I was playing The darkness the other day,When my xbox 360 just shut off.And the jewel on the middle of my wireless controller keeps on blinking and I cant turn it off.
I've had my 360 horizontal since the day I bought it,And ive kept everything in the the same power strip.
I dont have the 3 red lights of death,It just wont turn on.
Thanks in advance,Sorry for any spelling errors or grammar errors,And I will anwser any of your questions if I can.
I ask because you seem to be trying to turn it on via your controller, and I've had cases where turning on the controller just causes it to blink - like in your situation - and will not turn on the console.
Otherwise, if you did try both methods of powering it on, I would unplug everything from the back of the Xbox 360, wait at least 10 full minutes (FULL MINUTES) and then plug everything back in and try again.
Also, recharge or replace your controller batteries if you haven't done so in a long while.
That's a good point: do you have anything else plugged into your Xbox 360's outlet? If not, or if it's something you rarely use and thus wouldn't notice if it were off, it's possible that you blew a fuse/circuit. You may want to check the outlet or check your fuse box/circuit breaker.
Welcome to the club.
I tried turn on the console via the controller and the power button on the console,Both dont work.
I have it plugged into a big arse circuit breaker.But my computer is also plugged in there and its working fine.
I'll try unplugging it for a little while and then plugging it back in.
If that doesn't work, do it for 60 minutes, then plug back in and try again.
After that? Call Microsoft.
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