speaking of which 2girls1cup has made its rounds in my town
my entire government class was talking about it
guys the internet is so mainstream it isn't cool anymore
we started watching 2girls1cup in my Human Sexuality class after the teacher asked everyone what sites they go to for porn. It was projected onto the wall, 5x5 feet.
speaking of which 2girls1cup has made its rounds in my town
my entire government class was talking about it
guys the internet is so mainstream it isn't cool anymore
we started watching 2girls1cup in my Human Sexuality class after the teacher asked everyone what sites they go to for porn. It was projected onto the wall, 5x5 feet.
speaking of which 2girls1cup has made its rounds in my town
my entire government class was talking about it
guys the internet is so mainstream it isn't cool anymore
we started watching 2girls1cup in my Human Sexuality class after the teacher asked everyone what sites they go to for porn. It was projected onto the wall, 5x5 feet.
Tell us of their reactions
Janin on
Tossrocktoo weird to livetoo rare to dieRegistered Userregular
I was cracking up histerically as soon as the too-curious typed the URL in. I told everyone they'll wish they hadn't. The teacher came up to me and asked what happens. I started saying the word "scat" and he started laughing and rushing to the computer to turn it off.
he closed it just as
asses started erupting
he laughed, though. And i'm happy enough knowing that everyone in the class went home and mistakenly watched it
Futore on
#pipeCocky Stride, Musky odoursPope of Chili TownRegistered Userregular
Oh ok. From Teefs' reply, I wasn't quite sure what you meant.
You're nothing without me
You know, I don't remember this, but this is something I know I would do, so I believe you.
No, he's not
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
we don't really do sundaes much down here.
Only at 31 flavours.
and if I go to 31 flavours I just buy a pint of Peanut Butter and Chocolate.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
did I ever draw you sleeping in some Ice Cream
yeah I remember it was when I drew a bunch of people dreaming.
I am viewing SE++.
And news on TV. But they are not particularly interesting.
The player that conquers the most countries in sixty seconds, wins!
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
You sure did. it's great
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I never did Ori's.
It was just going to be Mustache Fields Forever.
he knows the truth.
sooo much love in this thread.
De-lurking from this thread to request you post this.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
supersoak that ho
speaking of which 2girls1cup has made its rounds in my town
my entire government class was talking about it
guys the internet is so mainstream it isn't cool anymore
Isn't it fuckawesome?
because i think the one back home is still there.
Well I'm off to 31 flavours.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
we started watching 2girls1cup in my Human Sexuality class after the teacher asked everyone what sites they go to for porn. It was projected onto the wall, 5x5 feet.
that's brilliant.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Tell us of their reactions
he closed it just as
he laughed, though. And i'm happy enough knowing that everyone in the class went home and mistakenly watched it
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I would never shut up
Meiss are you reading the Bible get out that Hustler
wait fuck
I just looked that up on urbandictionary
that is ridic, doggs
it would be in a place with a lot of beds (like, 7 + 2 couches), no cable, no internet, 1 bathroom, and immediate beach access
i don't know why i'm even posting this
i'll just forget about it in a week
i think i could count on sotar to come