What do you mean by "the new alliance"? I played WoW on both sides and found an equal number of absolute nimrods on both.
I think there is more of a reference to that on the vast majority of servers in WoW, Alliance outnumbers Horde, significantly. IIRC, anyway. I've been clean of WOW a while now.
outnumbers the Horde like 6:5. Not really a huge deal.
Work has www.wowrealms.com blocked, but I believe the difference is around 1.5 to 1 overall, with PVP realms seeming to have a better number of Horde players than PVE rulesets.
I'm on an RP realm (PVE ruleset with naming conventions, basically) that has a 1.6 to 1 activity ratio, so about on par, but that's down from worse than 3 to 1 back around release.
Forar on
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Destruction is going to be the new alliance. And the new night elves are going to be Dark Elves. Everyone and their brother wants to be a nympho with daggers.
Work has www.wowrealms.com blocked, but I believe the difference is around 1.5 to 1 overall, with PVP realms seeming to have a better number of Horde players than PVE rulesets.
I'm on an RP realm (PVE ruleset with naming conventions, basically) that has a 1.6 to 1 activity ratio, so about on par, but that's down from worse than 3 to 1 back around release.
Online Date:
Total Characters: 6,773,583
Showing Guild: All
Total Alliance: 3,853,768 - 57%
Total Horde: 2,919,815 - 43%
A to H Ratio: 1.3 : 1
High elves apparently have a pet class according to an interview I can't seem to find. The other's more than likely to be Shadow Warrior
Dark Elves probably have Sorceress(two female only classes in one race doesnt feel right though) as the ranged dps class, the support class could be anything.
What possessed Mythic to make Witch Elves the DE melee DPS ahead of corsairs is beyond me. It would've been so easy for them to behave as warrior priests and get in the thick of fights but provide buffs as they dps.
Corsairs have the typical DE image that people'd go for. They look terrific.
High elves apparently have a pet class according to an interview I can't seem to find. The other's more than likely to be Shadow Warrior
Dark Elves probably have Sorceress(two female only classes in one race doesnt feel right though) as the ranged dps class, the support class could be anything.
What possessed Mythic to make Witch Elves the DE melee DPS ahead of corsairs is beyond me. It would've been so easy for them to behave as warrior priests and get in the thick of fights but provide buffs as they dps.
Corsairs have the typical DE image that people'd go for. They look terrific.
But yeah, I feel what you're saying. Both classes look amazing, though, so I have trust in Mythic. That, and patience.
God, I love the mentality of greenskins. Going to play a choppa and shaman
claxton on
Its not enough to win. You want nothing left of your enemy but a skull nailed to a fence post so everybody understands the cost of crossing you. -Durga
Greenskins have always been my favorites, although my only other experience with them has been through the dawn of war games. I hope they will feel like that in WAR aswell
Dark Elves probably have Sorceress(two female only classes in one race doesnt feel right though) as the ranged dps class, the support class could be anything.
The sorceress might not be female only, contrary to popular belief there are male sorcerors and they've previously mentioned that this has been cleared with GW. That said, the Marauder and Chosen are both male only.
What possessed Mythic to make Witch Elves the DE melee DPS ahead of corsairs is beyond me. It would've been so easy for them to behave as warrior priests and get in the thick of fights but provide buffs as they dps.
Corsairs have the typical DE image that people'd go for. They look terrific.
Cloaks, they can't easily do cloaks that wrap around the body and want to keep capes as something for guilds from what I remember.
the august video blogs are neat at least. the black elf one had something that looked like an assassin or corsair or something in it. also the black orc one was sweet, showing off some wicked armor.
Think that the first is a low level Black Guard, but the second one is definitely an executioner (but almost certainly an NPC)
The sorceress might not be female only, contrary to popular belief there are male sorcerors and they've previously mentioned that this has been cleared with GW. That said, the Marauder and Chosen are both male only.
Last I checked, Malekith made damn sure he's the only male sorcerer among the Druchii.
For the High Elves, I guess they're going to include the Silver Helm, simply because they need a mounted class. Dunno what their role would be though, with the Swordmaster already being a tank.
Ferrus on
I would like to pause for a moment, to talk about my penis.
My penis is like a toddler. A toddler—who is a perfectly normal size for his age—on a long road trip to what he thinks is Disney World. My penis is excited because he hasn’t been to Disney World in a long, long time, but remembers a time when he used to go every day. So now the penis toddler is constantly fidgeting, whining “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How about now? Now? How about... now?”
And Disney World is nowhere in sight.
Last I checked, Malekith made damn sure he's the only male sorcerer among the Druchii.
For the High Elves, I guess they're going to include the Silver Helm, simply because they need a mounted class. Dunno what their role would be though, with the Swordmaster already being a tank.
hit&run techniques? Kinda like a melee dps-er, but with a LOT of survivability at the cost of "crazydpslol"
Last I checked, Malekith made damn sure he's the only male sorcerer among the Druchii.
For the High Elves, I guess they're going to include the Silver Helm, simply because they need a mounted class. Dunno what their role would be though, with the Swordmaster already being a tank.
hit&run techniques? Kinda like a melee dps-er, but with a LOT of survivability at the cost of "crazydpslol"
Dragon princes whould be better, but they whould probably play like champions in LOTRO.
The sorceress might not be female only, contrary to popular belief there are male sorcerors and they've previously mentioned that this has been cleared with GW. That said, the Marauder and Chosen are both male only.
Last I checked, Malekith made damn sure he's the only male sorcerer among the Druchii.
The army book says
"As a result Sorcerors are regarded with disdain, fear and superstition by most Dark Elves, and they cannot be admitted to the Convent. There are those in Naggaroth who will employ such magic users to avoid owing a debt to the High Sorcesses of the Convent"
There are sorcerors, but they are unlikely to be as well trained in most cases as their female counterparts and presumably aren't nobleborn or first sons.
But yeah, I reckon there was going to be Sorcerors but since they decided to go male only with some of the chaos careers they'll do a similar thing with the dark elves.
Silverhelm could easily be the melee DPS, be another good contrast to the Chaos/Empire heavy cav knights. Its the Swordmaster's skill at arms which generates his tankesque abilities, rather than his armour isn't it?
I'd like MMO administrators to be more careful about balancing faction numbers, but I get if people really want to play "hot nympho with daggers" and pay for it, well what can you do?
Try counting ACTIVE 70 accounts instead of just total number of characters. Maybe I'm prejudiced because on my server the ratio is 3 to 1.
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
Both the Empire and Orcs are interesting to me. As far as I"m concerned, elves could be cut from warhammer and nothing of value would be lost.
Not sure I entirely agree there, but I do know where you're coming from - the elves are almost something seperate going on from the rest of the warhammer world. The best things about the elves is in the details, rather than imediately obvious like most of the other races (who admittedly also have a lot of cool stuff in the details as well)
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
Never underestimate the draw of 'good humans'.
Will the general public percieve the Empire as "good", though? And will the not-so-generic look of them turn many off?
Of course the general public will see the Empire as being good. They've a knight, a Van Helsing lookalike, good-sounding wizard and priest. They'll be incredibly popular.
HE could well have White Lions as their melee dps - that'd be tremendously cool and there isn't a great deal I can think of that might fit in the same role. Same goes for shadow warriors as ranged dps.
I'm still holding out that Dark Rider and Reaver will be the ranged DPS classes. I don't think it's been explicitly said that there will be no more mounted classes.
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
Really? I'd think that Order side looks really generic and boring so far. Dwarves look the most boring sadly (and I usually like Dwarves when I play D&D stuff), Empire looking alright, and High Elves once again kind of generic appeal.
Whereas I think greenskins are one of the most appealing. The screenshots of the Black Orcs in their gear are really awesome and who doesn't want to look like really awesome? Chaos - specifically the Chosen - win in looks too.
Personally I think Destruction in WAR has a higher chance of appealing to new players and gathering the larger crowd.
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
Really? I'd think that Order side looks really generic and boring so far. Dwarves look the most boring sadly (and I usually like Dwarves when I play D&D stuff), Empire looking alright, and High Elves once again kind of generic appeal.
Whereas I think greenskins are one of the most appealing. The screenshots of the Black Orcs in their gear are really awesome and who doesn't want to look like really awesome? Chaos - specifically the Chosen - win in looks too.
Personally I think Destruction in WAR has a higher chance of appealing to new players and gathering the larger crowd.
Greenskins are one of the least appealing because they are the farthest from humanoid.
For the masses I think the more humanoid the better, in terms of appeal. This does not nearly apply to anyone, but to anyone new to Warhammer in general it might take a bit of fluff-reading to really appreciate the Greenskins for .. well, WAAAAGH and whatnot. I never figured out why Humans ended up one of the most popular races in WoW, but they did. Thus, I assume Empire will be heavily played.
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
Never underestimate the draw of 'good humans'.
Will the general public percieve the Empire as "good", though? And will the not-so-generic look of them turn many off?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I think the answer is Yes. The general public will not understand that the Empire itself has as much random violence as chaos could bring. Hopefully when everyone flocks to make there human toons they get a good dose of Imperial history at the hands of over zealous witch hunter.
I'm with you guys. I hope empire is more populous. A target rich environment is a good thing.
So my xbox is currently dead for the next 4 weeks and I just got a letter congratulating me on getting into COD4 beta... so if anyone is interested in giving me their war beta key as a trade that'd be splended
Hey Morskittar, when you guys finally get into beta, mind if I hang out with TSM? We have our guild accounts, but I am/will be on more than the other guys will when they get in.
I never figured out why Humans ended up one of the most popular races in WoW, but they did.
"Alright, lets choose a race.. Humans? Boring. Midgets are a race? Super Midgets are a Race!? Giant eared blue guy? Eh. Ugly green dude with a beer belly? No thanks. Blue.. Boar Men? Yeah.. Not gonna happen. Eww.. It' doesn't have knees! Fuck this, I'll make a human..."
And then sometimes "Oh, wait, blues guys can have a pet? Sweet!"
outnumbers the Horde like 6:5. Not really a huge deal.
I'm on an RP realm (PVE ruleset with naming conventions, basically) that has a 1.6 to 1 activity ratio, so about on par, but that's down from worse than 3 to 1 back around release.
Destruction is going to be the new alliance. And the new night elves are going to be Dark Elves. Everyone and their brother wants to be a nympho with daggers.
probably shadow warriors. no one will be able to resist their sexy bows and face masks
Online Date:
Total Characters: 6,773,583
Showing Guild: All
Total Alliance: 3,853,768 - 57%
Total Horde: 2,919,815 - 43%
A to H Ratio: 1.3 : 1
I was closer. >>
Dark Elves probably have Sorceress(two female only classes in one race doesnt feel right though) as the ranged dps class, the support class could be anything.
What possessed Mythic to make Witch Elves the DE melee DPS ahead of corsairs is beyond me. It would've been so easy for them to behave as warrior priests and get in the thick of fights but provide buffs as they dps.
Corsairs have the typical DE image that people'd go for. They look terrific.
But yeah, I feel what you're saying. Both classes look amazing, though, so I have trust in Mythic. That, and patience.
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
Greenskins have always been my favorites, although my only other experience with them has been through the dawn of war games. I hope they will feel like that in WAR aswell
Paul Barnett as a maurader, killing bears?
Think that the first is a low level Black Guard, but the second one is definitely an executioner (but almost certainly an NPC)
Last I checked, Malekith made damn sure he's the only male sorcerer among the Druchii.
For the High Elves, I guess they're going to include the Silver Helm, simply because they need a mounted class. Dunno what their role would be though, with the Swordmaster already being a tank.
And Disney World is nowhere in sight.
Dragon princes whould be better, but they whould probably play like champions in LOTRO.
"As a result Sorcerors are regarded with disdain, fear and superstition by most Dark Elves, and they cannot be admitted to the Convent. There are those in Naggaroth who will employ such magic users to avoid owing a debt to the High Sorcesses of the Convent"
There are sorcerors, but they are unlikely to be as well trained in most cases as their female counterparts and presumably aren't nobleborn or first sons.
But yeah, I reckon there was going to be Sorcerors but since they decided to go male only with some of the chaos careers they'll do a similar thing with the dark elves.
Silverhelm could easily be the melee DPS, be another good contrast to the Chaos/Empire heavy cav knights. Its the Swordmaster's skill at arms which generates his tankesque abilities, rather than his armour isn't it?
And yeah, I'm afraid everyone will jump on dark elves. Chaos, not so much, orks, definitely not unless you're a games workshop fan. I think high elves will be kind of popular (if there's a ranger class), dwarves not so much, and empire not as much either.
Not sure I entirely agree there, but I do know where you're coming from - the elves are almost something seperate going on from the rest of the warhammer world. The best things about the elves is in the details, rather than imediately obvious like most of the other races (who admittedly also have a lot of cool stuff in the details as well)
Never underestimate the draw of 'good humans'.
Will the general public percieve the Empire as "good", though? And will the not-so-generic look of them turn many off?
Inquiring minds want to know.
HE could well have White Lions as their melee dps - that'd be tremendously cool and there isn't a great deal I can think of that might fit in the same role. Same goes for shadow warriors as ranged dps.
Really? I'd think that Order side looks really generic and boring so far. Dwarves look the most boring sadly (and I usually like Dwarves when I play D&D stuff), Empire looking alright, and High Elves once again kind of generic appeal.
Whereas I think greenskins are one of the most appealing. The screenshots of the Black Orcs in their gear are really awesome and who doesn't want to look like really awesome? Chaos - specifically the Chosen - win in looks too.
Personally I think Destruction in WAR has a higher chance of appealing to new players and gathering the larger crowd.
Greenskins are one of the least appealing because they are the farthest from humanoid.
I think the answer is Yes. The general public will not understand that the Empire itself has as much random violence as chaos could bring. Hopefully when everyone flocks to make there human toons they get a good dose of Imperial history at the hands of over zealous witch hunter.
I'm with you guys. I hope empire is more populous. A target rich environment is a good thing.
Long shot in hell, but worth a shot.
"Alright, lets choose a race.. Humans? Boring. Midgets are a race? Super Midgets are a Race!? Giant eared blue guy? Eh. Ugly green dude with a beer belly? No thanks. Blue.. Boar Men? Yeah.. Not gonna happen. Eww.. It' doesn't have knees! Fuck this, I'll make a human..."
And then sometimes "Oh, wait, blues guys can have a pet? Sweet!"
What are elves there for you ask?
Elves are there to get SMASHED.
And codpieces of course.