The hardware: Westell 6100 modem, D-Link WBR-2310 and a Zonet Zew2500p
Software: Vista and Vista firewall.
Ok now that that's out of the way here is my problem. Before I upgraded to Vista I had everything working just fine. I could put my computer in the DMZ or just forward ports, either worked. I upgraded to Vista and I started having trouble where my connection was dropping and the only cure was to reset the WBR-2310.
I upgraded the firmware on the 2310 and all of my settings were erased. I've put all the settings back to the way they were and now uTorrent says my port is still closed (port 30500). Putting my computer in the DMZ does not work either.
Any ideas on what I'm missing? I've tried google and and still can't figure it out.
Note: The Westell 6100's firewall is disabled and the ports are forwarded on that. The DHCP lease is still running on both the 6100 and the 2310 (with non overlapping ranges). Should I turn off DHCP on the 6100? Does it matter if my router is not using one of those ranges? Should my router be on one of those ranges?
I have a static ip, and it was in the range of the 2310's DHCP range, so I changed the range and that has also done no good. Having my computer obtain DNS info from my router also has not been working since the upgrade (now using Verizon's DNS).
Ports are forwarded on Vista firewall.