Manifest - Chupa Cadabra
SquirrelAnarchy - UndeadCannibals
Bloodlust - BabyEatingJesus
Abdul the Terrible - AbdulDaTerrible
Deadly Melody - Deadly Melody
redimpulse - Red Impulse
Smart Hero - SmartHero
Ashcroft - ashcroft
Fandyien - Fandyien11
Out Of Context - Unnecessary Hats
Bogey - Bogestrom
Ranced - default rance
Poorochondriac - Poorochondriac
JohnnyCache - ?
Zonkytonkman - Zonkytonk
Devlin_Dragonus - Devlin Dragonuz
arod_77 - ?
doublehawk00 - doublehawk00
Darkness Mundus - ?
Sanius - Sanius
Knob - KnobbonK
SkankPlaya - when he gets it
bongi - bongitrs
Bbaj - bajinator
Keith - Keith e Fresh
Dublo7 - dublo seven 19
Zephos = Penguin McCool
Vulnox - Vulnox
stale - stalegb
SkankPlayer - MrMikeyDubs
Barcardi - ArchTeckGuru
SuperMoses - SuperMoses
weretaco - weretaco
Aretè - NinjaFrizz
The Geek - Geek TWG
Six - SixkillerNYC
Recomatose - Recomatose88
Carl with a K - Karl with no C
Raijin Quickfoot - RAIJINQ
Dumb Hero - smarthero
Butters - xLordButters
Wise_a - Birdmania
neville - taernim
Strato - Pixillate
Drez - Drezdar
Saint Justice - Saint Justice
Predator - Thrillhizzle
Polago - Polago
Graves - Prof G
faricazy - FariCommie
Balefuego - Balefuego
B.C. - QuietMessiah
. - Plut Backwards
Kuribo's Shoe - anishoe53
Orestes - CtNinja
Wavechaser - wavechaser48
Hunter - Hunter1253
Evander - The Evander
madden 2008!
(only 30 fps on ps3. tsk tsk)
won't all this work make you hate us/things more?
edit: yeah, like keith said
Orestes - CtNinja
I will be around
nothing could make me hate things more than I already do
give us time
how ya been, shoe
you been gone, shoe
things was different, shoe
things was lonely
We'll play Madden together and cyber over the headset. How about a toilet Detroit vs. San Fran?
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
eh, things look about the same as they ever did.
I was busy.
Lets play a game
What game?
I always pick Cleveland when I play with a crappy team
but I guess Detroit is ok
San Fran actually looks pretty good this year
and I'll be dead before I play as Oakland
Just sayin.
How about a nice game of chess?
Sure, I just need to take a shower first.
Wizard's Chess
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Are they going to have a limited edition set that comes with throttle/joystick like the last one did? I have yet to hear about it and i'm starting to worry.
Wookie Chess
Yup, they are doing this. I've seen advertising for the bundle.
You can set up a gamertag on without an xbox.
But then you don't get a free month of Gold.
What the fuck? I just got an elite last weekend and had to pay $8 for a month of gold.
Holy christ I could never play this game.
If it's wireless they have a sale. If not, they can piss off.
I just searched feverishly for it, and it doesn't look like it's wireless.
Edit: On the bright side, it may end up being PC compatible.
I don't think I'd be as "scared" if I didn't suck at FPSes on a controller. I have to pick easy and it makes me feel like a bitch
The big daddies terrify me, though. I know they're supposed to be moderately difficult but defintely killable, but those motherfuckers are terrifying.
Shit like this is why I'm not a huge fan of horror flicks, it's just too stressfull. When I watch a movie or play a game I like to relax and have some fun, not get all nervous and start looking over my shoulder every couple minutes.
They need to stop making wired things, or at least always give a wireless option. Maybe the PS3 will get a wireless version, since it uses bluetooth and not Microsoft's stupid faggoty no one else is using it because we're faggots wireless.
I can only hope.
so add me, nerds!
Gamertag - Louzorz
Hell, the demo had TWO amazing reveals. The Rapture intro film sliding away to reveal Rapture proper, and the Little Sister/Big Daddy scene.
Two of the most memorable gaming moments I've had in recent memory, and they were both just in a demo.
Did anyone else get the vibe that the opening cinematic (on the plane) was way stripped down? I can't help but wonder if there will be an expanded version in the game proper.
How about you tell me how to pilot this thing back to the surface instead?
I guess I need to download the demo.
Instead of "show up when they're saying the lines", they're "hey read this are you done reading? okay here's the next line, no this isn't actually said for the next two minutes but you must be deaf (why else would you use subtitles) so you can't tell!"