So the forums are on hospice care, and it is time to celebrate how the forums have changed us. Plenty of us discovered who we really are, met lifelong partners, or completely changed their world view because of this little corner of the internet. Lives were
materially changed as a result of this little, tiny forum. It might not have been the epicenter for world shattering events, but this community has
definitely had an impact.
These forums taught me about leadership, about accepting other world views. It taught me to be a better person, it made me re-examine past prejudices and treat people more equally. It shifted me on the political spectrum to be a leftist, and made me realize that I was
on the spectrum. I have made friends for life here, and I am forever grateful to this place for molding me into who I am today.
So how have the forums changed you?
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Also probably contributed some amount to the fatness of my butt.
thanks everyone
Gonna miss listening to people complain, and complain about other people complaining…!
Also arguably some of my actual career is due to playing video games and talking about computer troubleshooting on this forum which has eventually turned into IT jobs despite my degree being in social studies education
I'm sad to see this forum go away as it is but I am excited for the future. Looking back 20 plus years ago and I don't think that person I was could say I'd still be visiting this place everyday. Hell this is the first website I go to when I am browsing the internet. That's a testament to the quality of people here. I hope the new place has all of you there. I'll continue to lurk in the shadows, while nodding my head in agreement.
I can say I distinctly remember the day I went into H/A and asked for help getting sober as I was in an extreme mental crisis, probably just about the most important moment of my life and my first thought was to turn the forums so that, I'm glad I did that. It's been a long road to recovery but it definitely started with that thread
Not to mention all the absurd writing efforts I've put into Phallas over the years... but as much as I love those, I found I love running RPGs far more.
Mostly grey now
Also I'm a reasonably less shitty person now thanks to you knuckleheads.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Moon’s haunted
I shudder to think what could have happened if I'd fallen into the wrong internet hole back when my brain was still developing.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
That's what you get for not washing the applicator when you borrow the ointment
@DarkPrimus cameo in this one^
@T4CT shows up here^
^the entire team on the endgame score board is a throwback if you played with TBK in the day
Another one with the homies, my buddy @Willeth in there
Here's will playing Typing of the Dead at Pinballz in Austin TX
I see @Johnny Chopsocky and @EvilBadman in this one^
@Wraith260 who is also a friend from destiny is in this one
I have frankly, too many destiny clips to even begin to choose but here's my original raid clan for Destiny 1
^i made over 90 montages across 9 years of destiny, and managed 200 flawless tickets. Played with too many people to count but @Peen @Zombie Gandhi @Booker @Arteen @Sirialis @Elki @Mustachio Jones and many more played with me every weekend, extremely good memories
Here's to 9 years of trolling people in jumping puzzles @Bogey
Got @Shadrak too lol
A MKX match with the late great @Tommatt may he rest in peace
Here's my friend and roommate Dark Kaze smashing a glass drunkenly during karaoke in Tokyo
I met him playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance on Xbox Live in 2006
Here's me streaming with my younger brother
A COD warzone game with both my brothers I'll never forget
I told you we would need more than one bottle of ointment for the entire forum! But you had to be cheap.
I can say I 100% suffered from much less loneliness during the pandemic because of this place.
this was the forum that makes you old all along
Actually the forums was the only thing keeping me young
^me being shown a cringe post I made in 2007
Steam ID - VeldrinD
These forums aren't the only reason but they have helped me understand a lot of perspectives on politics, immigration, culture, etc. More than my formal education (although I'm sure that gave me the tools to absorb information).
It helped keep me sane through 10 years of shitty jobs, through the last 10 *gestures wildly*. I can't say I've made any lasting friendships - maybe I'm just not built to interact that way - but there are a lot of posters I've come to respect, even if we disagree.
I lurk a lot on Reddit but it's not the same. Occasionally I'll hop onto a discord but either there is no activity or there is too much to keep track of. I'm hopeful whatever we become on the other side of this is a worthy successor.
That said, recently the forums have also been giving me STRESS so it's not all sunshine and roses.
I really feel that this forum changed me for the better.
Oh shit! New forum name: Larrytown!
One fucked up thing is that while I didn't have anything against transgender folk, I still found them a little weird and eventually I got called out for this by another forumer who mentioned how some of things I was posting made her feel uncomfortable. My natural inclination was to get annoyed and defensive, but having recently watched the whole Gamer Gate fiasco take place, I decided to listen for a change and alter my behavior, and I will be forever grateful to this forum and that person for giving me the opportunity to grow.
Also for giving me an environment where I don't feel like everyone thinks I'm crazy or naive for believing in stuff like universal healthcare or UBI or any of those other pie-in-the-sky lefty ideas I hold dear to my heart.