Hey everyone! I'm AudibleKnight, the community manager for Ubisoft's game:
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja. I checked with Robert Khoo and the moderators, and got the ok to announce here that there were thousands of entries in our "Win your weight in ramen" contest, and we have finally found a winner:
Evan Nelson from Canada! He's been contacted, and will be sent his choice of over 1,000 packs of chicken flavored ramen to his home.
Personally, I would like to thank everyone who stopped by our booth. It was my first time attending PAX, and it was an awesome experience! I'd also like to thank everyone who's taken pictures of the booth during PAX and uploaded it to Flickr. I definitely appreciate the extra pictures to keep as momentos of such a fun time! Hopefully after Evan has received the shipment, I can share some pictures of the shipment waiting at his door.
Hey, some of us are going to college.
I have a feeling I'll be eating plenty of ramen in the coming months.
Gratz on the ramen.
Yeah, you will be. God knows I have. I ate an unhealthy number of Cup o' Noodles in the first year or two of college. Ugh.
Btw, I wanted to thank you for leaving that huge display for us to take lots and lots of ramen from (with permission) It kept my halo 3 limited cell nicely protected and is actually decent tasting ramen.
I work in a homeless shelter on the weekends. Sometimes I have a hard time taking off my campaign hat.
Are you like a Saint ?
Congrats to Evan on the win. Ramen is like space food , you can eat it raw or cooked. It's delicious.
*edit* I don't think you can even cook space food and eat it but I am using that analogy.