On the 26th of April 1986 at 01:23:40 AM reactor number four at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded. Further explosions and the resulting fire sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere. The plume drifted across the globe, resulting in the evacuation and resettlement of over 336,000 people. According to official post-Soviet data, about 60% of the radioactive fallout landed in
The following Phalla begins at 05:38:18 AM, roughly four hours after the initial explosions, in a small village located in the barren southern region of the Homiel Voblast, a province of Belarus. All communications both in and out of the village have been abruptly severed, and a mass panic has flooded the streets.
Signups begin now. The game begins at a designated time after the signups have been filled. For all intents and purposes this is a classic phalla, however no mechanics will be revealed until the end of the game. Deaths will partially reveal roles.
Sharing role PMs or using a role PM to verify someone will result in instant death.
MSPaint faggotry will result in instant death.
Excessive post-mortem posting will result in instant death of a teammate.
01. Rend - Freedom Fighter killed by the Village Night 302. Oatway - KGB Operative Squad Leader killed by the village Night 103. Obbi - Villager killed by KGB Operatives Night 204. Infidel - Villager killed by the village Night 105. Valkun - Peeping Vladimir killed by Freedom Fighters Night 206. Shamus - KGB Operative killed by Freedom Fighters Night 107. Zot - Villager killed by Freedom Fighters Night 308. Mr. Embarkation - Villager killed by the village Night 209. Whod - Freedom Fighter killed by KGB Operatives Night 410. Digger Dude - Villager killed by KGB Operatives and Freedom Fighters Night 1
11. Zellpher
12. zanmatto - Villager killed by KGB Operatives and Freedom Fighters Night 3
13. Last Son
14. visiblehowl - Villager killed by Freedom Fighters Night 415. Qorzm - Villager killed by KGB Operatives and Freedom Fighters Night 2
16. El Skid
17. freeagent - Villager killed by KGB Operatives Night 118. TehSpectre - Villager killed by the village Night 4
19. evilbob
20. Raakam - Peeping Vladimir killed by Freedom Fighters Night 4
01. Hylianbunny
02. durax
Day 0 NarrationDay 1 Narration
Drez is dead, I'm assuming.
For Mother Russia!
I shall !sign up so as to better mock your incompetence!
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
Whew... that was close.
EDIT: I would also like to note that if Pretentious gets in, both he and Zot are fucked.
I thought about passing this one up, but the premise is just too awesome.
they don't it be like it is but it do
!reserve in case you need another one.
Exactly one hour ago, three hours after the Chernobyl Incident, a second set of explosions ripped through Southern Belarus. It was almost as if there was a second meltdown. The streets shook, houses tipped off their foundations, car alarms went off as glass everywhere shattered. And then there was nothing. No birds chirping, no wind blowing through the trees, no street lights, no stars, nothing. Silence. Silence and darkness.
All you could see was a dark orange glow on the horizon, it was almost serene.
But then came the screams, the chaos, the panic. What happened here?
Day 1 begins now and will end Tuesday at 9:00PM EST. Every day after that will also end at 9:00PM EST.
Role PMs have been sent, if you did not recieve one, look below:
Villager Role PM
Mr. E. your house is just hidden under a layer.
Phew! I thought I lost everything for a second there.
Communist safety standards? Err, I mean. Those capitalist whores have obviously sent spies to great mother Ukraine and we feel now their spiteful and malicious ways.
While they were drinking vodka they were mutated from the radiation and are now vodka sludge mutants.
Da! Comrades, we must crush the capitalist dogs once and for all! This has been the last sabotage to great Mother Russia's fine workmanship that we will endure.