Man, it's been a while since I last came here... probably well over a year. Not like I was much active on the short time I was here in the first place. However, I always wanted to come back here, and participate more actively. I finally bought myself a tablet, which I should have done ages ago, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to give this place a second shot.
Obvioulsy, this isn't just a "Hai guys" thread. I'm trying out the tablet for the first time ever, and it's been lots of fun. Something seems off though... The legs, proportion, angling... something's off.
Help me out, guys. I don't care if you shit on my drawing, but tell me what's wrong with it.
Oh, and if you can help me get started on the shadows, I'd really appreciate that as well. Not used to drawing such angled light sources like this one.
Also the angle of his inner arm would make his hand visible I think, or at least part of his wrist if it's tucked in.
Thanks for the advice, I'll mess around a little more.
Tell me, does drawing horizontal lines with a tablet ever get easier? On paper I always shift it around....
Also woo Harlock yeah woo awesome.
Gimme a break, I've never ever used a tablet before.
He isn't making fun of you. He is trying to help...
The drawing is bad and you should feel bad!!!
I know that, I'm not seriously complaining. And I wasn't serious about the thread title, just being facetious. Relax.
I will give the shadows a shot, I've just been extremely busy these past few days.
This is very hard for me to put into words, vice drawing it out to show you, but I will do my best.
With regards to cloak, I find the design to be somewhat awkward, especially considering that the hand is supposed to be beneath that little flap you have there. The overlapping flap of the cloak over the man's left arm seems nonexistent over the right arm, and the percieved lack of symmetry resulting is quite an eye sore. Now, if I'm wronge and that isn't an overlapping piece, but rather the cloak itself that's folded over the arm, then you need to reaximine the flow the accessorie and add/change the parts of the outline to give it a more natural shape. Right now it looks like some one took some scissors and carved out a tetris shape. Also, with regards to the hand, it would help to apply proper shading and widening the bulge to indicate their is an object (hand) underneath, and the degree of doing is dependant on the desired thickness or weight of the frabric and how closely pressed it is againts the arm.
"I was born; six gun in my hand; behind the gun; I make my final stand"~Bad Company
His feet look a bit small for your average male.