-Campaign focuses on Nathan Hale in the USA, 1 player only.
-Separate story based campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online co-operatively
-Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people, lobbies for individual squads, clan support, party support.
-Classes for online, Heavy, Special Ops, Medic and others. Weapon loadouts, ammo, armour etc changes.
-New vehicles including Chameleon (Stalker with cloak)
-Partial randomized geometry. Maps are much larger however are not as spread out. Focussing on choke points rather than random wandering around.
-Deep stat tracking (think Halo 3 bnet stat tracking)
I must say I am excited. the 60 player multiplayer doesnt bother me, resistance wasnt fun with 40. its the 8 player online co-op which sounds redonkulous, i hope its awesome.
how the holy fuck do insomniac churn these games out so quick. oh wait i just got it...
Source is Gameinformer.
Scans wont be posted but I hear the ps3forums have them. Though I'd advise reading there and buying the magazine, posters on those boards are on a different plane of retardation.
I'm so on the fence about Resistance 1. I really want it but I'm worried I won't play it as I'm now splitting my time between Warhawk, Unreal Tournament and CoD4. Oh and Burnout and Culdecept Saga will soon be eating into my gaming time too.
I guess I kinda feel like buying Resistance 1 at this point I'd be majorly late to the party, and getting in at the tale end of the game's multiplayer life.
Ya know, it's a fun game and the single player (in my opinion) is quite worth the play through. It's got some really cool bits and the story is cool to boot. People are still playing it online fairly often too, even for a game that's more than a year old. I think all the new PS3 owners are only just getting into the games since I've seen an influx of newbs in both Warhawk and Motorstorm (for obvious reasons).
I dunno, just get it when the price drops.
Great story, cool weapons, smart enemies, and very good pacing. Long as hell, too. It felt 'smart' (maybe it was just the accent of the narrator) but the story was very compelling for me.
Do not pass on the game because it is old and because you are playing COD4 - VERY different game. 100% worthwhile to play.
Plus you'll be ready for Resistance 2 when it comes (story-wise).
I'll have to say the exact opposite. If you can pick it up cheap, go for it... Otherwise the FPS games out now blow this one out of the water. Here's hopin' 2 is on par with Bioshock/Halo/CoD4.
I guess it is just a ploy to sell more games and more systems.
Anyways, I like it when developers go big in the face of adversity. Look what CoD4 and the Orange Box did to Halo 3, now let's see if R2 can do the same to the last crop.
I'll give this a shot even though I didn't really rike Resistance that much as I do really appreciate grand jestures and pushing the limits.
I'm super excited for R2. Super excited. I'll finally need to buy a PS3.
Namely in that less system resources are going to be used on AI, scripted events and in a lot of cases, graphical resources.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one, I didn't enjoy the first one so much but I have high expectations of this.
PSN = Wicker86 ________ Gamertag = Wicker86
Is it mouse and keyboard enabled?
Sounds like an excuse for a game that can handle 60 player multiplayer.
Anyways, still irks me. Then again, I actually have physical friends who actually enjoy playing on one screen.
Right now we are "living the dream" with Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles.
A bar with four tv's and four Gamecubes, each with a Gameboy Player, connected to a Wii, connected to a projector.
Yes, this amount of hardware invalidates my entire point about playing on one screen, even though we technically are playing on one screen.
We also played a warmup game of Perfect Dark on the projector, and it was fantastic.
Question for other so called experts of the genre: Has there ever been a 4 player splitscreen co-op FPS? I'm really curious now.
I'm the most psyched about this 8 player online campaign. Divorcing co-op from the single player campaign is ballsy and super awesome.
This cover gives me a boner.
Let me send a pack of mutants after you along with making everything around you explode. Screaming is a natural effect of such a pleasant enviroment.
He's not screaming in terror. Nathan looks retarded on that cover in my opinion.
Resistance looked incredible, I just expected more of the same..... but 8 player co-op!? I love you Insomniac.
Adrenaline can make you scream too. And those eyes also boost the screaming chances, he's pbviously more than human.
Long story short... I think the cover looks baddass.
What me and my friend did miss however is online co-op as this was the only way I'd bother tackling the SP campaign. 8 player online co-op? I mean thats built for Game On's.
Screens on that page. My god do they look amazing. I'm so glad I bought a ps3 two weeks ago. I was hesitant, but just...wow, those screens almost make me cry.
Also, one of the best paced single player campaigns I've played in a very long time(with the exception of Uncharted)
The regulars here are pretty tepid on the PS3, obviously, but GAF is full of wankerous pent-up fanboys who fill page after page with Internet meme at a handful of screenshots.
FWIW, I think the online features of R2 are staggering -- online co-op is possibly my favorite regular feature this gen -- but I really don't think the scans are worth the hype. It looks awesome, don't get me wrong, but not really far beyond what we've seen from other games to date. They're just scans, but still, I've long moved past the stage where a still image is all it takes to get me excited about a game.
In R:FoM 1, he got bit by radioactive spiders, so yeah, he is. Although the coloring is different.
As for his screaming, maybe we just caught him mid-yawn, waiting for Home to come out.
I bet that you will see the Statue of Liberty at some point.
The planning could have began before the first game was released. It has happened before.
Well, if Crysis has taught us anything, because not enough people buy them on that format.
I really enjoyed Resistance. The only possible down side to this is having to wait until 2009 for a Ratchet and Clank follow up.
EDIT: This could also really enhance the already impressive sales numbers for Resistance 1.
From what I gather, they have a small team working on their secondary project while the rest of the studio works on their primary project and then when it's released, the secondary becomes the primary and a small team starts work on a new secondary project. So during R&C:ToD's development, a small team worked on Resistance 2 and then when R&C:ToD's development wrapped up, nearly everyone was moved onto Resistance 2's development while a small team started work on Insomniac's next project (probably a new R&C game). This is the seventh consecutive year that they'll be releasing a game, which is insane.
Anyway, I'm a little concerned that the co-op campaign may be a little trivial (as in, the important shit will happen in the single player campaign, while the co-op will just be an afterthought) but otherwise, it sounds fucking amazing.
Btw, what's with the Resistance hate that seems to have been in this thread? It was a really good game, especially for a launch title. It's still boasts the most comprehensive online mode on the PS3.
And this is insomniac we're talking about which is why I believe they can deliver on these promises.