I can't take it anymore! I'm going out of my mind, I tell you! Out of my damn mind!
What the dickens is "phalla"?
The word keeps showing up everywhere. Prior to joining this forum, I had never seen it before in my life.
Google gives me nothing!
Wikipedia tells me its a remote area somewhere in an even more remote administrative region of Pakistan!
And apparently, Warhammer 40,000 is non-Phalla. This confuses me even more, because its the game I have the most experience with, but that still provides no clues...
I even tried searching for "what is phalla", but there is nothing. Perhaps the quest to understand what this bizzare "Phalla" is has driven all who have embarked upon it insane? O_o
You'd think the rules thread would have a "Don't make a thread asking what Phalla is, for everyone knows" rule, but no!
So, Denziens of Dice and Men, I beseech you: Reveal to me now what "Phalla" is, or I shall surely destroy the majority of the objects in my home in a fit of perpetual confuddlement.
We hate you, Umbrella! How many secret laboratories can one company have? Where do you get them all, anyway?
Explains a lot. Not why I haven't heard of it, mind...
Sanity has returned.
The current game is like a 3rd generation descendant and doesn't look much like that though.
We have evolved into something greater.
Yea, neither will pop up anything. Phalla is just what Tarranon called it when he ran a game in D&D and we've kept the name.
Cause we like wangs around these parts.