Last night my net stopped working. The router seemed fine, the modem showed all green lights but nothing could connect.
This morning SOME things work. Like I can access this site and a few others (but only a few!) and things like MSN, AIM, and WoW don't work or have pings of 5200ms.
Anyone have any idea what could be up? The other computer that is connected to the line is also acting really slow so I know it's not my computer.
I'll try restarting the computer, though.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
but you did power cycle it, right? unplug it, wait 5 minutes, plug it in, wait for all lights to go green, etc?
Power cycle a modem and/or router for 10 seconds is more than adequate 99.9% of the time.
You can also try clearing the DNS cache on the computer manually by going to a command prompt (Start>Run "CMD") and typing "ipconfig /flushdns".
I'm at school, ATM, so I can't test it anymore. I'll try when I get home in about 3 hours.
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
to the op: there are several places your dns could be cached: the modem, the router, the individual computers. both computers may be effected, as they both have old dns tables. cycling everything, and/or doing flushdns will fix all of this almost all of the time.