This is the thread to discuss particularly memorable dreams you've had lately, or recurring dreams that you just can't get rid of, or anything of that nature.
So, last night. I have this incredibly vivid and completely weird dream involving a girl that I dated for... maybe two weeks last semester and haven't spoken to since we broke it off.
Anyway, in the dream (which takes place in present day, with us being split up), this girl gets pregnant - not by me. But the dude who knocked her up just split and fuckin' left town or something. So for some reason, the first person she comes to is me - and somehow I end up going around with her, helping her buy baby shit a la "Knocked Up," and basically getting ready to be this kid's surrogate father once it's born.
I can't fathom what this means, if anything - I rarely feel that my dreams have any deeper meaning. Still, it was weird as hell (and scary, in a way).
So, what weird, awesome, or exceptionally scary dreams have you guys had?
Then, I got upset when a weird girl at a store told me that she didn't understand why anyone would marry me because of my minor belly pudge.
In the dream, I return in present day to a town which I lived in as a teenager. In the history of the dream, I got married very young, wife got pregnant, and we had a son. Then there was some sort of tragic accident, and they were both killed. Now, in the present day part of the dream, I learn that my dream son is actually still alive, but because my dead dream wife's family never approved of our marriage, they won't ever let me see him and they tell him I am dead like his mother.
In the dream, I felt this indescribable sense of despair and hopelessness.
In real life, I woke up weeping and was depressed most of the day.
A couple weeks ago (the night of January 8, technically about 3 AM Jan 9) I had a dream where we were on choir tour, and decided to go to a farming community where our choir director knew some people. Our bus pulls in to a farm, and we all hang out in the farm house for a while, when this storm starts up. I look outside, and see tornados forming. The sky is turning red and I see all these tornadoes in the distance tearing shit up. We all go downstairs to wait it out. One of the windows in the living room shatters. It gets really, really quiet outside, and there is a big red glow coming in. I stick my head out of the window, and look up, and see this gigantic craft flying overhead. It's shaped roughly like the Hornet or Devastator ships in Master of Orion. This thing is huge though. Like, it looks like something that would be huge for a navy ship, but it's in the air. It blocks out most of the sky. And it is shooting bombs rapid fire out of a turret. From there the dream gets weirder with riding out tour bus into an underground tunnel complex the farmers and their secret society had built because they'd known this was coming. But that isn't the strangest part about this dream...
Fast forward to about a week ago, when I am on my home from work and I hear this story on NPR.
Key things from this story.
Rural community; Red sky; Huge ship "as big as a wal-mart" or about 1 mile by 1/2 mile
And the kicker, the night they all saw it? January 8th. About 8 hours before I had that dream. And there's no way I could have heard about it, because it wasn't even in their newspaper till a couple days later.
I'd told my fiancee and my housemates about the dream the day after I had it, because they like to hear my weird dreams. I played them that NPR story, and they thought it was a pretty fucked up coincidence.