Welcome Soldier!
As you are well aware, the lands have been decimated by brutal terrorists and are now threatening civilization as we know it. It is up to you to save us from complete annihilation.
Worry not, for you will have help.
The Drone
You will have access to the most sophisticated battle drone ever created. It has a variety of settings which may be purchased, and we'll go into that later. Note that they become more powerful the more that they are used.
Attack - Default setting. Drone attacks same direction as you do.
Defend - Drone sits behind you and attacks enemies.
Collect - Drone collects GEOMs, which will explained later.
Snipe - The drone will us its newly developed BEAM weapon to attack high priority targets.
Sweep - The drone will continually rotate around your ship protecting you from nearby enemies.
Ram - The drone wanders around your ship and attacks nearby enemies by ramming into them.
Turret - Deploy the drone as a sentry gun and let it attack enemies within a 360 degree arc.
Bait - The drone will act like another ship and draw away enemies allowing you to destroy them.
The Enemies
There are an endless supply of these euclidean beasts, so pay attention as we will document each of them.
Wanderer - He will travel randomly around space, however they travel in murderous packs.
Grunt - These guys are slow, but will hunt you down mercilessly.
Weaver - These guys will attack you, but they are cowards and will shy away from any confrontation.
Spinner - These guys have nothing to lose and will head straight for you.
Tiny Spinner - After you destroy a Spinner, these will be released in a last-ditch effort to take you down.
Gravity Well - These will suck up any enemy that dares to get close, and they get stronger the more they eat. Be sure to attack them before they get to big...
Proton - Should you let a Gravity Well explode, a horde of these will fly out chasing you at a high speed.
Snake - Little is known about these hypergalactic beasts, however their head is their weak spot.
Repulsor - These will track you down and deflect any shots that happen to come their way. Try to get them when they change angles.
Mayfly - These troublemakers hang out in enormous packs and will overcome you if you are not wary.
UFO - These mysterious creatures will help you along your journey, however they appear randomly and disappear just as quickly.
Generator - A new technology that allows hordes of enemies to be teleported into the battle.
Dart - These fellows will travel in odd patterns in order to get to you.
Mutator - Grabs nearby enemies and mutates them into Mutated. They also like to hide in Cell Masses.
Mutated - Come from enemies mutated by a Mutator. Speedy as hell and come right for you. They suck.
Black Hole - Basically suck everything on the screen towards it. It also likes to change directions of the pull making it tough to avoid enemies sometimes.
Asteroids - Still haven't seen these.
Cell Mass - Grow quickly and never really go away no matter how much you destroy them.
Neutron - Kinda like a Mutated in that they are fast and come right for you, but probably not quite as quick, however they travel in packs.
NUFO - Travel in large packs and are worth lots of points. Travel from off one side of the field, through it, then off the other.
Wormhole - Beats me... still haven't seen one.
Meteor - Come in packs from offscreen. Sometimes in two or more directions at once.
Mine Layer - Travel slowly and randomly around the screen, laying down mines. You can touch these and they will blow up themselves, any nearby enemies and any nearby mines. The more enemies you kill the more points you get. (Well into the millions quite often)
Flipper (olol tetris) - I unno.
Here is where the GEOMs come into play. Each enemy will drop a GEOM for you to collect. These GEOMs are used as currency to unlock different planets and galaxies, as well as different modes for your Drone.
Triangle GEOM - 10 Geoms
Diamond GEOM - 20 Geoms
Small Cross GEOM - 50 GeomsBig Cross Geom - 100 Geoms
There are a number of different galaxies that may be unlocked with GEOMs, as well as a number of planets. Each planet has a different gametype as well as a separate high score list which can be checked against online leaderboards.
There are 3 different modes of multiplayer:
Fully co-op Retro Evolved; score, lives, bombs, one screen. Got to be easier to get a big score?
Different to DS mode of the same name. Compete against your friends in the Retro Evolved game, separate score, lives and bombs.
Galaxies Co-op Solar System
The big one, an entire co-op solar system just for you and a friend! Contains ten specially crafted co-op battles. There’s Geoms, there’s medals to reach and unique to multiplayer…..online high scores for each battle. Look out for the highest Gold medal target in the whole game….500,000,000!
Every time you collect a GEOM the score multiplier is added by one. This means that you will get more points for each enemy you kill. Take note that the multiplier tops out at x150. If you are destroyed the multiplier goes back to zero.
Check your scores to see how you've done against the world or just people on your friends list. Also, this is the only online aspect of the game.
DS Connectivity
You can send Retro Evolved to a nearby DS to play it in portable form. You can also unlock content if you purchase the DS version of the game and connect them up.
InfoRelease Dates - Ship dates listed
Wii - Nov 20 (US), Nov 30 (AUS), Jan 18 (EUR)
DS - Nov 27 (US), Dec 15 (AUS), Jan (EUR)
Developers - Kuju Surrey / Bizarre Creations
Publisher - Sierra Entertainment
Platforms - Wii and DS
Genre - Shooter
ESRB Rating - E for Everyone (no descriptors)
MSRP - $39.99 (Wii) and $29.99 (DS)
Check these out maggot:
Official Website -
Developer Blog -
IGN Page -
Gamespot Page -
(If you need this post for anything, I'll delete)
Geometry Wars: Galaxies, Wii - £19.99 delivered
£20 is a nice price too.
As a HUGE fan of the XBox Arcade game... the controls felt floaty... which is quite unacceptable in this game.
But, I still have high hopes for the DS version.
It is classic controller compatible, if you have one.
I only have the PC version on Steam, and I quite like it. I want the Wii version badly.
My Backloggery
I was doing the same waiting thing, but nobody did it. I tried to make gert write a fanfic for the OP but he wasn't drunk enough.
This is one game I saw at pax, tried and it really captured my mind. Now how the hell can I afford all these super awesome games? (i'm waaayy behind in purchases)
edit: great thread title, btw
It is the new poster boy for why NOT to do videogame ads.
Because it would be ignored from all the FPS people.
But really, it's probably because it originated on the 360, and this opens them up to a larger market. Put it on the 360, and people will be like "I already own the Arcade version, why would I need this one?" But put it on another system, people will be like "I heard this game was good on the 360..."
Tell me you haven't seen this trailer. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ow4j7Bi01Kk
I've heard that yes, it does. I'll go check it out in a few minutes and report back.
Edit - Nope, it doesn't.
I literally looked at the release date, realized that the game had already come out, and went "WHAT THE FUCK NOVEMBER JESUS". I already have to buy Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect for the 360, Unreal Tournament, the Witcher and Crysis for PC, and now it's Zack and Wiki, Super Mario Galaxy, Trauma Center 2 and Geometry Wars Galaxies? AND I HAVE FINALS AND ITS HOLIDAY HOURS AT MY JOB NOW COME ON NOVEMBER THIS ISNT FAIR
If I don't get either of these on Christmas, well.........fuck.
Anyway, I've added this thread to the NWC thread's OP. (Yes, it's still going.)
Spoiler contains Friend Codes. Won't you be my friend?
More Friend Codes!
Mario Kart Wii: 3136-6982-0286 Tetris Party: 2364 1569 4310
Guitar Hero: Metallica: 1032 7229 7191
TATSUNOKO VS CAPCOM: 1935-2070-9123
Nintendo DS:
Worms: Open Warfare 2: 1418-7870-1606 Space Bust-a-Move: 017398 403043
Scribblenauts: 1290-7509-5558
how does it look? i remember being quite impressed when i saw it at pax.
i'd ask how it plays but i'm guessing not too differently from retro evolved
I thought it looked pretty much the same as the version I bought on steam, however in some of the reviews they mention that it doesn't look as good as the 360 ver which I've never played, so.. who knows. My only real complaint was that when I first started playing I kept freaking out about my drone and either kept trying to kill it or run away from it. Then again, I have been playing on a really old and shitty television, so maybe that could be the problem.
Also, it seems to play just fine with the Classic Controller. It feels a little bit weird playing with the wiimote and the nunchuck, but maybe I was just too close or it takes time getting used to.
To quote the devs "No one uses gamecube controllers anymore."
It has something to do with Sierra publishing Galaxies, and Microsoft having exclusive publishing rights on the 360 for Geometry Wars titles. I'm not sure all the specifics, just vague recollections from talking with the developers at PAX.
Still the game itself is awesome, but it does make me miss using the 360 controller.
(along with Trauma Center 2, Ghost Squad, REUC, MOHH2, and play my unopened copy of Mario Galaxy)
Fucking final exams.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
I just looked at this. This makes me even more afraid of advertisements. ohh CO-OP play! Yep. I know I need it now. Probably after this term( Stupid college and their weird terms) ends I'll go snag it to maintain my sanity.
The version on Steam is just Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved. The Wii version has 15 new enemies or so as well as about 30-40 different game modes and coop and online leaderboards and etc etc. It also includes Retro Evolved for shiggles.
oh cool thanks for letting me know
But who.......?
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch