I've just been given a macbook that belonged to a family member, and been told "its not working, you are good with computers (PC's!) fix it". Having no idea how to do so, I reckoned I would take my chances here.
This macbook to my knowledge has spent most of its time plugged in, very rarely having to rely on the battery for a power source, a few minutes at most. It has for a while, been giving inaccurate readings about how charged the battery is (Running out of power while it claimed 40% battery life remained), however it has now stopped charging altogether, instantly going into standby the moment the power lead is disconnected. is this a case of inaccurate readings about how much life is really, or is the battery pretty much screwed? Even now, its giving completely off the wall readings, claiming 2% battery life one minute, 66% the next.
I reckoned my first step to fixing this would be try to update all the software on the computer, on the off-chance that it could be a firmware issue, only to find I don't have the password for the keychain. They claim that they have used the same password in everything (It works for the "Login" keychain) but every time I try to use it for any other keychain "Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates" , "FileVaultMaster", "System", "X509Anchors" and "System" (A second one) it simply says my password is incorrect. Is there any way of finding that master password again, or should I be phoning apple?
Thanks for all your help, forgive my newbiness with the machine, I only ever use it to play WoW, and if this should have been in the "Stupid Technology Forum" I apologise.
And about the second question, google up how to set up a root account through the Terminal and/or safe mode. Then you can create a new account and give it admin rights, and/or reset the master password
That is a common recommended apple fix.
Maybe you are right, as I said I don't use this laptop much... its the password that the laptop asks for whenever I try to install anything. I only guessed it was something to do with Keychain...
Thanks for the input given so far, ye have been great help.
1. First insert the disk and restart the machine holding down the “C†key on your keyboard.
2. Select the appropriate language from the list.
3. At the Welcome screen, click on the Utilities menu from the drop down bar and select Reset Password Utility.
4. In the top window, select your hard drive from the list of drives.
5. From the drop down menu, select the appropriate user.
6. Type the new password and confirm it.
7. Create a password hint if desired.
8. Click on Save.
9. Click OK on the keychain screen.
10. Close the Reset Password Utility and restart the machine.
Called Apple, they sent over a replacement two days later. Still under warranty, since I sprang for the three year.
About the only thing you can do, as mentioned, is replace the batteries. If you aren't going to be using the batteries at all it's probably a better idea to not install them, although leaving a lithium battery in storage can also damage it, albeit less than keeping it constantly charged.