Hello to my Pin Family,
I’ve missed you all SO much!! As I write this, PAX West is soon to start and that means that PAX AUS is right around the corner. I will once again offer my services as an AUS Proxy.
Please write in this thread below to voice your interest and I will get back to you once the Pin Quest has been released. Last year it was released about 8 days before PAX AUS started, so expect to hear from me around October 7th. If it is October 15th and you have not gotten a PM from me, please send me another message on the forum.
*Reminder – While Slack is great for quick messages, I use the forums to keep all communications. The forums do not delete messages after 90 days.
New to the Proxy Concept – WELCOME!
If you want pins, send me a message. Tell me what pins you want me to buy for you. In terms of payment, do NOT panic. It's really easy. I do most of my transfers through Paypal (Dekuzora0@aol.com) Do a friend payment so I or you don't get charged extra. I don't get much of the money or orders until the Wed or Thurs before PAX. Some people tell me the order before prices, and some wait until last minute. The most important thing is that you have told me you are interested. I will now keep you in the loop with PM's. Before Oct 18th, tell me what your order is. I will confirm your order and send a PM with the amount according to what prices have been listed by ‘X’ and FB. Once you have the 'invoice', pay Paypal to me. Please put your forum handle in the comments to save my brain. I will confirm by PM that I have received the money and confirm your shipping address you have given me at some point. Confirm the address, and sit back & relax. You will receive your pins around the middle of November, shipping takes about a month. It is Australia, the other side of the world!
Here is the link to the thread with all the specific questions:
(Written in 2019, but most is still valid)
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to post or PM me with your questions. Take care and as always-
~Anastasia ‘Luckycharm’ Cooper