To be honest I hate RPG's. I never have the patience for them but on the opposite coin I have never understood them. But I do respect them and really want to give one great game a really good chance.
My first experience with an RPG was way back on the NES with Ultima. I had no idea what I was doing and started to realize I'm playing a D&D game. But I was like 9 years old and have a bad impression of D&D players. (No Offense)
My next encounter was with Pokemon. I loved the cartoon and followed the game and was probably the first 20 year old obsessed with the game, and still am. Simple turned based but with action all around. No major thinking involved plus simple strategies.
But then came Final Fantasy VII. I went to the local video store and picked up the PS and the game all based on the commercial. I was so impressed with the beginning but then realized it was a turned based and took it back that very day. Full Refund given. (If I only knew what it would be worth today). 10 years later I did give it another try, pushed by a co worker, and still no go.
About 2 years later I played Paper Mario for the 64 and loved it. I missed,
well not really missed, two days of work just finishing it. So I bought the GC and Wii version and have lost interest after 4 or so hours.
4 years ago I went out and made another FF VII mistake. I bought Knights of the Old Republic, based on the commercials, and totally hated it. I like the idea of open ended game play but I got lost what to do and where to go after about 2 hours into it. I really wanted a full action game, at the time, kind of like Fable. I also have Fable but still haven’t opened it.
Now today. I really was looking forward to Blue Dragon for the 360. Final Fantasy'ish meets today's graphics. But with the 1up and other reviews there goes that idea.
So if I look at what I wrote I'm thinking I really have no hope. I want a great story driven game but don't want to bombard by turn after turn based strategy. But I want a game that is considered a RPG game, even more on the JRPG side, but enough of a game to be considered an RPG not an Action/RPG.
Money is not a hinder and I have every system to play with NES, DC, GBA, Turbo CD, Neo Geo, Jag, anything.
Am I doomed?
Coolest Guy I Know
MAX: Liz I really, really wish that this could be something, you know, more. But it can't. We're just...
LIZ: Different.
VOICE-OVER: It's September 24th, I'm Liz Parker and five days ago I died. But then the really amazing thing happened. I came to life.
They're all a lot more exciting than the Paper Mario games, I think.
So maybe they're not for you. What was it about the first Paper Mario that you loved? Why didn't you like the Gamecube sequel, which operated in much the same way?
Also: how the hell do I pronounce your name?
Edit: Yeah, the other Mario RPGs might be worth a shot, since there's a wee bit of action involved with them rather than just selecting commands from a menu.
As far as 'traditional' RPGs, it just sounds like you really don't like turned based combat. Which is fine, but most all RPGs follow the standard turn based combat.
Although I can't quite remember how the fighting system was. It's been a while. I just remember thinking "this game is so awesome" on the ship battles.
It's: "Hate Bill Gates"
Edit: curse you, urahonky!
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
Thank you. I spent a minute trying to interpret it and gave myself a headache.
Yeah. Beat'd!! LAWLS
Although my name has stuck with me for a long time. I go on rants about how you should type out "you" instead of u, but then I use the username of "urahonky". I don't see it as "you are a honky" I see it just as "urahonky".
Edit: also, I was criticizing his name more because Bill Gates is a generic and misplaced target for nerd rage than because it uses leetspeak.
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Alternatively, Valkyrie Profile 2. Has a good story, but the battles aren't random (you see them on the screen) and you use various buttons to use attacks, and can chain them depending on the enemy.
Ah... True. Some get those mixed up lol. You're not the first, by all means!
Skies of Arcadia is always a good choice. Best RPG ever made.
Im thats not hyperbole. I am totally serious. Forget your Final Fantasies, they are great, forget baldur's gate or neverwinter, or anything d+d, or half of jrpgs. Skies is definetly up there. You can argue gameplay, or aesthetics but as an introduction to RPGs it cant really be beat.
I'd argue Skies is the perfect MyFirstRPG.
Star Control II (PC, GENESIS) is similar in concept - good story, open-ended play, character (ship) development, lots of fun dialogue, another good hybrid.
Xenogears (PSX) is much more of a "classic" JRPG with pseudo turn-based combat, but the fighting itself has many real-time player-controlled "combos" to attack with.
Again, this is arguably one of the best JRPG's ever made, and a very fun story to play through.
Oblivion (PC, XBOX) is the RPG of PC RPG's currently, rivaled only by Baldur'sGate2 (although they're difficult to compare). Ultimate open-ended gameplay, over-arching story, and real-time combat. Sick playerbase of modders make the PC game even better, daily.
Fable (PC, XBOX) is a good console-style RPG, lots of innovations to enjoy - alongside fun player development options (wooing mates/wives!).
Based on your OP, i'd recommend staying away from the Final Fantasy series, as well as the entire D&D/Ultima/Wizardry library of games.
I would think your best bet would be a Tales game. Tales of Symphonia would be perfect if you have a Gamecube. Action-y combat system with all the stat trappings of a standard RPG. The story and characters are also quite good as well. Give it a shot if you can find it.
You like Disney stuff?
But then people would forget who you are!
I'd have suggested this if he said he didn't want an action RPG.
Then again, it sounds like this guy would much, much prefer action RPGs, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Ura: Eh, I'd keep the same avatar I've had for nearly a year and put "formerly cloudeagle" on the tag. Actually, I think I'm gonna do it soon.
It doesn't matter what you like or don't like.
But really, why try to force yourself to like a genre?
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
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Even with a lower encounter rate, the encounter rate in that game is too high.
EB is definitely harder than most RPGs I've played in my time. But the music always makes up for it... so I'd probably have to agree.
The problem is picking up a copy.
Jesus no. The random encounter rate would drive the OP to suicide.
Harvest Moon? That's about as anti-action an RPG as you can get, and fun as hell for a simple premise, but maybe not enough story for you.
I've never played Earthbound except for a wacky stint involving the multi-tap (the game works with it for whatever reason), a TV, and an SNES on a road trip eons ago, but I have watched my two brothers and many of my friends play the game to completion. Plus it helps that you can see the enemies and know when a "random encounter" is coming up (or possibly avoid it altogether/overpower the weaker enemies).
I have to correct that. I love Xenogears for it's over-the-top plot arc and some of its characters, but its battle system is as turn based as it gets. There is absolutely NOTHING real time about it. I love the combat system - this guy, I think, would not.
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Bah, it wasn't that bad. As someone stated above, the Gamecube version was a lot better on the encounter rates than the DC one.
I'll echo the statements for one of the Tales games along with Xenogears, along with maybe the Grandia games. They're not action RPGs, but still more freeform than something like Final Fantasy.
Also, he could try Tactics RPGs, like Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, etc. They're still technically turn-based, but they're more like board games than the standard "hit enemy, wait, and so on."
Might be worth a look.
And I'll second the Kingdom Hearts 1. I don't really have any interest in Disney characters but the FF aspect brought me to it. And, by the end, I looked more forward to seeing Disney cameos than FF.
Still a great game though.