Ok, I've been mulling this over in my mind for awhile now. I've kinda already have an idea on what I'm going to do but I wanted to hear some outside opinions.
I'm currently in an Alaskan University. Plan was to finish my BA in Economics, then head down to Seattle to join the Seattle Police Department while going to U of W part-time to secure my Masters (either in Economics or Spanish). I'm about a year and a half away from my BA, with an additional year tacked on due to my minors in History and Spanish and my Honors College courses. I'm attempting to graduate from the University Honors College as well as obtaining departmental honors from my major's college. I want to end up working for United States Marshalls Service. To do so, I need to gain a Masters, about four years of civilian police and/or military experience and keep my record clean.
Next year I turn 21. I can begin the process of joining the local PD, Anchorage Police Department, this spring, to serve in the fall of '08. If I get on with APD next year, they'd completely pay for everything college related and I could go to night school part-time while working full-time. So here's my dilemma:
Joining APD Now:
- All my tution and books are paid for. This is a nice thing.
- I'd be making $25.95/hr. I could move into a nice apartment, finally not be so piss-poor.
- I'd be accrueing the four years experience I need for the Marshals. This is a big plus, as it would accerlate my overall career goal by several years.
- I'd finally be a cop. I cannot describe how badly I've wanted to be a cop. Finally getting the shield would be an incredibly fulfilling moment for me.
- However, there are some cons. I'd have to attend school part-time and it'd take me up to three to four years to plow through it (taking summer classes as well). I'd go to school fulltime for 07-08 but afterwards I'd be part-time.
Staying in School Full-time:
- I'd get done in roughly two or three years.
- I'd probably get a bit better grades as I wouldn't be having the toughness of being a cop mixed with the stress of college.
- I'm pretty involved in campus right now (work for the University, chair of College Republicans, involved in several clubs, becoming a Senator in student government, applying to be a Resident Advisor, looking at a possible Student President or Vice-President run). Moving to part-time would mean I lose a few of those opportunities.
- I can also look into becoming a Reserve Police Officer, however I am not sure if APD or Alaska State Troopers offers this.
Have you guys ever done nightschool and regretted it? What do you guys think? Thanks for your thoughts.
My .02: you've got plenty of time, don't try to rush things or put too much on your plate (i.e., full-time law enforcement job and school--that sounds like a giant stress sandwich). I'd say take the time to enjoy your studies and college life because you really only get to do that once, but you get to work for the rest of your life.
So long as a massive pile of debt isn't an issue with your tuition/books, etc. and you'll still be able to get the job you want after you finish, you should be golden. Based on O.P., it sounds like you'll be doing the work you want by 25 anyway, and that's a great position for a person to be in. I know some folks in their 30s and 40s still looking for a job they really want to do.
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