Not the fruity Canadian version.
Anyway, the date is fast approaching, with only two months before all awesome breaks loose. Who's going? Can I live at Hacksaw's house and eat his food and make his house smell like pot? Will there by attractive female cosplayers? All important questions.
So, to state this more clearly, instead of expecting you all to understand the implied purpose of this thread; that this is supposed to be a thread for posting your PAX plans (are you going, for how many days, where are you planning to stay, do you want to meet up with other D&Ders, will you be trashing Hacksaw's house, etc, etc) let me explicitly say: This is a thread for posting your PAX plans.
This is also a thread to dispense advice and ask questions -- some of us are first timers (like me (not "like myself," goddamnit.)), and some of us have been before and know what's worth your time, maybe some good tips for beating crowds, and so on and so forth.
Anyway, I'm tentatively going to be attending all three days with some Meatspace pals. I'd definitely be up for meeting up with other D&Ders. In fact, that's a big draw for me. Who's going?
Tentatively Attending:
Silly Australians:
The Cat
Even Sillier Germans:
Silly People of Other Nationalities:
Low Key
I think that if he were to clean up the OP and make it broad enough to apply to everyone, more like a resource for D&Ders going to PAX, instead of just himself, that this thread could stay.
I'm not going.
Do I get my own little place in the OP now, Aemilius?
Absolutely! You don't think I would leave you out in the Teutonic cold, do you?
I'll try to attend PAX in '08, though.
Seriously? That's pretty hardcore/awesome. If you make it, I'll be sure to stop by and give you a cookie and a pat on the head.
Don't you live close enough that you could freakin' drive there? I thought you were NorCal.
I'm the one who lives in NorCal. And Kusu, and Jeffe. Will lives in Boston.