GAF has one, why not us? The screenshot and film clip feature is one of my instant favorite features about the game, especially since all screenshots are saved in high res.
As for the film clips, you can save up to six on your file slots, but is there a way to download them to your PC, so you can free up those six slots again without deleting the original clips? I want to get them up on Youtube if possible.
So post your favorite screenshots; If they aren't yours, give credit to the author. Same with any cool or funny clips you find.
Here's the Bungie page with my saved clips. I'm especially proud of my first personal flag victory, especially since it promoted me to Sargent. "And Stay Out" is also pretty darn funny.
And here's some of my favorite pics.
Money Shot.Money Shot Pt. 2Me on the left. Dude didn't see it coming.Didn't see this coming either (favorite pic)Ouch.
Most of my pics are pretty underwhelming, but I like this one
Also, be sure to check out the Valhalla saved film. Low Gravity match, all Grav Hammers.
What trickery do I have to pull with capture cards and video inputs and laser vortexi and oscillating pneumatic superweapons?
vortexi? is that some kind of horrible pluralisation of vortex?
do you maybe mean vortices?
I'm tired now answer my question
Heres my fileshare:
Only two videos on it at the moment, but ManCan0wn3d is the most awesome thing i have done in halo so far. Charged up the laser, jumped off the man-cannon and in midair blew up a hog with 3 people inside carrying the bomb to our base.
Screenshot doesnt really do justice to the awesomeness so watch the video ;-)
The Michael Bay Shot
Strike Three, You're Out
Love the shot in the MK III thread where a dude gets lasered from a distance.
Also is there a way to quickly jump to parts of a video?
I did something amazing in campaign; jumped a mongoose off of a cliff onto a
I went to the video to discover it saved the WHOLE STAGE, 56 minutes worth, and of course my heroics were at the end. Only the right Trigger was working for fast forwarding, the control panel >> was grayed out. Maybe this was because it was Campaign mode? Am I doing something wrong?
If I can edit it down, by creating a beginning and ending clip, I'll spend the stupid amount of time fast forwarding to that part. If not I simply won't bother and, instead, will be very sad.
I wanted to do this, but could not for the life of me find out how. Why they dont have this feature is beyond me.
Playing Rocket Race on Sandtrap
And here are some non-spoiler campaign shots, but they are from one of the later levels so I've spoilered them:
If you like those I've got more. Here's my profile. (url fixed)
Do you need to do more than save them to to post them here.
Well, thanks Chad! Thanks for hitting us with a rocket, you big meanie! God, I swear, sometimes i just want to punch you in the mouth. Swear to god.
Oh. Oh my. We're going to make it. Thanks, Chad! You're the best! I hope we can go out sometime!
Oh man, I wouldn't even be able to rewind?
Hopefully they will be able to patch that later.
The really should add a "clip edit" ability, too.
How amazing. It glows!
Bye bye glowing ball!
Think I ruined his day.
I contemplate what I've just done as my victim flies away.
Love. The. Hammer.
PSN: JPBrowncoat Xbox: BamSaidTheLaday Also on Steam! Streaming games!
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
I was playing online split-screen with my girlfriend and I could take pictures of it.
.... too easy
anyway, i'm going to love this thread. Any screenshots of Halo 3 have my attention, because it looks absolutely stunning. I'll contribute when i can.
Anyway, here is a variant I made last night.
It is Aliens Vs Predators on Valhalla.
The Aliens are blue, the Predators red, and the humans green. When you spawn as either Predator or Alien, you will have to trade the spawn weapon for the sword (Alien) or the brute hammer and spartan laser (for the predator). Only the humans are allowed to keep the spawn weapon.
When an Alien spawns, he automatically picks up a ninety second long custom power-up that gives him no shields, turns him brown, and makes him very fast with low gravity.
When a Predator spawns, he automatically picks up active camouflage that will wear off.
The humans spawn at the downed Pelican, and they have three machine gun turrets, two mongooses, and firebomb grenades.
Tell me what you think!
Here is the link for the map variant:
Link for the game variant:
Behind a firewall here at work stick them on PA Boards please
You just have to hit up or down on the D-pad in saved films to cycle through people.
one handed hammer
XBL/PSN/Steam: APZonerunner
extra AA when a screenshot is taken?
XBL/PSN/Steam: APZonerunner