Hey Everyone, I have a pickle of a problem here. I just moved to Japan and we were supplied with a VDSL Modem, and I'm using a Linksys WRT54g Router with an Xbox 360.
Now each time I try to log into Xbox Live, the MTU test fails. I isolated the problem down to the VDSL modem because I still get the failure when I connect it directly to the modem. The router is not the issue because I used it in the U.S. and never had an issue, so it must be the VDSL modem causing the issue.
I do not have an easy access to another VDSL modem, so I wanted to know if anyone knew of a way to actually edit the MTU value on the VDSL modem (It is a NEC VF200FS). If I could just somehow bump up the MTU value on it I think I could get onto Xbox Live. But I'll take any possible solution, so does anyone have any advice?
On the other hand though, I could get another DSL modem from the states that I know is compatible. If I shipped in a new DSL modem would I just be able to plug it in and use it, or must it be specifically configured somehow by the ISP before it would work?
Thanks for the help, Halo 3 is so close and this is driving me mad.
Edit: As a note, I am at a University so I have no way of contacting the ISP about the matter, so I need to find a solution to this from my side somehow.
Yeah it seems its your router/modem needs to up its MTU to at least 1365 otherwise you can't connect. Not sure if you'll be able to do it yourself if your ISP didn't provide info on how to get into the modem's console. May have to call them up.
Yeah I've googled for hours on this VDSL modem to see how to access any controls. I think if I could just get into it and fiddle with the MTU value I'd be fine, but I can find no way to connect to the modems properties like you do a router. This is maddening.
Also, it could be something farther down the line, your path MTU is the smallest MTU from you to the xbox live servers and is what XBL actually tests. So chances are it could be totally out of your hands. I would call your ISP and talk to them.
Missed the part about lack of ISP contact, dunno what to tell you then.