For a good 6 months I've been running a Wireless N network using a WRT350N, which I now know has its own set of issues... Anyways... Up until about a month or so ago my N and G devices would coexist on the network without any issues what so ever.... Up until recently... My Wireless G device works fantasticly, however my Wireless N device speeds, which used to be an average between 130 and 230mbps now average between 1 and 36 mbps, nothing has changed, it just *poof* dropped to a much lower connection speed....
Now, to make matter worse a couple nights ago there was a power failure, which as it turns out affect the router, it ALMOST bricked it, Linksys tech upport walked me through a process which forced a newer firmware on to the router, and allows me to reset everything, but now the only isue I have is this wretched instability in speeds.....
Anyone have any thoughts? I've research N and G coexisting and from personal experience I know they don't slow each other down, but I should still see some higher speeds, and I'm not..... This is becoming very frustrating as my Media Center PC is where I stream music/videos and perform 90% of all downloads, so fluctuating speeds are not fun....