I'm very picky about technology and only want the latest and greatest and what has me interested is the 360 with the 65nm chips as I heard the older 90nm are the ones that overheat and break down. With Halo3 out I'm finally breaking down so how can I easily find the 65nm 360s? I tried looking this up online but all I get is news reports and nothing substantial. Thank you for any tips!
The Halo 360's supposedly have 'em.
They have been made and shipped/are being shipped over. Should start hitting stores in the next few weeks but it may take some time to clear out of old stock before they are seen everywhere.
I refer you here: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=37278
I don't buy it though, there's no need for them to fix their situation at this point when the console hasn't been selling well the past quarter and will only now pick up sales and eliminate backstock with the release of all the holiday games. They don't intend to throw away all that money they spent on buying the 90nm chips, thus they continue to keep releasing them, knowing full well they will only break down and need to be sent in. They hope they'll survive just past the 3 year warrenty they so kindly gave, they thought that would break down the fear of buying the system born to die on you.
They want to get rid of the old shit so bad, they're in no hurry to release the 65nms because its not really going to solve the problem, its just going to be cheaper for them to produce. Only when the CPU and GPU are smaller and more efficient will their problems lessen slightly, the heatsinks added in July help this quite a bit but the entire design was doomed from day one and MS was in such a hurry to be first to market they never bothered to test or learn their soddering was cheap environmentally friendly shit that couldn't even surive a few hundred degrees heat, normal for a few hours run time. The exterior power brick barely helps this problem, no intercooler fans can save it and no amount of ventilation will solve the noise issues.
You can find the consoles that say Zephyr on the side, that have the additional heatsinks, and the HDMI was added to cause people to believe the hardware has been improved but there's no evidence of 65nm chips or that those will even save the hardware from RROD. They keep releasing new versions, bundles to sweeten the deal but the truth is the parts themselves are no better and they won't even elaborate on what exactly is the problem or say when the specifics change because that would be like admitting every console they have ever sold before that version was fatally flawed product. Right now it seems they're trying to clear backstock of parts with the Halo launch, console and new holiday bundles coming, Shane Kim said we wouldn't see the 65nms until fall but I'm thinking more like Spring at best.
Their strategy is to just keep churning out great games that will break people down and cause them to take the plunge rather than addressing the issue or admitting to their failures. The warrenty was to assure some kind of good faith but really its a bandaid on a cancer, that they hope they can just ride out for another 3 years of the console cycle before moving onto the next round. Either you stupidly buy the console knowing this or you take a stand against their con and don't buy into a corrupted system.
i lol'd
Really, if you buy a 360 now, you've got a near-perfect shot at a stable system. There's the new heatsink design, plus the new chips, both of which should decrease the chances of heat death.
Then there are folks like me who are still riding their launch systems with zero problems. *shrug*
It's not even heat death. RROD is such a simplistic problem to fix, but unfortunately it's not one that is prone to show up quickly. I agree that the final design should have undergone more extensive testing which would have shown the problem. But at this point it's hardly worthwhile to argue about.
For the vast majority of 360's, if they RROD after warranty, or you just don't care, it'll cost you a few bucks in parts to permanently fix that particular issue. Unlike the causes for the DDE and DRE's of the last gen PS2 and Xbox systems which were potentially much more annoying and expensive to repair (depending on exact system specs).
I didn't get it. Does that mean I'm not funny?
And on topic, I suggest you hold out for another 2 weeks or so to find means of getting the new 360s with the better chip sets.
The GPU overheating is what is causing the RROD problems. ALL new 360s have an extra heatsink on the GPU chip which eliminates this problem.
the 'Falcon' 360s will be no more reliable than the current ones, just cheaper for Microsoft to produce as 65nm CPUs are cheaper to make.
This means the 'Falcon' 360 you are waiting for will be no different than one now, only possibly cheaper. So expect a price cut.
"wanna" = "want a(n)"
"I Wanna A XBOX360 But..." = "I want a(n) A XBOX360 But..." = "I want a a XBOX360 but..."
Does this mean I'm retarded? Oh no.
You can do what I'm doing
Drinking way too much Pepsi and Mountain Dew, dumpster diving for caps, etc
Not a single code will win you a 360 but that hasn't stopped me yet
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
Aaaand, keep you healthier?
Because I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a gaming system and then hundreds more on all the games I want for that system besides Mass Effect that were good but not good enough to get me to buy the system
But I will
Prepaid meal plans for anywhere on campus help with the cost
Also it has gotten to the point where I'm storing the Dews for later consumption after putting in the caps and not winning a 360
There are six opened bottles of Diet Dew in my fridge as I post
They are going to be flat as hell when I finally get around to drinking them I'd wager
Should my plan fail (as it inevitably will) it'll be time to take advantage of the fact that my current situation puts me at almost a zero cost of living and almost 100% of my paycheck is disposable
This sounds rad but keep in mind I work a university job, which means at best I make like seventy bucks a week
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
The title is a grammatical nightmare though no matter how you look at it.
It is.
Thoughts of a Part-Time Hobbyist - A Wargaming and RPG Blog
I know when a and an are used, but since X is pronounced ex, and thus starts with a vowel, I figured it sounds more natural with an.
You win again, grammar.
Regardless, this thread is relevant to my interests as I'm starting to liquidate my last gen (and some current gen) games and systems in hopes of funding a 360 Pro purchase. So, i guess the plan is to wait a little bit.
Steam ID: Good Life
Now, I thought I heard it was the BGA slightly warping a bit causing red rings. Also they might not have as many problems because less heat = less issues. I have to disagree with you there antibodies on the cooling issue. Pushing cool air over the console can only assist the removal of heat.(the nyko fan is lol worthy though) They just need to move that damned air inside the console. I had an engineer explain this to me like this-- Air not moving at 0degrees F will still burn up components, but air moving around at 90degrees F will allow that same component to survive. For as loud as the sonnavabitch dvd drive is, They might as well had a smaller, noisy fan go inside as well.
I wonder if MS even did a MTBF test.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
I disagree!
*drives off*
Phonetically, you're right. Dunno about grammar, though.
Say "a xbox" outloud. If you are a native English speaker, it should sound weird. Now say "an Xbox." Sounds much better, right?
A lot of abbreviations when they are pronounced use an instead of a.
According to Microsoft's home page, it's an XBox (360), even if that isn't grammatically correct (it does indeed sound right though).
I'm done. Anyway, yes, get a 360.
what I did was bought a 360 and no games, borrowed some games, and instead of getting new wii or ds games, I'm using this time to actually play some gcn, gba, and older ds games I still haven't beaten. It's great because I'm enjoying what I've missed but also allowing myself to get really excited about new stuff that I haven't gotten yet... this beats my normal rushing out, buying what I want, and not playing it right away anyway.
Hooray forh te grammar nazis.