The one about the fucking space hairdresser and the cowboy. He's got a tinfoil pal and a pedal bin
Dusdais ashamed of this postSLC, UTRegistered Userregular
edited June 2007
So NPR had a discussion about Mormons yesterday, about whether or not they should be considered Christian. The Mormons apparently want to be labeled as a Christian religion, without the extremist activism-type attitudes that most Christian political groups are labeled as.
You know, the ambiguity of Christianity is funny. If I asked any religious person "If I led a life of crime and sin for a length of time, realized the error of my ways, and accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, would I be saved?", they would almost certainly say yes. If I then appended that with "Great, maybe I'll be a Mormon some day," and they weren't Mormon, they would be like "Wait, what?"
Hell, I'm up for that. I'm gunna go punch my mum.
says the rabbi
Let me get my Pony hat
You know, the ambiguity of Christianity is funny. If I asked any religious person "If I led a life of crime and sin for a length of time, realized the error of my ways, and accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, would I be saved?", they would almost certainly say yes. If I then appended that with "Great, maybe I'll be a Mormon some day," and they weren't Mormon, they would be like "Wait, what?"
I'm so glad I don't bother.
And Rainbow Bright slippers
I will fucking rip out your throat for this shit
you do not fuck around with the spelling of Rainbow Brite's name
Punch a Muslim day?
They canceled punch a Buddhist day because dudes kept getting kung fu'd.
And here I thought the entire thread would be shitty
atheism isn't a religion, durrrrr
that Buddhist thing was funny. Those guys are psycho.
You're right.
But people can be aethist, right? That's something you can be?
Jedi's vs. Christian's
Fuck, that would be the best.
Kick a midget would be better. Since, they're all small and stuff.
i am going to make you eat your own foreskin, you son of a bitch
Also, I think you'll find it's only one man called "Jedi".
i don't bend enough!
Take some yoga classes
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Coinciding with "Baby, be a dick" day.
I'm in your nursery, punching your babies
International "do it yourself abortion" day