I thought I should share my new basketball comic strips here, since Penny-Arcade kinda inspired them. Now, my comics are obviously geared toward a completely different audience, so I don't know how many of you guys will care, but hopefully some of you will find some humor in them. Let me know what you think of the comics, drawing and humor wise. Also, if you get a chance to check out the site, and you have some basketball knowledge, let me know what you think of the articles.
*image edited by mod*
to understand our rules.
Anyway, if there is a way to delete the thread let me know.
Edit: Done. Thanks for helping me out instead of just locking (what most mods would have done on most forums).
Yes! (Except for that first strip) This is an incredibly good thing, and I should have mentioned it. Seriously!
but it makes me think of the song 99 problems, and now that's stuck in my head
I guess it's a very implied joke...
The joke being that Lebron James was running at 101 mph (with the sweaty exercise clothes and all), and received a ticket despite not being in a car. It's clearly very intelligent humor. :-P
man i've never been one for intelligent humor
i think that's why i could never appreciate garfield
or baby blues
or blondie
or all of those other intelligent people comics i see in the papers.
VERY implied. I didn't get that he wasn't supposed to be in a car, I just thought you decided not to show it.
You know, I'm beginning to think you're right. The first person I showed it to got it right away, but not too many other people have. At first I just thought they were stupid. Oh well. I might get to changing that sometime (Have Lebron saying "Oh come on! I was just jogging!" or something of the sort). Thanks for the response on that.
well that's a relief, i will rest easier tonight sirs, i assure you.
I think they're pretty funny, and I don't follow basketball.
But I'm making an exception, just think it would be funnier if the "pan out" showed him getting pulled over on the actual basketball court. That would be funny to me :P I have a weird sense of humor though.
Hiking Essentials
I was being sarcastic when I called it "intelligent humor," poking fun at myself, not you.
As for the 3rd comic, I've got it figured out and will change it when I have time (there are other comics to work on for now). Thanks for the advice on it though.