be worth spending premium currency on.

    Even these are available in the nightwave store. It's what I use ALL most of my nightwave credits on all the time. I've got more than 20 each after ONLY buying them with my NW credits for a while. For newer players they should do themselves a favor and buy them from there rather than paying for them. That being said the grind in either case is real. So spend your real world money OR spend your time (which is ALSO real world money).

    If you're willing to put the work in, the most efficient way is to buy auras for NW creds, market those for plat, then use the plat to buy the reactors.

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    I'm at the point where I think some of the most creative shit in modern music is being done in gaming and most of the world is sleeping on it because, y'know, Gaming.

    I like MarcoMeatball's channel. He's a former opera singer and absolutely a gamer nerd. Just to make it topical, here's him reacting to some Warframe.


    He also does interviews with various singers/musicians etc to have them react to video game music. It's good stuff.

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    dipuc4life wrote: »
    Forma are fairly trivial to farm, but Catalysts and Reactors are unfortunately much rarer. There's no reliable way to directly farm them, but you'll get a slow trickle if you pay attention to alerts and invasions. I never ended up doing so myself, but they're one of the few things besides slots that might be worth spending premium currency on.

    Even these are available in the nightwave store. It's what I use ALL most of my nightwave credits on all the time. I've got more than 20 each after ONLY buying them with my NW credits for a while. For newer players they should do themselves a favor and buy them from there rather than paying for them. That being said the grind in either case is real. So spend your real world money OR spend your time (which is ALSO real world money).

    Ah, right, I forgot about that. I bagged quite a lot from there, but you need(ed?) to be moderately obsessive to take the most advantage from it.

  • FiendishrabbitFiendishrabbit Registered User regular
    Speaking of Nightwave

    This round of Nightwave ends in 20 hours. So if you haven't cashed out you better do so. Stat.

    "The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
    -Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    damn this wave was short huh

  • kralizecckralizecc Registered User regular
    Speaking of Nightwave

    This round of Nightwave ends in 20 hours. So if you haven't cashed out you better do so. Stat.

    Thank you, you beautiful angel, I forgot to log in to do the hunt last week so I'd have totally missed that it was ending. I put almost all of it off until just now because this is the way

    In warframe on PC my name is severenn
  • FiendishrabbitFiendishrabbit Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    So I've been rolling a bit in Steel path with my Hydroid "I'm helping!" build.

    Ignis wraith, Aegrit (with fulmination) and a my Zaw two-handed hammer that I call "Pulp affliction". The key idea is to spread Hydroids tentacled bad touch everywhere (the alternative name for the build is "Warui-frame"*).

    Just make sure to put Prime surefooted on your warframe, tone down the energy colours (or nobody will see anything), tune the weapons for maximum status then spray acid everywhere and watch grineers go from hero to zero in a second or so. Plunder really turns up the damage (and your toughness), Tentacles are amazing for CC (and loot!) and Tidal Surge both gets you into and out of trouble.

    *If you want to max the tentacled touch theme, replace Aegrit with Ocucor (with the sentient surge mod). Infinite energy tentacles everywhere, although then the build becomes more about you killing stuff than a helpful support build.

    Fiendishrabbit on
    "The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
    -Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Sell something from inventory
    Feed Helmith
    Donate to levarium...the museum place

    Managed to get thoae 3 of Nora's stuff right as it switched on. Cannot look it up to see what I unlocked

  • NipsNips He/Him Luxuriating in existential crisis.Registered User regular
    damn this wave was short huh

    Short my ass. This Nora season's been here fooooorrrreeeevvvvveeeeerrrr. So long I truly stopped paying attention for most of it.

    So then I capital-g Grinded my way through from Rank 12 to 30 in the last 48 hours of the season.

    Screw you, deadlines!

  • FiendishrabbitFiendishrabbit Registered User regular
    This nightwave started in late May (May 24th), which means it was up for 183 days. Meaning that the only Nighwave season that's been significantly longer than this one is Season 3: Glassmaker (which started in May 2020 and ended January 2021. I'm sure you can figure out why).

    Nora's Mix 1&2 were both significantly shorter and Mix 3 was slightly shorter (170 days)

    "The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
    -Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    really? damn I felt like some of these nightwave seasons were around for like multiple years

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    My biggest gripe with NW is that some of the activities are just so booooring. (and/or annoying)

  • kralizecckralizecc Registered User regular
    Nips wrote: »
    damn this wave was short huh

    Short my ass. This Nora season's been here fooooorrrreeeevvvvveeeeerrrr. So long I truly stopped paying attention for most of it.

    So then I capital-g Grinded my way through from Rank 12 to 30 in the last 48 hours of the season.

    Screw you, deadlines!

    did the same thing except my clock started at 17 hours. took me 2.5 to get most of the ranks

    In warframe on PC my name is severenn
  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2023
    y'all are way faster at grinding nightwave than I can possibly be, what's your secret?

    e: is the secret "don't have ADHD so you can actually focus on doing tedious shit"

    BahamutZERO on
  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    If it was just "grind this much XP" or whatever per NW level I could just turn my brain off and do it, but some tasks are just ugh.

  • kralizecckralizecc Registered User regular
    It's a lot easier when you wait until the end is close, you have a ton of tasks that keep refreshing as you do them. It's both easier to pick and choose, but you can select tasks that complete multiple challenges in one mission. It's not always an option, but frequently when you have the entire chapter as a backlog.

    In warframe on PC my name is severenn
  • CarpyCarpy Registered User regular
    Cross save coming in Whispers in the Wall. You pick a platform as your primary account and when you up merge all your other accounts will be synched to that one. Mats and currencies will be combined except for plat purchased on switch.

  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Wow, forgot how much there was to harrow.

    Copying the warframe apocalypse advice from my garuda to sacrifice efficiency for power, range, and duration.
    Carpy wrote: »
    Cross save coming in Whispers in the Wall. You pick a platform as your primary account and when you up merge all your other accounts will be synched to that one. Mats and currencies will be combined except for plat purchased on switch.


  • DacDac Registered User regular
    Also melee arcanes.

    Also also exilus slots to melee, which can be used to slot things that work off of some ... I forget the name of the system but you have a rando chance on meleeing to proc the ability to use a free heavy attack. The exilus mods modify this technique to be probably less pointless.

    Also also also new color archon shards which you can either get from some new activity thing (along with some current color archon shards) or can be combined at your chair (red+blue = purple shard, red + yellow = orange shard, yellow + blue = green shard). We saw some VERY placeholder numbers for Green, Pablo seemed concerned people saw the PH effects and were going to take them as truth, because they're very experimental, but one of the options was 'increase the max number of corrosive stacks by 2' - so they're trying to make them more interesting effects than just the raw stat boosts we have currently.

    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • AvalonGuardAvalonGuard Registered User regular
    Some of my coworkers have recently shown interest in giving Warframe a proper go and in my description I made sure to make a point that I didn’t see made here.

    The game is Maximum Grind, but that’s because the Grind Is the Game. You’re not grinding so you can break out of the boring parts and get to the good parts, you’re Trying New Stuff so you can Try More New Stuff. You Make Progress by just Playing the Damn Game.

    I think that’s an important distinction from every other live service game I’ve played.

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    And that's why I keep coming back to Warframe time and time again. Tired of the grind? Take a break! Want to do some grinding for new shinies? Get back into the game!

  • kralizecckralizecc Registered User regular
    Some of my coworkers have recently shown interest in giving Warframe a proper go and in my description I made sure to make a point that I didn’t see made here.

    The game is Maximum Grind, but that’s because the Grind Is the Game. You’re not grinding so you can break out of the boring parts and get to the good parts, you’re Trying New Stuff so you can Try More New Stuff. You Make Progress by just Playing the Damn Game.

    I think that’s an important distinction from every other live service game I’ve played.

    I think that's the base reality of the game we all understand, I also think it's essentially the same in every mmo, but warframes grind is a lot more entertaining than everquests or whathaveyou. Each time you buy a piece of gear or mod, you're throwing away gameplay time. The game is so big, and styles of grind so different that you can use a little plat and play the ones you enjoy while ignoring the ones you don't. To some degree anyway.

    In warframe on PC my name is severenn
  • dipuc4lifedipuc4life ... In my own HeadRegistered User regular
    So apparently us Switch players have our platinum locked to the Switch. As far as I can tell if I login on the PC all of my progress and items (except console exclusive items AND any plat purchased) will be there for me to use. We will be able to trade items but not platinum. So I could trade my vaykor hek for your sancti tigris and so on but NOT for plat. I'm guessing that if I bought plat while logged into the PC I could use that to trade with everybody else but I guess Nintendo didn't want to play ball with that part OR there were some circumstances that prevents being able to use plat for trades.

    It surprisingly doesn't bother me that much. I was only going to use the PC login to do trades and maybe content that the Switch struggles on (trust me there are some things I could tell you, LOL). And I don't mind doing all of my trades from the PC account anyway. It's much faster to trade prime junk while I'm using the PC anyway than having to boot up the Switch and login (which could take up to 5 minutes before I'm in the game) just to do a quick trade.

    Also, I'll probably continue to play mostly on the Switch anyway. Switch 2/pro/super/next should be coming next year sometime so we should get a good boost to the gameplay. Also also, I don't play games on my PC much. I try my best to keep the PC for work/professional stuff anyway and my gaming separate.

    NNID: SW-6490-6173-9136
    Playstation: Dipuc4Life
    Warframe_Switch IGN: ONVEBAL
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Some of my coworkers have recently shown interest in giving Warframe a proper go and in my description I made sure to make a point that I didn’t see made here.

    The game is Maximum Grind, but that’s because the Grind Is the Game. You’re not grinding so you can break out of the boring parts and get to the good parts, you’re Trying New Stuff so you can Try More New Stuff. You Make Progress by just Playing the Damn Game.

    I think that’s an important distinction from every other live service game I’ve played.

    Yeah I think that's the reason I put like 7k hours into Warframe and bounced off of Diablo IV as soon as I hit the end game.

    In fact I don't even know that I'd call Warframe a grind because you get to work towards things.

    I mean you still needs drops to build a new Warframe or whatever but the grind is generally reasonable (with a few notable exceptions) so you aren't just blindly hoping for the right random rolls on the random stats on the right item to drop.

    Diablo IV is still the same old grind for RNG drops and I think I've been burned out on that since Borderlands 2.

    If anything my warning for new players is do not under any circumstances try to do everything at once because imo one of the biggest flaws of Warframe has that there's arguably too much stuff you can do.

    HappylilElf on
  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    Some of my coworkers have recently shown interest in giving Warframe a proper go and in my description I made sure to make a point that I didn’t see made here.

    The game is Maximum Grind, but that’s because the Grind Is the Game. You’re not grinding so you can break out of the boring parts and get to the good parts, you’re Trying New Stuff so you can Try More New Stuff. You Make Progress by just Playing the Damn Game.

    I think that’s an important distinction from every other live service game I’ve played.

    Yeah I think that's the reason I put like 7k hours into Warframe and bounced off of Diablo IV as soon as I hit the end game.

    In fact I don't even know that I'd call Warframe a grind because you get to work towards things.

    I mean you still needs drops to build a new Warframe or whatever but the grind is generally reasonable (with a few notable exceptions) so you aren't just blindly hoping for the right random rolls on the random stats on the right item to drop.

    Diablo IV is still the same old grind for RNG drops and I think I've been burned out on that since Borderlands 2.

    If anything my warning for new players is do not under any circumstances try to do everything at once because imo one of the biggest flaws of Warframe has that there's arguably too much stuff you can do.

    There are parts of Warframe I still haven't touched, or barely dipped a toe in.
    (and not just the icky ones I have personal issues with - stuff like Liches and Sisters, that I've just never gotten around to)

  • DacDac Registered User regular
    Warframe is still recognizably Warframe, whether you're 10 or 5k hours in. My recommendation to anyone is just explore at a natural pace, enjoy yourself. Especially when, after the next patch, they're removing the MR requirements to do story stuff, there's little reason to binge.

    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • KamarKamar Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    I started playing Warframe only for story updates when the open worlds became the bulk of content, because trying to give everything a look and seeing the story beats started to feel kinda like a big mess of the dullest sort of grinding. I'm not sure I've ever seen everything on the Plains of Eidolon, much less anywhere else.

    And the other thing that was fun for me, farming out Warframes and weapons, feels duller once I'm playing less often. Since really, if you're putting effort into that it means you're wasting time on the subpar version of stuff, since only relic grinding and opening gives you good stuff, and the next time I fire the game up there's a decent chance the prime will already be out. Still feel like mastery or ownership of base units should be necessary for Primes.

    Kamar on
  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    Dac wrote: »
    Warframe is still recognizably Warframe, whether you're 10 or 5k hours in. My recommendation to anyone is just explore at a natural pace, enjoy yourself. Especially when, after the next patch, they're removing the MR requirements to do story stuff, there's little reason to binge.

    Based on my experiences, it seemed kind of difficult to not have already met the requirements by the time you reached them on the star chart?

  • DacDac Registered User regular
    Depends on if you're being sherpa'd or not, I guess. The friend I had that tried it definitely had to take a pause to do some grinding. Buuuut I think they've also decreased the requirements since then, too, so maybe their experience is out of date.

    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • FiendishrabbitFiendishrabbit Registered User regular
    My experience with Warframe is definitely open-world tangential. I do some open world content (it can be enjoyable), but my tolerance is pretty low. It's the grindiest of Warframe content, and in many ways too grindy for me. Especially the "end game content" like Eidolons, but also to some extent the "Gotta get them all" when it starts to involve Liches/sisters and repeated grinds for +1% more elemental damage.

    "The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
    -Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
  • DivideByZeroDivideByZero Social Justice Blackguard Registered User regular
    kralizecc wrote: »
    It's a lot easier when you wait until the end is close, you have a ton of tasks that keep refreshing as you do them. It's both easier to pick and choose, but you can select tasks that complete multiple challenges in one mission. It's not always an option, but frequently when you have the entire chapter as a backlog.

    The risk with that is getting soft locked to daily resets on "complete 3 Sorties" and "Scan 5 Simaris targets" and I think you can only get three refreshed weeklies active at a time.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
  • kralizecckralizecc Registered User regular
    You for sure don't want to wait untill you have 17 hours left. a week is probably ideal

    In warframe on PC my name is severenn
  • DivideByZeroDivideByZero Social Justice Blackguard Registered User regular
    edited November 2023
    Probably the thing I'm most excited for with Whispers is the system that will let you break down Arcanes and spend it on essentially Arcane loot boxes based on where they're acquired. So those 300 excess Steel Path Arcanes can all become shots at Energize.

    DivideByZero on
    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
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